
Ancora nessun annuncio.

script sposta oggetti

  • Filtro
  • Ora
  • Visualizza
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  • script sposta oggetti

    c.d.t. se potete farmi, o linkarmi uno script che faccia queste cose vi sono grato:

    targetto le cose che voglio spostare
    targetto la cassa, il pet,o la bag dove voglio che vengano spostate
    clikko start e sposti tutte le cose contenute in quel pet, bag,cassa ecc in quel pet cassa o bnackpot specificato.

    praticamente uno script sposta roba.
    (razor nn me lo fa fare)

  • #2
    Questo va bene, non sempre, ma è buono: io lo usavo per spostare 100-120 PoF a botta dal beetle nelle casse. Te lo divido in 7 post

    ; Script Name: RKUltraOrganizer.txt
    ; Author: Roadkill, copyright IAW Roadkill Public License, see
    ; Version: 3.1
    ; Client Tested with: 4.0.3e
    ; EUO version tested with: build 0096
    ; Shard OSI / FS: OSI
    ; Revision Date: 20Aug04
    ; Purpose: find,sort,organize,move, buy items based on type and properties.
    ;Instructions: load it up and hit play. Read the messages, click help button, read.
    ;******configuration: NOTHING REQUIRED! You MAY change the following if needed**
    set %globalvar 888    ;var used with ceofilesystem for saving settings
    set %delay 10         ;increase to 15 or 20 if lag problems during drag/drop
    ;*****DO NOT TOUCH BELOW HERE!*********
    set %version 3.1
    set %firstMenuPass #true
    gosub ReadInTypeLists
    gosub InitializeCheckboxes
    gosub ReadInTemplateArray
    gosub ReadInPropArrays
    gosub ShowEUOMenu1
    event Macro 8 2
    wait 1s
    set %mainpack #backpackid
    set %ignoreBagids #charid , _ , %mainpack
    	if #menubutton <> n/a
    		menu Font Style b
    		gosub menuline EUOLabel1 0 0 red black btnface - status:
    		menu Font Style
    		gosub #menubutton
    		set #menubutton n/a
    		menu Font Style b
    		gosub menuline EUOLabel1 0 0 lime black btnface - status:
    		menu Font Style
    		set #lpc 10
    	wait 10
    	gosub ExclusiveAndOr %EUOCheckBoxANDchecked %EUOCheckBoxORchecked
    goto mainloop
    ;following menu code HIGHLY modified, do NOT open this up with MenuDesigner, it will
    ;overwrite and erase all the functions!
    ;* @name showEUOMenu1
    ;* @ver 1.1 by Roadkill 27May04
    sub showEUOMenu1
    	menu Clear
    	menu Window Title Roadkill's UltraOrganizer ver. %version
    	menu Window Color BtnFace
    	menu Window Size 415 300
    	menu Font Name MS Sans Serif
    	menu Font Size 8
    	menu Font Style b
    	menu Font Color Black
    	menu Font Transparent #false
    	menu Font Align Left
    	menu Text EUOLabel1 0 0 status:
    	menu Font Color Red
    	menu Text status 42 0 Look here for messages! Setup checkboxes then click a button.$
    		+Remember, by default only the last-clicked open bag$is searched,
    		+unless you check box to search all-open.
    	menu Text LastType 366 224 last type
    	menu Shape EUOShape1 164 40 2 181 3 7 1 Yellow 7 Yellow
    	menu Shape EUOShape2 76 40 2 181 3 7 1 Yellow 7 Yellow
    	menu Shape EUOShape3 250 138 165 79 3 7 1 Black 7 Blue
    	menu Shape EUOShape4 0 217 417 2 3 7 1 Yellow 7 Yellow
    	;menu Shape EUOShape5 0 267 417 2 3 7 1 Lime 7 Lime
    	;menu Shape EUOShape6 0 243 417 2 3 7 1 Lime 7 Lime
    	menu Shape EUOShape6 0 242 417 50 3 7 1 Lime 7 Lime
    	;menu Font Style i
    	menu Font Color black
    	;menu Font BGColor gray
    	;menu Text EUOLabel2 0 270 Container Settings: by default, only the last-clicked
    	;	+ open container is searched
    	menu Font Style
    	menu Font BGColor btnFace
    	menu Button Help 342 14 75 25 HELP
    	menu Button IndexItems 342 40 75 21 INDEX items
    	menu Button FindItems 342 60 75 21 FIND items
    	menu Button SetDropSpot 348 80 69 17 Set DropSpot
    	menu Button SortItems 342 97 75 21 SOR&T items
    	menu Button BuyItems 342 118 75 21 BUY items
    	menu Button OpenVendors 250 120 90 19 Open Vendors
    	menu Button GetItemType 290 220 75 21 get ItemType
    	menu Button WTF 2 267 35 20 WTF?
    	menu Font BGColor aqua
    	menu Check EUOCheckBox1 0 42 75 17 %box1checked All Jewelry
    	menu Font BGColor BtnFace
    	menu Check EUOCheckBox2 8 60 59 17 %box2checked rings
    	menu Check EUOCheckBox3 8 76 67 17 %box3checked bracelets
    	menu Font BGColor aqua
    	menu Check EUOCheckBox4 0 94 73 17 %box4checked All Armor
    	menu Font BGColor BtnFace
    	menu Check EUOCheckBox5 8 112 63 17 %box5checked metal
    	menu Check EUOCheckBox6 8 130 63 17 %box6checked leather
    	menu Check EUOCheckBox7 8 148 63 17 %box7checked bone
    	menu Check EUOCheckBox8 8 166 63 17 %box8checked non-Med
    	menu Check EUOCheckBox9 8 182 63 17 %box9checked Med
    	menu Font BGColor aqua
    	menu Check EUOCheckBox10 0 200 71 17 %box10checked Shields
    	menu Check EUOCheckBox11 78 42 85 17 %box11checked All Weapons
    	menu Font BGColor BtnFace
    	menu Check EUOCheckBox12 86 60 69 17 %box12checked Swords
    	menu Check EUOCheckBox13 86 76 69 17 %box13checked Fencing
    	menu Check EUOCheckBox14 86 94 69 17 %box14checked Mace
    	menu Check EUOCheckBox30 86 112 69 17 %box30checked Archery
    	menu Font BGColor aqua
    	menu Check EUOCheckBox15 78 130 85 17 %box15checked All Regeants
    	menu Font BGColor BtnFace
    	menu Check EUOCheckBox16 86 148 75 17 %box16checked Mage Regs
    	menu Check EUOCheckBox17 86 166 77 17 %box17checked Necro Regs
    	menu Font BGColor aqua
    	menu Check EUOCheckBox18 78 182 85 17 %box18checked MageScrolls
    	menu Check EUOCheckBox19 78 200 85 17 %box19checked NecroScrolls
    	menu Check EUOCheckBox20 166 200 81 17 %box20checked Jewels
    	menu Check EUOCheckBox21 168 42 73 17 %box21checked All Fishing
    	menu Font BGColor BtnFace
    	menu Check EUOCheckBox29 176 176 57 17 %box29checked Shells
    	menu Check EUOCheckBox27 176 142 59 17 %box27checked Pillows
    	menu Check EUOCheckBox26 176 126 57 17 %box26checked Skulls
    	menu Check EUOCheckBox25 176 110 57 17 %box25checked Bones
    	menu Check EUOCheckBox22 176 58 71 17 %box22checked BodyParts
    	menu Check EUOCheckBox23 176 76 71 17 %box23checked BarrelParts
    	menu Check EUOCheckBox28 176 158 61 17 %box28checked Globes
    	menu Check EUOCheckBox24 176 92 57 17 %box24checked Shoes
    	menu Check custom 0 220 63 19 %customchecked Custom
    	menu Font BGColor white
    	str lower %EditCustom
    	menu Edit EditCustom 64 220 223 #strres
    	menu set EditCustom #strres
    	;------propfilter section--
    	menu Font BGColor lime
    	menu Check propfilter 0 244 71 23 %propfilterchecked use Prop Filter
    	menu Font BGColor white
    	menu font size 8
    	menu Combo Create ComboBoxProp1 70 244 129
    	gosub PopulateComboBox ComboBoxProp1 proplist 0 %proplisttotal
    	menu set ComboBoxProp1 %prop1
    	menu Combo Create ComboBoxProp2 288 244 129
    	gosub PopulateComboBox ComboBoxProp2 proplist 0 %proplisttotal
    	menu set ComboBoxProp2 %prop2
    	menu font size 8
    	menu Font BGColor teal
    	menu Check EUOCheckBoxAND 200 246 43 17 %EUOCheckBoxANDchecked AND
    	menu Font BGColor lime
    	menu Check EUOCheckBoxOR 244 246 43 17 %EUOCheckBoxORchecked OR
    	menu font BGColor white
    	menu Edit EuoEditCustomProp1 50 267 90 customprop1
    	menu Edit EuoEditCustomProp2 250 267 90 customprop2
    	menu Edit EuoEditNumProp1 185 267 30
    	menu Edit EuoEditNumProp2 380 267 30
    	menu combo create ComboBoxEvalProp1 140 267 40
    		menu combo add ComboBoxEvalProp1 all
    		menu combo add ComboBoxEvalProp1 >=
    		menu combo add ComboBoxEvalProp1 <=
    	menu combo create ComboBoxEvalProp2 340 267 40
    		menu combo add ComboBoxEvalProp2 all
    		menu combo add ComboBoxEvalProp2 >=
    		menu combo add ComboBoxEvalProp2 <=
    	;--------save/load section-----
    	menu Font BGColor BtnFace
    	menu Button SaveSetting 256 142 63 45 Save Setting
    	menu Button LoadSetting 256 188 63 25 Load Setting
    	menu Font BGColor white
    	menu Combo Create EUOComboBoxLoad 320 190 91
    	if %lasttemplate >= 2
    		gosub PopulateComboBox EUOComboBoxLoad templatename 2 %lasttemplate
    	menu Combo Create EUOComboBoxSave 320 164 91
    	gosub PopulateComboBox EUOComboBoxSave templatename 1 %lasttemplate
    	menu Edit EUOEditSave 320 142 91 new names here
    	menu Font BGColor purple
    ;	menu Check EUOCheckBoxAll 250 122 73 17 %EUOCheckBoxAllchecked ALL items!
    	menu Check EUOCheckBoxAll 0 15 42 27 %EUOCheckBoxAllchecked ALL!
    	;----test section for moving container checkboxes up----
    	menu Font BGColor BtnFace
    	;menu Check EUOCheckBoxSearchAll 0 284 158 13 %EUOCheckBoxSearchAllchecked
    	;	+ Search All Open Containers
    	;menu Check EUOCheckBoxIgnoreWorn 170 284 183 13 %EUOCheckBoxIgnoreWornchecked
    	;	+ Ignore items in mainpack or worn
    	menu Font Style i
    		menu Font Color black
    		menu Font BGColor gray
    		menu Text EUOLabel2 250 42 Container Settings:
    		menu Font Style
    	menu Check EUOCheckBoxSearchAll 250 56 90 30 %EUOCheckBoxSearchAllchecked
    		+ search all open contnrs
    	menu Check EUOCheckBoxIgnoreWorn 250 87 90 34 %EUOCheckBoxIgnoreWornchecked
    		+ Ignore items in mainpack or worn
    	menu Font BGColor btnFace
    	menu Shape EUOShape7 248 42 2 175 3 7 1 Yellow 7 Yellow
    	if %firstMenuPass
    		set #menubutton n/a
    		menu select ComboBoxEvalProp1 1
    		menu select ComboBoxEvalProp2 1
    		menu Show 421 270
    	set %firstMenuPass #false
    ;* @name ReadInTypeLists
    ;* @credits: 40% of lists courtesy of CEO. Lists presented here in broken out
    ;*	format so users can understand them and make use of them if desired.
    sub ReadInTypeLists
    	set %containertypes _CKF_LKF_ZJF_JIF_HIF_KIF_IIF_CUD_HKF_VMF_BUD_KUD_
    	set %ringtypes _lwl_ujg_
    	set %bracelettypes _cwl_ijg_
    	set %jewelrytypes %ringtypes , %bracelettypes
    	set %mageregtypes _KUF_JUF_KZF_JZF_MZF_WZF_RZF_SZF_
    	set %necroregtypes _NZF_DUF_TZF_UZF_YZF_IUF_
    	set %regtypes %mageregtypes , %necroregtypes
    	set %jeweltypes _HVF_UVF_FVF_EVF_OVF_VUF_GVF_RVF_BVF_
    	set %necroscrolltypes _kym_pym_sym_tym_wym_
    	set %mageryscrolltypes _AUL_BUL_cul_dul_EUL_FUL_GUL_hul_iul_JUL_KUL_LUL_MUL_nul_oul_PUL_
    	set %shelltypes _xwf_lxf_ywf_zwf_gxf_jxf_mxf_axf_kxf_
    	set %skulltypes _rck_mck_sck_
    	set %bodyparttypes _hwk_kwk_pwk_iwk_mwk_dwk_vvk_
    	set %bonetypes _fjk_xik_djk_zik_bjk_kjk_yik_ajk_
    	set %pillowtypes _ooh_moh_noh_aoh_boh_coh_loh_hoh_koh_ioh_znh_
    	set %barrelparttypes _xsl_dtl_ysl_btl_etl_
    	set %globetypes _xbg_icg_
    	set %fishtypes _FQD_GQD_DQD_EQD_
    	set %fishsteaktypes _IND_
    	set %shoetypes _QVI_CWI_TVI_AWI_PVI_NVI_ZVI_OVI_


