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    ***, i got jailed, listen
    in doom, noobs bring 5 DF's almost everyone dies,
    im dead, beetles dying
    ppl looting my beetle (full of items, cant put anymore)
    about 5kk
    then im paging amdir for help,
    i die,
    he sends me to jail
    i lose all the shit on Me also
    so i lose about 10kk in doom,
    and this is the help i get from admir

    it says, : yes, you can stay 10 days in jail.. + 5 days for every page now
    "btw, i have 20 days"

    I DONT think This iS FaiR, WTF, i lost EVErything and hes like Laughing at me.
    this is bullshit-
    those guys that jacked my shit are surely happy campers
    Ultima modifica di Grom09; 27-08-2006, 22:07.
    msn -

    right now, fooling around with my shard from 2006+
    xd DF!

  • #2


    • #3
      Dude, don't make a sad face, you'll get through this. It's not your fault that you didn't born in Italian family ;/


      • #4
        i've been just jailed for 10days for sayng somethnig bad to GOD and i'm italian
        THE END


        • #5
          Mike > Amdir


          • #6
            i must report the logs of pages?

            First: "help me", my reponse "make a page with question".

            Few second and i read the 2nd page: "Fuck Amdir, shit and a lot of more".
            I go to near Mike and it say "Amdir fucker and a lot of more".

            Mike you are luckly, other situation you are banned.



            • #7
              admir, i never said
              admir fucker,
              i dont swear at ppl, i swear at situations.
              and when u replied to me, u replied in italian, and i had no idea what u said
              damn looters
              msn -

              right now, fooling around with my shard from 2006+
              xd DF!


              • #8
                gm stood in invis and listened ?
                so they like themselves more then freedom of other players ?
                even if he said something against u.. if u was in invis just eat that shit and be a man..


                • #9
                  Originariamente inviato da Amdir
                  i must report the logs of pages?

                  First: "help me", my reponse "make a page with question".

                  Few second and i read the 2nd page: "Fuck Amdir, shit and a lot of more".
                  I go to near Mike and it say "Amdir fucker and a lot of more".

                  Mike you are luckly, other situation you are banned.

                  Im sorry to say this but I dont think mike would have said fucking amdir or something like that to you :\ If he said "Fuck" then "Amdir" it doesnt mean that he said it to you. And even if he had said "Fuck Amdir" it means nothing. If he said it to another player for example to me like "Keffu: Amdir bla hubla babla blyubla" Mike: Fuck Amdir" Then its abuse -_______- But if you show us the logs then well see. I think there has been a mistake in this situation.

                  I didnt mean any offence by this post. This is just how I belive it was. Ahh one more thing makes me wonder. Why did you say "make a page with question" Wouldnt it be just easier and more polite to simply ask "How"? :l
                  Ultima modifica di Keffu; 28-08-2006, 19:01.


                  • #10
                    um, he wasn't invis, he stood by me,
                    saw me die once more,
                    and send me to jail before i could get my body
                    and also, amdir is the guy i always chat with, with other char like after auctions, about scripts and stuff,
                    i wouldn't say that to him..
                    msn -

                    right now, fooling around with my shard from 2006+
                    xd DF!


                    • #11
                      Originariamente inviato da Amdir
                      I go to near Mike
                      I mean VISIBLE, and Mike say "Fuck Amdir".



                      • #12
                        Originariamente inviato da Amdir
                        I mean VISIBLE, and Mike say "Fuck Amdir".

                        Fuck Amdir doesnt mean something like Fuck you.. An Example: "Dude I dropped your totem" -> "Shit man, Wtf bla bla bla?"
                        Example2: "Mike: Keffu I dropped your totem" -> "Keffu: Fuck Mike, bla bla bla.."
                        Its not offencing, it doesnt mean fuck you mike So it seems that this i clearly a misunderstanding again -____-
                        Ps. Log files would clear this whole thing up in a 10secs.
                        Ultima modifica di Keffu; 28-08-2006, 19:09.


                        • #13
                          Originariamente inviato da Remu
                          gm stood in invis and listened ?
                          so they like themselves more then freedom of other players ?
                          even if he said something against u.. if u was in invis just eat that shit and be a man..
                          Ma quand'è che muori?

                          ICQ 280134486


                          • #14
                            Originariamente inviato da Arioch
                            Ma quand'è che muori?
                            English please.


                            • #15
                              With or without ice?

                              ICQ 280134486


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