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[HELP] Script per poisoning!

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  • [HELP] Script per poisoning!

    ciao a tutti uso questo script:

    ; Script Name: Poison Trainer
    ; Author: Dishkuvek, ideas from Dark Noxious script "Noxious Poisoning"
    ; Version: 0.1
    ; Client Tested with: 5.0.6c
    ; EUO version tested with: 1.5 (build 97)
    ; Shard OSI / FS: OSI
    ; Revision Date: 11.15.06
    ; Public Release: 11.15.06
    ; Purpose: Train poisoning skill from 0.0 - 100.0

    ; Usage:
    ; This script assumes the following:
    ; 1. You have magery and can cast (LRC, regs, AC)
    ; 2. You have a poison crate (of the appropriate level)
    ; in your backpack along with a (one) fish steak (cooked).
    ; 3. You have some empty bottles (5 is a safe number).
    ; 4. You have two secured containers near you. One you
    ; will want to fill with poison kegs of the appropriate
    ; level. For now this is up to you, I will add automatic
    ; choosing of poison level later, but for now follow this:
    ; Poison Skill: Poison Level:
    ; 0-40 Lesser Poison
    ; 41-70 Normal Poison
    ; 71-89.1 Greater Poison
    ; 89.2-100 Deadly Poison
    ; The other secure container is for keeping empty kegs.

    ; What the script does:
    ; This script will pull a poison keg from the supplycrate and
    ; drop it in your backpack. It will then fill a bottle and attempt
    ; to poison a fishsteak. The script will keep you hidden throughout
    ; all this. If you poison yourself (which happens), it will cure you
    ; and then heal you. If you run out of kegs, the script will stop.
    ; I went from 0 to GM with this very script, it worked very well for me.

    ;; HERE WE GO!

    set %backpack #backpackid

    ; These loops grab the ID of your two containers
    set #ltargetid N/A
    display OK Target the crate containing your poison kegs.
    set #targcurs 1
    if #targcurs = 1
    goto loop
    finditem #ltargetid
    set %supplycrate #ltargetid

    set #ltargetid N/A
    display OK Target the crate that you want to put empty kegs in.
    set #targcurs 1
    if #targcurs = 1
    goto loop
    finditem #ltargetid
    set %emptycrate #ltargetid

    ; Set some vars
    set %pot AVF
    set %fish HND
    set %keg QMJ


    event macro 8 7 ; Opens your backpack and positions it
    wait 20
    contpos 572 422

    ; Main routine
    gosub hide
    gosub poison
    gosub cure
    gosub heal
    goto main

    ; Run Poisoning Skill
    sub poison
    finditem %keg C_ , %backpack
    if #findkind = -1
    gosub newkeg
    set #lobjectid #findid
    event macro 17 0
    wait 25

    scanjournal 1
    if keg_is_empty in #journal
    gosub newkeg

    event macro 13 30 ;use poison skill
    scanjournal 1
    if you_must_wait in #journal
    wait 4s
    event macro 13 30

    finditem %pot C_ , %backpack
    if #findkind = -1
    event sysmessage Can't find potion, will try to make another one.
    gosub poison
    set #ltargetid #findid
    event macro 22 0
    wait 25

    finditem %fish C_ , %backpack
    if #findkind = -1
    display OK You need a fish steak in your pack.
    set #ltargetid #findid
    event macro 22 0
    wait 8s


    sub cure
    if C in #charstatus
    event macro 15 24
    target 4s
    event macro 23 0
    until C notin #charstatus

    sub heal
    if #hits < #maxhits
    event macro 15 3
    target 2s
    event macro 23 0
    until #hits = #maxhits

    sub hide
    if H notin #charstatus
    event macro 13 21
    wait 12s

    sub newkeg

    finditem %keg C_ , %backpack
    if #findkind <> -1
    gosub dumpkeg

    set #lobjectid %supplycrate
    event macro 17 0
    wait 20
    contpos 20 20
    wait 20

    finditem %keg C_ , %supplycrate
    if #findkind = 0
    event macro 8 7
    wait 20
    contpos 572 422
    wait 20
    set %newkeg #findid
    event drag %newkeg
    wait 10
    click 641 506 p
    wait 10
    click 90 90 r
    wait 10
    display ok No kegs available!

    sub dumpkeg
    set #lobjectid %emptycrate
    event macro 17 0
    wait 20
    contpos 20 20
    wait 20

    finditem %keg C_ , %backpack
    set %emptykegid #findid
    event drag %emptykegid
    wait 10
    click 70 70 p
    wait 20
    click 70 70 r
    wait 20

    funziona perfettamente solo mi si inceppa quando stà salvando o quando fà il clean resources... vorrei sapere se qualcuno di voi è così gentile da modificare lo script inserendogli il comando detect save e detect resources così almeno non si bloccherebbe + e di conseguenza nn dovrei stare a controllare ogni tanto che nn si sia inceppato (nervi saldi asd) :P

    oppure potete darmi un'altro script per macrare (in casa o in banca nn fa differenza) poisoning con i keg... che sia automatico ovviamente... fatemi sapere aspetto risposte... ciao a tutti
    "Un tempo difensore di Stormwind e soldato fedele all'Alleanza... fino a quando il potere del male iniziò ad agire sulla sua mente... ora combatte per L'Orda e sogna di distruggere Stormwind"

    Founder Dynasty Von Real on UOD

    GM Order of Darkness on ROC

  • #2
    Domani pomeriggio se ce la faccio ti posto lo script modificato.