    • #3
      	set %bonearmortypes _zph_yph____wph_pph__bqh_qph__vph__xph_cqh_aqh_
      	set %leatherarmortypes _njl_qjl__jkh__qkh_dlh__hkh_pkh__skh_kkh__vkh_elh_
      	set %studdedarmortypes __alh_ulh_llh__ykh_glh__xkh_flh__rlh_mlh_
      	set %otherLeatherarmortypes _atk_zsk_osk_nsk_usk_ssk_rsk_qsk_psk_ysk_
      	set %tailorableTypes %bonearmortypes , %leatherarmortypes , %studdedarmortypes ,
      		+ %otherLeatherarmortypes
      	set %nonmedHelmetTypes _DSH_ASH_TSH_ESH_YPH_GSH_OSH_ZPH_ZRH_IWL_CSH_
      	set %helmetTypes %medHelmetTypes , %nonmedHelmetTypes
      	set %medGorgotTypes _JKH_RJG_SJG_FJG_MWL_
      	set %nonmedGorgotTypes _NSH_ALH_
      	set %GorgotTypes %nonmedGorgotTypes , %medGorgotTypes
      	set %medArmTypes _HKH_PKH_
      	set %nonmedArmTypes _BQH_JSH_XLH_GLH_MSH_YLH_QPH_YKH_DLO_
      	set %armTypes %medArmTypes , %nonmedArmTypes
      	set %medTunicTypes _QKH_DLH_
      	set %nonmedTunicTypes _HSH_ULH_LLH_ZOH_IKH_VLH_KSH_WLH_WPH_PKO_PPH_RSK_
      	set %femaleMedTunicTypes _ATK_ZSK_OSK_NSK_
      	set %femaleNonMedTunicTypes _USK_SSK_MSK_TSK_LSK_
      	set %TunicTypes %medTunicTypes , %nonmedTunicTypes , %femaleMedTunicTypes , %femaleNonMedTunicTypes
      	set %medGloveTypes _KKH_SKH_WTO_
      	set %nonmedGloveTypes _VPH_ISH_AQH_BMH_USH_XKH_FLH_KMH_RKO_
      	set %GloveTypes %medGloveTypes , %nonmedGloveTypes
      	set %medLeggingTypes _VKH_ELH_
      	set %nonmedLeggingTypes _HMH_LSH_IMH_CQH_WSH_APH_MLH_RLH_NKH_XPH_NKO_
      	set %femaleMedLeggingTypes _QSK_YSK_PSK_
      	set %leggingTypes %medLeggingTypes , %nonmedLeggingTypes , %femaleMedLeggingTypes
      	set %swordtypes _asf_hnf_fmh_cnf_lsf_nsf_isf_smh_rmh_csf_zrf_mph_lph_
      	set %fencingtypes _aqf_ppf_tsf_wsf_buo_vpo_wpo_wrh_vrh_xrh_yrh_ltf_mtf_opo_rrh_cuo_
      	set %macetypes _pmh_gmh_zpf_cqf_fff_rpf_trh_ysf_xsf_fbg_vth_auh_zth_uoh_voh
      	set %bowtypes _WOH_TOH_QPO_SPO_
      	set %rhandbowtypes _WOH_TOH_JSF_USF_LMH_MMH_
      	set %lhandbowtypes _QPO_SPO_PPO_RPO_
      	set %xbowtypes _JSF_USF_LMH_MMH_PPO_RPO_
      	;----checkbox type settings---------
      	set %box1types %jewelrytypes
      	set %box2types %ringtypes
      	set %box3types %bracelettypes
      	set %box4types %helmetTypes , %gorgotTypes , %armtypes , %tunictypes , %glovetypes , %leggingtypes
      	set %box6types %leatherarmortypes , %studdedarmortypes , %otherLeatherarmortypes
      	set %box7types %bonearmortypes
      	set %box8types %nonmedHelmetTypes , %nonmedGorgotTypes , %nonmedArmTypes ,
      	+ %nonmedTunicTypes , %femaleNonMedTunicTypes , %nonmedGloveTypes , %nonmedLeggingTypes
      	set %box9types %medhelmettypes , %medGorgotTypes , %medArmTypes ,
      	+ %medTunicTypes , %femaleMedTunicTypes , %medGloveTypes , %medLeggingTypes ,
      	+ %femaleMedLeggingTypes
      	set %box10types %shieldtypes
      	set %box11types %unkweapontypes , %swordtypes , %fencingtypes , %macetypes , %bowtypes , %xbowtypes
      	set %box12types %swordtypes
      	set %box13types %fencingtypes
      	set %box14types %macetypes
      	set %box15types %regtypes
      	set %box16types %mageregtypes
      	set %box17types %necroregtypes
      	set %box18types %mageryscrolltypes
      	set %box19types %necroscrolltypes
      	set %box20types %jeweltypes
      	set %box21types %bodyparttypes , %barrelparttypes , %shoetypes , %bonetypes ,
      		+ %skulltypes , %pillowtypes , %globetypes , %shelltypes
      	set %box22types %bodyparttypes
      	set %box23types %barrelparttypes
      	set %box24types %shoetypes
      	set %box25types %bonetypes
      	set %box26types %skulltypes
      	set %box27types %pillowtypes
      	set %box28types %globetypes
      	set %box29types %shelltypes
      	set %box30types %bowtypes , %xbowtypes
      	set %totalCheckBoxtypes 30  ;<<==critical this is correct for numbered ones!
      sub InitializeCheckboxes
      	for !i 1 %totalCheckBoxtypes
      		set % . Box . !i , checked #false
      	set %customchecked #false
      	set %propfilterchecked #false
      	set %EUOCheckBoxANDchecked #false
      	set %EUOCheckBoxORchecked #true
      	set %EUOCheckBoxAllchecked #false
      	set %EUOCheckBoxSearchAllchecked #false
      	set %EUOCheckBoxIgnoreWornchecked #true
      	set %EditCustom type , #spc , custom , #spc , string , #spc , here, , #spc , ex.: , #spc , POF_RWF_ZWF
      ;* @name ReadInTemplateArray
      ;* @ver 1.0 by Roadkill 10May04
      ;* @purpose populates the array "templatename1..30" for use to build the comboboxs
      ;	EUOComboBoxSave	and EUOComboBoxLoad
      ;* @params
      ;* @returns %lasttemplate and loads %templatename1 to %lasttemplate
      ;* @info %templatename1 holds the "use new name above" setting.
      ;* @status done tested good
      sub ReadInTemplateArray
      set %templatename1 Use_New_Name_Above
      	for !i 2 30
      		gosub getGlobalVar %globalvar UltraOrg template . !i templatename . !i nolock
      		if %templatename . !i = n/a
      			set %lasttemplate !i - 1
      ;* @name BuildSearchString
      ;* @ver 1.0 by Roadkill
      ;* @purpose scan all checkboxes, if checked then append their string to SearchString
      ;*	also scan all custom and custom edit field, in prep for saving vars
      ;* @params all %vars used global
      ;* @returns %SearchString holds the search string of types
      ;* @info DB is of format:
      ; euocheckbox1,2,3 etc.  %box1checked (#t/#f), %box1types _abc_def_
      sub BuildSearchString
      	set !lpc #lpc
      	set #lpc 1000
      	gosub menuline status 42 0 yellow red - -  scanning your checkboxes...
      	set %SearchString
      	menu get EUOCheckBoxAll
      	if #menures
      		set %SearchString *
      		goto _exitBuildSearchString
      	for !i 1 %totalCheckBoxtypes
      		menu get EUOCheckBox . !i
      		set % . Box . !i , checked #false
      		;set boxstatus holder, append string if not already in
      		;  using a temp var to help concatenate the ., variablename
      		if #menures
      			set % . Box . !i , checked #true
      			set %tmp box , !i , types
      			set %boxString % . %tmp
      			if %boxString NOTIN %SearchString
      			set %SearchString %SearchString , %boxString
      	;scan all other boxes and fields so data is current for saving and
      	;add in any string in the custm edit field if custom checked
      	menu get custom
      	set %customchecked #menures
      	if #menures
      		menu get editCustom
      		set %editCustom #menures
      		if %SearchString <> *
      			set %SearchString %SearchString , #menures
      	set #lpc !lpc
      sub Closed
      	set #menubutton n/a
      	wait 10
      sub WTF
      	gosub menuline status 42 0 yellow red - -  Explaining WTF about property filtering...
      	display OK Once you've set up the TYPES of things you want to look for, using$
      	+the checkboxes and the custom field, you can elect to FURTHER filter those items$
      	+using properties, in the lime-area(check the "use_Prop_filter" box).  You can look for two different$
      	+properties, either one or both.
      	display OK To find items with BOTH properties, check the "AND" box, for either property$
      	+check the "OR" box. If you only want to look for one property, use the first drop-down$
      	+and leave the other blank or set to the first choice "---stat.props---".$
      	+Each drop-down property-box contains all 87 loot-properties$
      	display OK Custom Property strings:$If you need to filter on something not in the$
      	+drop-downs, you can select the VERY LAST choice in the drop-down,"//use_custom.prop//"$
      	+Then the editbox underneath becomes active, you can type your property-word such as "deviously" if$
      	+you were looking for level-5 TreasureMaps.
      	display OK Property Intensity:$On the second propertyline there is another dropdown and then$
      	+a small editfield next to each custom-property-field.  You can use these to filter for$
      	+an "intensity" or number-size for each property, whether from the drop-down or$
      	+custom-property-field. Select "All"(no-filtering),">=",or"<=", then enter your number (i.e.15)
      	display OK Example:$I want to find level-4&5 treasure-maps. I use "getItemType" button to put XVH$
      	+into the custom-field, check the custom box and make sure nothing else is search-checked.$
      	+I check "search-all-open-containers", and open all my map-bags. I check "usePropFilter", "OR"$
      	+and select the last drop-down "//use_custom.prop//" in each property-drop-down$
      	display ok ...then type "cleverly" and "deviously" in the custom-property-fields,
      	+then hit$"INDEXitems"-to_write_a_nice_file_of_the_maps,$"FINDitems"-to_read_the
      	+properties_of_each_one_and_decide_whether_to_move_it_(say Fel vs. Tram),$
      	+to read price/properties of matching vendor-maps and decide to buy or not.
      	gosub menuline status 42 0 black red - -  Setup checkboxes then click a button.
      	+  If you check an "all" box, you don't$ have to check sub-boxes. You may also
      	+ select props to filter$ for. Only the active container is searched by default.
      sub OpenVendors
      	display OK Not Yet Implemented


      • #4
        sub Help
        	set #menubutton n/a
        	menu Font BGColor Lime
        	menu Button Help 342 14 75 25 HELP
        	gosub menuline status 42 0 lime black - -  Click on a button for Info, or HELP
        		+button again to leave HELP and return to the $normal program. "status:"
        		+ is RED when program busy,$ GREEN when ready (and a 'ping' sounds).
        	if #menubutton <> n/a
        		goto _help , #menubutton
        	goto _helploop
        	menu Font BGColor BtnFace
        	menu Font Color WindowText
        	menu Button Help 342 14 75 25 HELP
        	gosub menuline status 42 0 black red - -  Setup checkboxes then click a button.
        	+  If you check an "all" box, you don't$ have to check sub-boxes. You may also
        	+ select props to filter$ for. Only the active container is searched by default.
        	gosub menuline status 42 0 lime black - -  Writes a file of all items in
        	+ container that match your checkboxes and propfilter$File will be called
        	+ RKIndexlist_#contid, or you can choose your$ own filename.
        	set #menubutton n/a
        	goto _helploop
        	gosub menuline status 42 0 lime black - -  Finds all items in 
        	+ container(s) that match your checkboxes and propfilter,$displays their props,
        	+ gives you choice to move them.
        	set #menubutton n/a
        	goto _helploop
        	gosub menuline status 42 0 lime black - -  Moves/sorts all items in containter(s)
        	+ that match your checkboxes and propfilter$and drops them to a spot set with
        	+ your cursor. Useful for$ treasure chests and MIBs to empty trash or good loot.
        	set #menubutton n/a
        	goto _helploop
        	gosub menuline status 42 0 lime black - -  Finds items in vendor bag(s) that match your
        	+ checkboxes and propfilter,$ gives option to buy the item. If you answer 'yes' the 'buy
        	+ gump'$ is shown, which you then click buy or cancel. No more clicking!
        	set #menubutton n/a
        	goto _helploop
        	gosub menuline status 42 0 lime black - -  This is used for "FIND items" to
        	+ place the items you accept$ somewhere other than your backpack, such as
        	+ vendorbag or$ ground. If it can't drop the item there, it puts in mainpack.
        	set #menubutton n/a
        	goto _helploop
        	gosub menuline status 42 0 lime black - - Saves all settings to a selected existing
        	+ template or a new one (up to 30) $ using CEOfilesystem. You can use them with any 
        	+ character.$ Useful for pre-setting say "Trash" and "GoodLoot" for MIBs.
        	set #menubutton n/a
        	goto _helploop
        	gosub menuline status 42 0 lime black - - Loads settings from selected previously
        	+ saved templates. These settings$ work with any character/account. You can erase$
        	+ all saved settings by typeing "set * , %globalvar" in EUO and play.
        	set #menubutton n/a
        	goto _helploop	
        	gosub menuline status 42 0 lime black - - When you click this, you have 5 seconds
        	+ to drag an item$ and it's 'Type' for use in the 'custom' field is reported$
        	+ as well as being appended to your 'custom' type-string.
        	set #menubutton n/a
        	goto _helploop	
        	gosub menuline status 42 0 lime black - - Runs through a series of 6 display-boxes
        	+ which explain$WTF is up with those property-controls and how to use them.
        	set #menubutton n/a
        	goto _helploop
        	gosub menuline status 42 0 lime black - - When you click this, all vendors in
        	+ range of you$will have their packs opened and all their sub-bags up to$
        	+ 3-levels deep so you can search them all with the BUY button.
        	set #menubutton n/a
        	goto _helploop		
        ;* @name GetSearchContainer
        ;* @purpose sends back "C" if "searchallcontainers"box is checked, or C_#contid if not;
        ;*	the #contid of whatever active container is open is sent back, if the gump
        ;*	with focus is NOT a container a display box lets you target one interactively
        ;*	Also checks status of "ignore worn items and mainpack" and passes back as @%2
        ;* @params %1 req holds varname for single or all containers
        ;*	%2 req holds varname for status of ignore worn/mainpack box
        ;*	%3 opt if #true only the checkbox status are updated, for saving
        ;* @returns @%1 holds "C" or "C_#contid"
        ;*	@%2 holds status of ignore worn items checkbox
        ;*	also %EUOCheckBoxSearchAllchecked and %EUOCheckBoxIgnoreWornchecked updated
        ;*	for template saves
        sub GetSearchContainer
        	set % . %2 #false
        	set %EUOCheckBoxIgnoreWornchecked #false
        	if %0 < 3
        		set %3 #false
        	menu get EUOCheckBoxIgnoreWorn
        	if #menures
        		set %EUOCheckBoxIgnoreWornchecked #true
        		set % . %2 #true
        	menu get EUOCheckBoxSearchAll
        	set %EUOCheckBoxSearchAllchecked #false
        	if #menures
        		set %EUOCheckBoxSearchAllchecked #true
        		set % . %1 C
        	if %3
        	if #conttype notin %containertypes
        		display ok No container was active, dblclick on the container$
        		+to use or drag it, be SURE IT IS OPEN! You have 5 sec
        		wait 5s
        	set % . %1 C_ , #contid
        ;* @name IndexItems
        ;* @purpose write a file with a list of all items matching criteria
        ;* @status done. tested
        sub IndexItems
        	gosub BuildSearchString
        	gosub GetPropFilter
        	gosub GetSearchContainer indexcont ignoreworn
        	set !filename RKIndexlist_
        	set !filename !filename , %indexcont , _.txt
        	gosub menuline status 42 0 black red - - The indexlist for container(s) will be called
        	+ !filename and$ will be written to same DIR as script/EUO. Dont ask
        	+ where it is,$ use search. Please respond to the DISPLAY box now.
        	display yesno YES= use the default name ( !filename )$
        	+NO=Use my own filename (type filename into the "SAVE setting" editwindow$
        	+         then click "SAVE setting" button)
        	if #dispres = no
        		set #menubutton n/a
        		wait 10
        		if #menubutton <> savesetting
        			goto _indexfilename
        		menu get EUOeditSave
        		set !filename #menures
        		set #menubutton n/a
        		gosub menuline status 42 0 black red - -  file will be called !filename
        	set !lpc #lpc
        	set #lpc 1000
        	set !_waidx 0
        	gosub FilterItems
        	if #result = #false
        		goto _IIexit
        	set !_waidx !_waidx + 1
        	set %Indexarray . !_waidx !_waidx , #spc , #property
        	ignoreitem #findid 9
        	goto _IItop	
        	ignoreitem reset 9
        	if !_waidx > 0
        	  gosub menuline status 42 0 black red - - writing the file...
        	  gosub WriteFastDOSarray Indexarray 1 !_waidx !filename
        	  gosub menuline status 42 0 black red - - File !filename written!
        	set #lpc !lpc
        ;* @name FindItems
        ;* @author Roadkill
        ;* @ver 1.0 9May04
        ;* @purpose Finds all items in a container that match your checkboxes and propfilter
        ;*    displays their props and gives you choice to move them to another spot
        ;* @params 	
        ;* @returns
        ;* @notes mod RKPropsorter for this sub
        ;* @status done, but looking at ability to move to specific container
        sub FindItems
        	gosub BuildSearchString
        	gosub menuline status 42 0 black red - - Checking props for search types,
        	+ you'll have choice to move matching items$to your mainpack/dropspot, don't touch paperdoll!
        	gosub GetPropFilter
        	gosub FindPaperdollnMainpackXY %mainpack paperdollx paperdolly mainpackx mainpacky
        	gosub GetSearchContainer indexcont ignoreworn
        	finditem %SearchString %indexcont
        	if #findkind = -1
        		gosub menuline status 42 0 black red - - No matching items found
        	set !drpmsg mainpack
        	if %dropspotset
        		set !drpmsg dropspot(mainpack_backup)
        	gosub FilterItems
        	if #result = #false
        	str lower !drpmsg
        	display yesno Move this item to #strres ?$ #property
        	if #dispres = yes
        		if %dropspotset
        		   gosub MoveItemToPos %currentitem %dropspotx %dropspoty 0
        		if ! %dropspotset || #lliftedkind = 1
        		   gosub MoveItemToPos %currentitem %mainpackx %mainpacky 0
        	ignoreitem #findid 9
        	goto _FIsearch	
        ;* @name SortItems
        ;* @author Roadkill
        ;* @ver 1.1 19Aug04
        ;* @purpose sets dropspot and runs filterItem, moves matching items to dropspot
        ;* @params 
        ;* @returns
        ;* @status: untested, uses new FilterItem with propvalues


        • #5
          sub SortItems
          	gosub BuildSearchString
          	gosub menuline status 42 0 black red - - Checking props for search types,
          	+ matching items will be moved to spot$underneath your cursor when you press "ENTER"
          	+ at the DISPLAY OK prompt.
          	gosub GetPropFilter
          	gosub GetSearchContainer indexcont ignoreworn
          	finditem %SearchString %indexcont
          	if #findkind = -1
          		gosub menuline status 42 0 black red - - No matching items found
          	display OK Place your cursor over the spot you want the matching items dropped,$
          	+ be sure it is a reachable spot and not an open search container. Remember,$
          	+ dropping on pack edges is 1337!  When ready PRESSSS "ENTER".$
          	+(LONG PRESS!--not a jab,not a click!)
          	set !dropx #cursorx
          	set !dropy #cursory
          	gosub FilterItems
          	if #result = #false
          	gosub MoveItemToPos %currentitem !dropx !dropy 0
          	ignoreitem #findid 9
          	goto _SIsearch
          ;* @name FilterItems
          ;* @author Roadkill
          ;* @ver 1.1 19Aug04
          ;* @purpose extracted item filtering for main subs. not always used, due to
          ;*	desire to optimize user feedback at proper spots...
          ;* @params assumes globals: %searchstring, %indexcont, %ignoreworn, %ignorebagids,
          ;*	%propfilterchecked, %prop1, %evalprop1, %prop2, %evalprop2, %propAndOr
          ;* @returns #result is #true if matching item found, #false if not found
          ;*	if found, %currentitem is set to the #findid
          ;* @changes: ignorelist 9 is appended if item found, or reset if no matches found,
          ;*	#property, #result, %currentitem,#lpc set high (reset upon no matchexit)
          sub FilterItems
          	set !lpc #lpc
          	set #lpc 1000
          	finditem %SearchString %indexcont
          	if #findkind = -1
          		gosub menuline status 42 0 black red - - No more matching items found
          		ignoreitem reset 9
          		set #lpc !lpc
          		return #false
          	if %ignoreworn && #findbagid IN %ignoreBagids
          		ignoreitem #findid 9
          		goto _Filtsearch
          	set %currentitem #findid
          	event property #findid
          	if ! %propfilterChecked
          		return #true
          ;	%EvalProp1, %EvalProp2 holds all | >= | <=
          ;	%numProp1, %numProp2   holds the number to compare prop1 and prop2 against
          ;check for first property condition being met, only sent to slow getpropnum if needed
          	set !prop1met #false
          	if %prop1 IN #property
          		if %EvalProp1 = all
          			set !prop1met #true
          			gosub getPropNum %prop1 propnum
          			if %propnum %EvalProp1 %numProp1
          				set !prop1met #true
          ;check for 2nd property condition being met, only sent to slow getpropnum if needed
          	set !prop2met #false
          	if %prop2 IN #property
          		if %EvalProp2 = all
          			set !prop2met #true
          			gosub getPropNum %prop2 propnum
          			if %propnum %EvalProp2 %numProp2
          				set !prop2met #true
          	;now evaluate the ANDOR of both prop evaluations
          	if !prop1met  %propAndOr !prop2met
          		return #true
          	ignoreitem %currentitem 9
          goto _Filtsearch
          sub SetDropSpot
          	if %dropspotset
          		set %dropspotset #false
          		gosub menuline status 42 0 black red - - DropSpot De-Activated!
          		menu Font BGColor BtnFace
          		menu Font Color WindowText
          		menu Button SetDropSpot 348 80 69 17 Set DropSpot
          	gosub menuline status 42 0 black red - - This is used for "FIND items" to
          	+ place the items you accept$ somewhere other than your backpack, such as a
          	+ vendorbag.$ If it can't drop the item there, it will put in mainpack.
          	display OK Place your cursor over the spot you want the matching items dropped,$
          	+ be sure it is a reachable spot!!!! Remember,dropping on pack edges is 1337!$
          	+ When ready PRESSSS "ENTER".
          	set %dropspotx #cursorx
          	set %dropspoty #cursory
          	set %dropspotset #true
          	menu Font BGColor lime
          	menu Font Color WindowText
          	menu Button SetDropSpot 348 80 69 17 Set DropSpot
          sub BuyItems
          	gosub BuildSearchString
          	gosub GetPropFilter
          	gosub GetSearchContainer indexcont ignoreworn
          	gosub FilterItems
          	if #result = #false
          		goto _BIexit
          	gosub menuline status 42 0 black red - - Be sure "Search All Open Containers"
          	+ is set as you want$ Checking open vendor bag(s) for matching items...$
          	+ You will be given TWO chances to CANCEL the buy, don't worry.
          	display yesno Would you like to see the "Buy Gump" for this item?$ #property
          	if #dispres = yes
          		set #ltargetkind 1
          		set #ltargetid %currentitem
          		event macro 3 0 vendor buy
          		event macro 22 0
          		gosub sysVarWait contname = generic_gump 30
          		gosub sysVarWait contname <> generic_gump 600
          	ignoreitem #findid 9
          	goto _BItop
          	ignoreitem reset 9
          ;* @name SaveSetting
          ;* @author Roadkill
          ;* @ver 1.0 9May04
          ;* @purpose saves all menu settings to a template name found in the combo box, or if
          ;*	"use above" selected, gets name from edit field above. Reloads templates/menu.
          ;*	Uses CEOFileSystem, credits him for those subs elsewhere.
          ;* @params
          ;* @returns
          ;* @notes
          ;* @status done but not tested
          sub SaveSetting
          	;first update all the status variables
          	gosub BuildSearchString
          	gosub GetPropFilter
          	gosub GetSearchContainer indexcont ignoreworn #true
          	menu get EUOComboBoxSave
          	set !pointer #menures
          	;if the combobox holds the first element ("use above"), query the edit field
          	if !pointer = n/a || !pointer = 1
          		menu get EUOEditSave
          		set %newtemplatename #menures
          		;check for no name in #menures and kick out with error message
          		if %newtemplatename = n/a
          		gosub menuline status 42 0 black red - - You can't save a new template without a name!
          		;now we know a new template is being generated named #menures, increment %lasttemplate and update vars
          		set %lasttemplate %lasttemplate + 1
          		set %templatename . %lasttemplate #menures
          		set !pointer %lasttemplate
          	gosub menuline status 42 0 black red - - Saving current settings in template named %templatename . !pointer
          	;write allcheckboxes and vars to ceofilesystem
          	for !i 1 %totalCheckBoxtypes
          		gosub putGlobalVar %globalvar UltraOrg template , !pointer Box , !i , checked
          	gosub putGlobalVar %globalvar UltraOrg template , !pointer templatename . !pointer
          	gosub putGlobalVar %globalvar UltraOrg template , !pointer customchecked
          	gosub putGlobalVar %globalvar UltraOrg template , !pointer editcustom
          	gosub putGlobalVar %globalvar UltraOrg template , !pointer propfilterchecked
          	gosub putGlobalVar %globalvar UltraOrg template , !pointer prop1
          	gosub putGlobalVar %globalvar UltraOrg template , !pointer prop2
          	gosub putGlobalVar %globalvar UltraOrg template , !pointer EUOCheckBoxANDchecked
          	gosub putGlobalVar %globalvar UltraOrg template , !pointer EUOCheckBoxORchecked
          	gosub putGlobalVar %globalvar UltraOrg template , !pointer EUOCheckBoxAllchecked
          	gosub putGlobalVar %globalvar UltraOrg template , !pointer EUOCheckBoxSearchAllchecked
          	gosub putGlobalVar %globalvar UltraOrg template , !pointer EUOCheckBoxIgnoreWornchecked
          	;all checkbox settings and templatename now written, reload with new templates
          	gosub ReadInTemplateArray
          	gosub ShowEUOMenu1
          	gosub menuline status 42 0 black red - - Settings saved/reloaded as template named %templatename . !pointer
          	menu combo select EUOComboBoxLoad !pointer
          ;* @name LoadSetting
          ;* @author Roadkill
          ;* @ver 1.0 9May04
          ;* @purpose Reads template name from combobox and gets all menu settings from
          ;*	*ceofilesystem matching that name, then rewrites menu with those settings
          ;* @params
          ;* @returns
          ;* @notes  the initial menu writing should be done via this after init status read in!
          ;* @status done but not tested
          sub LoadSetting
          	menu get EUOComboBoxLoad
          	;we must add 1 to the #menures,since the combobox was populated from #2 on...
          	set !pointer #menures + 1
          	;if there is nothing in the load combobox, msg so and return
          	if #menures = n/a || #menures < 1
          		gosub menuline status 42 0 black red - - There is no template selected to load!
          	gosub menuline status 42 0 black red - - Loading saved template settings named %templatename . !pointer
          	;read in allcheckboxes and vars from ceofilesystem


          • #6
            	for !i 1 %totalCheckBoxtypes
            		set !gg Box , !i , checked
            		gosub getGlobalVar %globalvar UltraOrg template , !pointer !gg nolock
            	gosub getGlobalVar %globalvar UltraOrg template , !pointer templatename . !pointer nolock
            	gosub getGlobalVar %globalvar UltraOrg template , !pointer customchecked nolock
            	gosub getGlobalVar %globalvar UltraOrg template , !pointer editcustom nolock
            	gosub getGlobalVar %globalvar UltraOrg template , !pointer propfilterchecked nolock
            	gosub getGlobalVar %globalvar UltraOrg template , !pointer prop1 nolock
            	gosub getGlobalVar %globalvar UltraOrg template , !pointer prop2 nolock
            	gosub getGlobalVar %globalvar UltraOrg template , !pointer EUOCheckBoxANDchecked nolock
            	gosub getGlobalVar %globalvar UltraOrg template , !pointer EUOCheckBoxORchecked nolock
            	gosub getGlobalVar %globalvar UltraOrg template , !pointer EUOCheckBoxAllchecked nolock
            	gosub getGlobalVar %globalvar UltraOrg template , !pointer EUOCheckBoxSearchAllchecked nolock
            	gosub getGlobalVar %globalvar UltraOrg template , !pointer EUOCheckBoxIgnoreWornchecked nolock
            	;all checkbox settings now loaded, write the menu (menu needs #false replaced with var still...)
            	gosub ShowEUOMenu1 
            	gosub menuline status 42 0 black red - - LOADED! template named %templatename . !pointer
            	menu combo select EUOComboBoxLoad #menures
            ;* @name GetItemType
            ;* @author Roadkill
            ;* @ver 1.0 16May04
            ;* @purpose reports an items type in a textfield and appends it in the custom edit field
            ;* @params 	
            ;* @returns
            ;* @notes 
            ;* @status 
            sub GetItemType
            	gosub menuline status 42 0 black red - - Drag the item whose type you want then$
            	+ dont touch anything, you have 5 seconds
            	wait 5s
            	if POF_RWF_ZWF in %EditCustom
            		set %EditCustom _ , #lliftedtype
            		set %EditCustom %EditCustom , _ , #lliftedtype
            	gosub menuline LastType 366 224 btnFace red - - #lliftedtype	
            	;menu delete EditCustom
            	;menu Font BGColor white
            	;menu Edit EditCustom 64 220 223 %EditCustom
            	str lower %EditCustom
            	menu set EditCustom #strres
            	gosub menuline status 42 0 black red - - The item you dragged is type: #lliftedtype $
            	+ and will be added to custom string. Hand edit if wrong.
            ;* @name GetPropFilter
            ;* @author Roadkill
            ;* @ver 1.2 19Aug04 -added custom prop
            ;* @purpose reads the menu to get the propfilter info. If last selection
            ;*	custom is selected, reads saveeditfield for a custom prop string
            ;* @params 	
            ;* @returns #result is #true if props are checked (not used...)
            ;	%propfilterChecked #true/#false on whether propfilter is used at all
            ;	%propAndOR holds || or && on relationship between prop1/2
            ;	%prop1, %prop2, hold the propstring from dropdown OR customfields
            ;	%EvalProp1, %EvalProp2 holds all | >= | <=
            ;	%numProp1, %numProp2   holds the number to compare prop1 and prop2 against
            ;* @notes
            ;* @status tested
            sub GetPropFilter
            	set %propfilterChecked #false
            	menu get propfilter
            	if ! #menures
            		return #false
            	set %propfilterChecked #true
            	menu get ComboBoxProp1
            	;have to adjust by -1 since I made the proplists zero based :(
            	set !adj #menures - 1
            	set %prop1 %proplist . !adj
            	menu get ComboBoxProp2
            	set !adj #menures - 1
            	set %prop2 %proplist . !adj
            	;check for custom property string and read in from save edit field
            	if custom in %prop1
            		menu get EuoEditCustomProp1
            		set %prop1 #menures
            	if custom in %prop2
            		menu get EuoEditCustomProp2
            		set %prop2 #menures
            	;check the and or boxes
            	set %propAndOR n/a
            	menu get EUOCheckBoxAND
            	set %EUOCheckBoxANDchecked #menures
            	if #menures
            		set %propAndOR &&		
            	menu get EUOCheckBoxOR
            	set %EUOCheckBoxORchecked #menures
            	if #menures
            		set %propAndOR ||
            	if %propAndOr = n/a
            		set %prop2 none
            		set %propAndOr ||
            	;check the prop intensity comboboxes and edit fields
            	;evalprop1/2 are 0 when blank, 1=all, 2= >=, 3= <=
            	menu get ComboBoxEvalProp1
            	set %EvalProp1 all
            	if #menures > 1
            		set %EvalProp1 >=
            		if #menures = 3
            			set %EvalProp1 <=
            		menu getnum EuoEditNumProp1
            		set %numProp1 #menures
            		;should add error checking here for no or bad number..bah..
            	menu get ComboBoxEvalProp2
            	set %EvalProp2 all
            	if #menures > 1
            		set %EvalProp2 >=
            		if #menures = 3
            			set %EvalProp2 <=
            		menu getnum EuoEditNumProp2
            		set %numProp2 #menures
            		;should add error checking here for no or bad number..bah..
            return #true
            sub ExclusiveAndOr
            	;memorize last known status for comparison
            	if ! %exclusiveAndOrInit
            		set !oldANDchecked %1
            		set !oldORchecked %2
            	set !andtoggled #false
            	set !ortoggled #false
            	menu get EUOCheckBoxAND
            	set !ANDchecked #menures
            	menu get EUOCheckBoxOR
            	set !ORchecked #menures
            	if !ANDchecked = ! !oldANDchecked
            		set !andtoggled #true
            	if !ORchecked = ! !oldORchecked
            		set !ortoggled #true
            	if !andtoggled && !ANDchecked
            		menu Font BGColor lime
            		menu Check EUOCheckBoxOR 244 246 43 17 #false OR
            		set !oldANDchecked #true
            		set !oldORchecked #false
            		set %EUOCheckBoxAndChecked #true
            		set %EUOCheckBoxOrChecked #false
            	if !ortoggled && !ORchecked
            		menu Font BGColor teal
            		menu Check EUOCheckBoxAND 200 246 43 17 #false AND
            		set !oldANDchecked #false
            		set !oldORchecked #true
            		set %EUOCheckBoxAndChecked #false
            		set %EUOCheckBoxOrChecked #true		
            	set %exclusiveAndOrInit #true
            ;* @name ReadInPropArrays
            ;* @ver 1.2 12Aug04  added ---prop--- dividers, renumbered.
            ;* @author Roadkill
            ;* @purpose: set an array of props that can be used to build the combo box AND compare with
            ;	the actual #property, so they must be accurate wording
            ;* @status done. zero based?
            sub ReadInPropArrays
            ;set %proplist0 none
            ;--stat props--
            set %proplist0 ----stat.props---------
            set %proplist1 strength , #spc , bonus
            set %proplist2 intelligence , #spc , bonus
            set %proplist3 dexterity , #spc , bonus
            set %proplist4 Hit , #spc , Point , #spc , Increase 
            set %proplist5 Mana , #spc , Increase 
            set %proplist6 Stamina , #spc , Increase 
            set %proplist7 Hit , #spc , Point , #spc , Regen 
            set %proplist8 Mana , #spc , regeneration
            set %proplist9 Stamina , #spc , regeneration 
            ;--armor/jewelry props
            set %proplist10 ----armor/jewelry.props----
            set %proplist11 Luck 
            set %proplist12 Night , #spc , Sight 
            set %proplist13 Faster , #spc , Casting 
            set %proplist14 Faster , #spc , Cast , #spc , Recovery
            set %proplist15 Lower , #spc , Mana , #spc , Cost 
            set %proplist16 Lower , #spc , Reagent , #spc , Cost
            set %proplist17 Self , #spc , Repair 
            set %proplist18 Mage , #spc , Armor 
            set %proplist19 Enhance , #spc , Potions 
            set %proplist20 Durability , #spc , Increase 
            set %proplist21 Reflect , #spc , Physical , #spc , Damage
            set %proplist22 Physical , #spc , Resist 
            set %proplist23 Fire , #spc , Resist 
            set %proplist24 Cold , #spc , Resist 
            set %proplist25 Poison , #spc , Resist 
            set %proplist26 Energy , #spc , Resist 
            set %proplist27 Lower , #spc , Requirements
            ;--weapon props--
            set %proplist28 ----weapon.props---------
            ;-----there is a problem with this DI, the leading #spc nerfs it, read thread for 
            ;answer, from ximan I think...
            set %proplist29 $Damage , #spc , Increase 
            set %proplist30 Hit , #spc , Chance , #spc , Increase 
            set %proplist31 Defense , #spc , Chance , #spc , Increase 
            set %proplist32 Spell , #spc , Damage , #spc , Increase 
            set %proplist33 Swing , #spc , Speed , #spc , Increase 
            set %proplist34 Hit , #spc , Lower , #spc , Attack 
            set %proplist35 Hit , #spc , Lower , #spc , Defense 
            set %proplist36 Life , #spc , Leech 
            set %proplist37 Mana , #spc , Leech 
            set %proplist38 Stamina , #spc , Leech 
            set %proplist39 Slayer
            set %proplist40 Spell , #spc , Channeling
            set %proplist41 Mage , #spc , Weapon 
            set %proplist42 Use , #spc , Best , #spc , Weapon , #spc , Skill 
            set %proplist43 Hit , #spc , Physical , #spc , Area 
            set %proplist44 Hit , #spc , Fire , #spc , Area 
            set %proplist45 Hit , #spc , Cold , #spc , Area 
            set %proplist46 Hit , #spc , Poison , #spc , Area 
            set %proplist47 Hit , #spc , Energy , #spc , Area 
            set %proplist48 Hit , #spc , Harm 
            set %proplist49 Hit , #spc , Fireball 
            set %proplist50 Hit , #spc , Lightning 
            set %proplist51 Hit , #spc , Dispel 
            set %proplist52 Physical , #spc , Damage 
            set %proplist53 Fire , #spc , Damage 
            set %proplist54 Cold , #spc , Damage 
            set %proplist55 Poison , #spc , Damage 
            set %proplist56 Energy , #spc , Damage


            • #7
              ;--skills props--
              set %proplist57 ----skills.props--------
              set %proplist58 Anatomy
              set %proplist59 Animal , #spc , Lore
              set %proplist60 Animal , #spc , Taming
              set %proplist61 Archery
              set %proplist62 Chivalry
              set %proplist63 Discordance
              set %proplist64 Evaluate , #spc , Intelligence
              set %proplist65 Fencing
              set %proplist66 Focus
              set %proplist67 Healing
              set %proplist68 Mace , #spc , Fighting
              set %proplist69 Magery
              set %proplist70 Meditation
              set %proplist71 Musicianship
              set %proplist72 Parrying
              set %proplist73 Necromancy
              set %proplist74 Peacemaking
              set %proplist75 Provocation
              set %proplist76 Resisting , #spc , Spells
              set %proplist77 Spirit , #spc , Speak
              set %proplist78 Stealth
              set %proplist79 Stealing
              set %proplist80 Swordsmanship
              set %proplist81 Tactics
              set %proplist82 Veterinary
              set %proplist83 Wrestling
              ;--other props--
              set %proplist84 ----other.props---------
              set %proplist85  Rarity
              set %proplist86  Insured
              set %proplist87  Exceptional
              set %proplist88 //use_custom.prop//
              set %proplisttotal 88
              ;set the props for first menu draw
              set %prop1 none
              set %prop2 none
              ;/////Below subs excerpted/published from RKsubs.txt and other authors/////
              ;* @name menuline
              ;* @author Roadkill
              ;* @ver 1.1 9May04
              ;* @purpose writes a menu line in lowercase, all menu functions included,
              ;*	changes bg and font before and after, message can be any length
              ;* @params 	%1 is the name of the text field, like 'status'
              ;*		%2 is the x menu-coord of the text field
              ;*		%3 is the y menu-coord of the text field
              ;*		%4 is the bgcolor, use - if no change
              ;* 		%5 is the font color, use - if no change
              ;* 		%6 is the exit bgcolor , use - if no change
              ;* 		%7 is the exit fontcolor , use - if no change
              ;* 		%8 and on are the message
              ;* @returns none
              ;* @notes be sure to change the field name and write position to your line info
              ;*	where it says:   menu text status 50 5 #strres    (status, 50, 5 may change)
              ;* @example: gosub menuline status 50 5 red black black lime need more bones #dot paused #dot
              ;*	or   gosub menuline status 50 5 - - - - need more bones
              ;* @status tested good
              sub menuline
              	if %4 <> -
              		menu font bgcolor %4
              	if %5 <> -
              		menu font color %5
              	menu delete %1
              	set !_statusmsg %8
              	if %0 < 9
              		goto _statusLower
              	for !_i 9 %0
              		set !_statusmsg !_statusmsg , #spc , % . !_i
              	str lower !_statusmsg
              	menu text %1 %2 %3 #strres
              	if %6 <> -
              		menu font bgcolor %6
              	if %7 <> -
              		menu font color %7
              ;* @name PopulateComboBox
              ;* @author Roadkill
              ;* @ver 1.1 12Aug04
              ;* @purpose builds the adds population in a combobox , in lowercase
              ;* @params %1 is the name of the combobox
              ;* 	%2 is the name of the array to use
              ;*	%3 is the start point in the array
              ;*	%4 is the last point in the array to use
              ;* @returns
              ;* @notes the combo box itself must first be created with its position
              ;* @example menu Combo Create ComboBoxProp1 70 244 129
              ;*	gosub PopulateComboBox ComboBoxProp1 proplist 0 %proplisttotal
              ;* @status done
              sub PopulateComboBox
              	for !_i %3 %4
              		set !gg %2 , !_i
              		set !ggg % . !gg
              		str lower !ggg
              		;menu Combo Add %1 % . !gg
              		menu Combo Add %1 #strres
              ;* Name: FindPaperdollnMainpackXY
              ;* Finds the XY for your paperdoll AND mainpack for dropping WITHOUT causing subpacks to close
              ;*	if paperdoll not open,it will open it.  Requires known mainpackID, can be gotten with
              ;*	my FindMainPack
              ;* @ver 1.1 14Jun04
              ;* @author  Roadkill
              ;* @purpose Finds the XY for your paperdoll AND mainpack for dropping WITHOUT causing subpacks to close
              ;* @param   %1  ID of your mainpack (backpack)     req use my FindMainPack to get this
              ;*          %2  @return varname for paperdollx     req
              ;*          %3  @return varname for paperdolly     req
              ;*          %4  @return varname for mainpackx      req
              ;*          %5  @return varname for mainpacky      req
              ;* @return  the varnames passed in as %2-%5 are loaded and returned
              ;* @example call rksubs.txt FindPaperdollnMainpackXY %mainpack paperdollx paperdolly mainpackx mainpacky
              ;* @status: tested
              Sub FindPaperdollnMainpackXY
              	finditem %1
              	if #findkind = -1
              		event macro 8 1
              		wait 1s
              		display ok please move your paperdoll where you want it, you have 4 seconds
              		wait 4s
              		goto _FPMXY
              	set % . %2 #findx
              	set % . %3 #findy
              	set % . %4 #findx + 140
              	set % . %5 #findy + 220
              ;* @name WriteFastDOSArray
              ;* @ver 1.2 11May04
              ;* @author  Roadkill, credit to jjarmis for figuring out how to do CR/LF in string!
              ;* @purpose write the values from an array into multiline file
              ;*     	using single DOS write for speed instead of slow loop.
              ;* @params %1 the varname of array holding data to write, 1line/element
              ;*   	%2 req holds the starting record to write
              ;*   	%3 req holds the final record to write
              ;*   	%4 req holds the filename to write too.
              ;*	%5 opt holds the buffersize to stay below (default 2000, limit is 2010)
              ;* @returns
              ;* @example call rksubs.txt WriteFastDOSarray writearray 1 30 testfile.txt
              ;* @status
              sub WriteFastDOSArray
              	set !lpc #lpc
              	set #lpc 1000
              	set !doslengthlimit %5
              	if %0 < 5 || %5 = n/a
              		set !doslengthlimit 2000
              	;get comspec for OS
                 	str left #osver 1
                 	set !filecmd cmd.exe
                 	if #strres = 1
                 		set !filecmd
                 	;test for allow exec
                 	if exec notin #opts
                 		display OK You MUST have "allow Execute" enabled to write a file,$
                 		+ and right now you DON'T! Fix have 10 seconds.
                 		wait 10s
                 	set !writestring %1 , %2
                 	set !writestring % . !writestring
                 	set !wstart %2 + 1
                 	set !crlf #spc , >> , #spc , %4 , #spc , && , #spc , echo , #spc
                 	for !z !wstart %3
                 		set !element %1 , !z
                    		set !element % . !element
                    		str len !element
                    		set !elementlen #strres
                    		str len !writestring
                    		set !writestringlen #strres
                    		if !writestringlen + !elementlen > !doslengthlimit
                    	   		execute !filecmd /c echo !writestring >> %4
                    	   		set !writestring #smc , ---bufferdump---
                    		set !writestring !writestring , !crlf , !element
                   	execute !filecmd /c echo !writestring >> %4
              	set #lpc !lpc
              ;* @name getPropNum
              ;* @ver 1.0
              ;* @author Kal-In-Ex (parser engine idea, this rewrite by RK to meet needs)
              ;* @purpose looks for %1 propstring in #property (already exists)
              ;* @params %1= the propstring (substring) to look for in #property
              ;* 	%2= the varname to return the propstring intensity in
              ;* @returns #result #false if the propstring notin #property (shouldn't happen..)
              ;*	#result #true if the propstring is in #property but no intensity ("magearmor")
              ;*	#result holds the intensity (same as @%2) if it exists, so you can test #result
              ;*	@%2 holds the intensity, or n/a if no intensity
              ;* @example gosub getPropNum slayer numprop <=#result would be #true, %numprop = n/a
              sub getPropNum ;%prop1 propnum
              	set % . %2 n/a
              	str pos #property %1
              	if #strres = 0
              		return #false
              	set !pos #strres    ;holds the pos of the propstring start in #property
              	str len %1          ;strres now holds the length of the propstring
              	set !pos !pos + #strres   ;!pos now holds the pos of the END of the propstring in #property
              	set !propnum        ;!propnum cleared
              	for !_ 1 1
              		str mid #property !pos 1  ;do until; char after propstring now extracted
              		if #strres notin $/:%+ , #spc   ;if it's not an end delimiter, append to !propnum
              			set !propnum !propnum , #strres
              		if #strres notin $/     ;if it's notin $/, continue the loop on next char
              			set !_ 0
              			set !pos !pos + 1
              	str len !propnum
              	if #strres = 0
              		return #true    ;the prop exists but no intensity
              	set % . %2 !propnum
              return !propnum
              ;* @name openVendors
              ;* @ver 1.0
              ;* @author rk
              ;* @purpose
              ;* @params %1=
              ;* 	%2=
              ;* @returns
              ;* @example
              sub openVendors
              	findItem hs_is G
              ; ===================================================================
              ; Name: MoveItemToPos
              ;ver 1.4 17mar04 by Roadkill, orig ideas/code by Scriptfellow
              ;	added wait 3 before click
              ;	-added error flag into #result/return
              ; Purpose: Moves an item to a specific screen position
              ; 	Mod: watches for full containers and sets an error flag to abort out of loops
              ; %1 = item id
              ; %2 = screen x coord
              ; %3 = screen y coord
              ; %4 = amount (if 0 it will move the whole stack)
              sub MoveItemToPos
              	set %_item %1
              	set %_x %2
              	set %_y %3
              	set %_amount %4
              	set %error #false
              	finditem %_item
              	set %dontwait 0
              	if #FINDID = #LLIFTEDID
              		set %dontwait 1
              	set %oldliftedid #LLIFTEDID
              	event drag #FINDID
              	wait 5
              	if #LLIFTEDID = %oldliftedid
              		if #FINDSTACK > 1
              			if %dontwait = 1
              				goto enteramount
              			set %start #SCNT + 2
              			if #SCNT > %start
              				goto enteramount
              			if #CONTname <> stack_gump
              				goto waitfordrag
              		WAIT 3
              			if %_amount = 0
              				msg $
              			if %_amount > 0
              				msg %_amount $
              	if #LLIFTEDID <> %oldliftedid
              		wait %delay
              		wait 3
              	click %_x %_y p
              	wait %delay
              	if that_container_cannot IN #sysmsg
              		set %error #true
              		set %errormessage Sub_MoveItemToPos/container_is_full
              		return %errormessage
              return #true


              • #8
                ; Name: sysVarWait
                ; Author: Smertrios
                ; Parameters: %1 = name of the system variable without the preceeding '#'
                ;             %2 = some operator like <, >, =, in, notIn
                ;             %3 = a value to compare with EasyUO system variable %1
                ;             %4 = timeout value equal to %4 * .1 seconds so 10 = 1s
                ; Purpose: compares a system variable to some other value returning
                ;          when the comparison evaluates as true
                ; Return: %return (1 if ok or 0 if timedout), also #result
                ; example call rksubs.txt sysVarWait #contname = generic_gump 30
                sub sysVarWait
                	set %timeOut #sCnt2 + %4
                	set %return 1
                	if # . %1 %2 %3
                		return %return
                	if #sCnt2 < %timeOut
                		goto svw1
                	set %return 0
                return %return
                ; Script Name:  CEO's * variable management subs (pseudo filesystem) 
                ; Author: CEO 
                ; Version: 1.0 
                ; Client Tested with: 4.0.1b 
                ; EUO version tested with: 1_41_103 
                ; Shard OSI / FS: OSI 
                ; Revision Date: 040219 
                ; Public Release: 040219 
                ; Globals Used: User specified (2 total) 
                ; Purpose: Allows you to use a * variable as a pseudo-filesystem 
                ; CEO's global variable management subs: 
                ;      getGlobalVar  . putGlobalVar  . delGlobalVar 
                Sub getGlobalVar 
                ;ver 1.0 posted 19Feb04 by CEO 
                ;purpose: Allows you to store multiple variables in one global variable unique to 
                ;             each player and script. getGlobaVar retrieves a value from a global variable. 
                ;@returns: #result = #false if variable not found, #true if found 
                ;            % . %3 contains variable value 
                ;%1 is the global/persistant variable to use ( %1 + 1 is used for locking) 
                ;%2 is the script identifer or pseudo filename 
                ;%3 is #charid or pseudo filename 
                ;%4 is the variable to search for and return in %. %3  
                ;%5 is for lock control. By default getGlobalVar uses a lock to return a value. In some cases you may want to 
                ;       retrieve a variable (mostly for speed) without needing a lock as long as you are aware of 
                ;      any potentional conflicts, that very rarely may occur. Set this param to NOLOCK to access 
                 ;     global storage without a lock. 
                ;sample usage: 
                ;               gosub getGlobalVar 50 MyScript #charid backpackid 
                ; Using global var *50 finds the variable labeled MyScript#charidbackpackid and returns it in %backpackid 
                ;               gosub getGlobalVar 50 MyScript #charid clothstat NOLOCK 
                ; Using global var *50 find the variable labeled MyScript#charidclothstat and returns it in %clothstat without using a lock 
                ; Warning: do not use *1000. * %1 + 1 is used for locking and there is no *1001! 
                nameSpace push 
                nameSpace local #systime , _ , %2 , _ , %3 , _ , %4 , _ , GET 
                set !lpc #lpc 
                set #lpc 1000 
                set !lock %1 + 1 
                if ( %0 = 5 ) && ( %5 = NOLOCK ) 
                   goto getGlobalVar_skiplock 
                set !lockcount 0 
                if * . !lock <> N/A && * . !lock <> #nsname 
                   wait 1 4 
                   set !lockcount !lockcount + 1 
                   if !lockcount < 10 
                      goto getGlobalVar_waitforlock 
                   if * . !lock <> N/A 
                      set !currentlock * . !lock 
                      if !currentlock = N/A 
                         goto getGlobalVar_waitforlock 
                      str pos !currentlock _ 
                      set !strres #strres - 1 
                      str left !currentlock !strres 
                      set !systime #systime - #strres 
                      if !systime < 10000 ; if over 10 seconds assume a broken lock and take it 
                         set !lockcount 0 
                         goto getGlobalVar_waitforlock 
                set * . !lock #nsname 
                wait 3 2 
                if  * . !lock <> #nsname 
                   set !lockcount 0 
                   goto getGlobalVar_waitforlock 
                set !global * . %1 
                set !varName %2 , ^ , %3 , ^ , %4 , | 
                str pos !global !varName 
                set #result #strres <> 0 
                if #result 
                   set !varNamePos #strres 
                   str len !varName 
                   set !delString !varNamePos + #strres - 1 
                   str del !global 1 !delString 
                   set !global #strres 
                   str pos !global | 
                   set !varNamePos #strres - 1 
                   str left !global !varNamePos 
                   set % . %4 #strres 
                if ( %0 < 5 || %5 <> NOLOCK ) && * . !lock = #nsname 
                   set * . !lock N/A 
                set #lpc !lpc 
                nameSpace Clear 
                nameSpace Pop 
                return #result 
                Sub putGlobalVar 
                ;ver 1.0 posted 19Feb04 by CEO 
                ;purpose: Allows you to store multiple variables in one global variable unique to 
                ;             each player and script. putGlobaVar stores a value into a global variable. 
                ;@returns: #result = #false if variable not found, #true if found 
                ;            % . %3 contains variable 
                ;%1 is the global/persistant variable to use 
                ;%2 is the script identifer or pseudo filename 
                ;%3 #charid or other identifier 
                ;%4 is the variable name of the variable to save into the* variable identified in %1 
                ;sample usage: 
                ;               gosub putGlovalVar 50 MyScript #chardid backpackid 
                ; Using global var *50 stores/updates the variable labeled MyScript#charidbackpackid  with %backpackid 
                ; Warning: do not use *1000. * %1 + 1 is used for locking and there is no *1001! 
                nameSpace push 
                nameSpace local #systime , _ , %2 , _ , %3 , _ , %4 , _  , PUT 
                set !lpc #lpc 
                set #lpc 1000 
                set !lock %1 + 1 
                set !lockcount 0 
                if * . !lock <> N/A && * . !lock <> #nsname 
                   wait 1 4 
                   set !lockcount !lockcount + 1 
                   if !lockcount < 10 
                      goto putGlobalVar_waitforlock 
                   if * . !lock <> N/A 
                      set !currentlock * . !lock 
                      if !currentlock = N/A 
                         goto putGlobalVar_waitforlock 
                      str pos !currentlock _ 
                      set !strres #strres - 1 
                      str left !currentlock !strres 
                      set !systime #systime - #strres 
                      if !systime < 10000 ; if over 10 seconds assume a hung lock and take it 
                         set !lockcount 0 
                         goto putGlobalVar_waitforlock 
                set * . !lock #nsname 
                wait 4 
                set !global * . %1 
                set !varName %2 , ^ , %3 , ^ , %4 , | 
                str pos !global !varName 
                if #strres = 0 
                   if  * . !lock <> #nsname 
                      set !lockcount 0 
                      goto putGlobalVar_waitforlock 
                   if  |CEO*FILESYSTEM| notin !global 
                      set !global |CEO*FILESYSTEM| 
                   set * . %1 !global , !varName , % . %4 , | 
                   set * . !lock N/A 
                   set #lpc !lpc 
                   nameSpace clear 
                   nameSpace pop 
                   return #true 
                set !varNamePos #strres 
                str len !varName 
                set !splitString !varNamePos + #strres - 1 
                str left !global !splitstring 
                set !globalPart1 #strres 
                str del !global 1 !splitString 
                set !global #strres 
                str len !global 
                set !globalLen #strres 
                str pos !global | 
                set !splitString !globalLen - #strres + 1 
                str right !global !splitstring 
                set !global #strres 
                if  * . !lock <> #nsname 
                   set !lockcount 0 
                   goto putGlobalVar_waitforlock 
                set * . %1 !globalPart1 , % . %4 , !global 
                set * . !lock N/A 
                set #lpc !lpc 
                nameSpace clear 
                nameSpace pop 
                return #true 
                ;=====end of code=========
                Incollalo tutto senza modificare nulla


                • #9
                  grazie anche se mi piacerebbe una cosa molto più easy easy, io dovrei spostare lingotti, sabbia, pietre , minerali e gemme non mi serve la lista di tutti gli item del gioco e tralaltro non ci sono quelle che servono a me, accetto ancora altri script, rpeto a me basta unos cirpt che faccia un target di dove si trova la roba e un target di dove metterla.


                  • #10
                    Guarda che con 3 click puoi spostare tutto, puoi personalizzarlo, le POF mica ci sono nella lista -.-


                    • #11
                      Dovrebbe fare al caso tuo:
                      ; Script Name: sposta_oggetti.txt
                      ; Author:
                      ; Version: 1
                      ; Client Tested with: 6.0.5
                      ; EUO version tested with: build 132
                      ; Shard OSI / FS: FS
                      ; Revision Date: 25Mag08
                      ; Purpose: sposta qualsiasi oggetto da un contenitore a un altro
                      ;Istruzioni: premere play :D
                      set %pausa 8
                      ;########NON TOCCARE NIENTE QUI SOTTO###############à
                      event sysmessage Seleziona un oggetto del tipo che vuoi spostare.
                      set #targcurs 1
                      while #targcurs = 1
                        wait 1
                      finditem #ltargetid
                      set %type #findtype
                      event sysmessage Seleziona il contenitore d'origine.
                      set #targcurs 1
                      while #targcurs = 1
                        wait 1
                      set %from #ltargetid
                      event sysmessage Seleziona il contenitore di destinazione.
                      set #targcurs 1
                      while #targcurs = 1
                        wait 1
                      set %to #ltargetid
                      finditem %type C_ , %from
                      event sysmessage Spostamento di , #spc , #findcnt , #spc , oggetti in corso...
                      for %i 0 #findcnt
                        exevent dropc %to
                        set #findindex %i
                        exevent drag #findid #findstack
                        wait %pausa
                        exevent dropc %to
                        wait %pausa
                      event sysmessage Operazione Terminata.
                      ICQ 222293462


                      Sto operando...