    Originariamente inviato da Amdir
    Ray ti setto spammer cosi' non si vede la firma e mezzo shard mi viene a piangere su icq

    Originariamente inviato da Aka
    (17:59:58) Salvo: aka >>>>>>>> OSI
    Originariamente inviato da Prof. Pala
    "Prima che la situazione si faccia imbarazzante, è meglio se si ripresenta al prossimo appello..."


    • #3
      ; Script Name: Poison Trainer
      ; Author: Dishkuvek, ideas from Dark Noxious script "Noxious Poisoning"
      ; Version: 0.1
      ; Client Tested with: 5.0.6c
      ; EUO version tested with: 1.5 (build 97)
      ; Shard OSI / FS: OSI
      ; Revision Date: 11.15.06
      ; Public Release: 11.15.06
      ; Purpose: Train poisoning skill from 0.0 - 100.0
      ; Usage:
      ; This script assumes the following:
      ; 1. You have magery and can cast (LRC, regs, AC)
      ; 2. You have a poison crate (of the appropriate level)
      ; in your backpack along with a (one) fish steak (cooked).
      ; 3. You have some empty bottles (5 is a safe number).
      ; 4. You have two secured containers near you. One you
      ; will want to fill with poison kegs of the appropriate
      ; level. For now this is up to you, I will add automatic
      ; choosing of poison level later, but for now follow this:
      ; Poison Skill: Poison Level:
      ; 0-40 Lesser Poison
      ; 41-70 Normal Poison
      ; 71-89.1 Greater Poison
      ; 89.2-100 Deadly Poison
      ; The other secure container is for keeping empty kegs.
      ; What the script does:
      ; This script will pull a poison keg from the supplycrate and
      ; drop it in your backpack. It will then fill a bottle and attempt
      ; to poison a fishsteak. The script will keep you hidden throughout
      ; all this. If you poison yourself (which happens), it will cure you
      ; and then heal you. If you run out of kegs, the script will stop.
      ; I went from 0 to GM with this very script, it worked very well for me.
      ;; HERE WE GO!
      set %backpack #backpackid
      ; These loops grab the ID of your two containers
      set #ltargetid N/A
      display OK Target the crate containing your poison kegs.
      set #targcurs 1
      if #targcurs = 1
      goto loop
      finditem #ltargetid
      set %supplycrate #ltargetid
      set #ltargetid N/A
      display OK Target the crate that you want to put empty kegs in.
      set #targcurs 1
      if #targcurs = 1
      goto loop
      finditem #ltargetid
      set %emptycrate #ltargetid
      ; Set some vars
      set %pot AVF
      set %fish HND
      set %keg QMJ
      event macro 8 7 ; Opens your backpack and positions it
      wait 20
      contpos 572 422
      ; Main routine
      gosub hide
      gosub poison
      gosub cure
      gosub heal
      goto main
      ; Run Poisoning Skill
      sub poison
      gosub CheckForWorldSave
      finditem %keg C_ , %backpack
      if #findkind = -1
      gosub newkeg
      set #lobjectid #findid
      event macro 17 0
      wait 25
      scanjournal 1
      if keg_is_empty in #journal
      gosub newkeg
      event macro 13 30 ;use poison skill
      scanjournal 1
      if you_must_wait in #journal
      wait 4s
      event macro 13 30
      finditem %pot C_ , %backpack
      if #findkind = -1
      event sysmessage Can't find potion, will try to make another one.
      gosub poison
      set #ltargetid #findid
      event macro 22 0
      wait 25
      finditem %fish C_ , %backpack
      if #findkind = -1
      display OK You need a fish steak in your pack.
      set #ltargetid #findid
      event macro 22 0
      wait 8s
      sub cure
      gosub CheckForWorldSave
      if C in #charstatus
      event macro 15 24
      target 4s
      event macro 23 0
      until C notin #charstatus
      sub heal
      if #hits < #maxhits
      event macro 15 3
      target 2s
      event macro 23 0
      until #hits = #maxhits
      sub hide
      if H notin #charstatus
      event macro 13 21
      gosub CheckForWorldSave
      wait 12s
      gosub CheckForWorldSave
      sub newkeg
      gosub CheckForWorldSave
      finditem %keg C_ , %backpack
      if #findkind <> -1
      gosub dumpkeg
      set #lobjectid %supplycrate
      event macro 17 0
      wait 20
      contpos 20 20
      wait 20
      finditem %keg C_ , %supplycrate
      if #findkind = 0
      event macro 8 7
      wait 20
      contpos 572 422
      wait 20
      set %newkeg #findid
      event drag %newkeg
      wait 10
      click 641 506 p
      wait 10
      click 90 90 r
      wait 10
      display ok No kegs available!
      sub dumpkeg
      gosub CheckForWorldSave
      set #lobjectid %emptycrate
      event macro 17 0
      wait 20
      contpos 20 20
      wait 20
      finditem %keg C_ , %backpack
      set %emptykegid #findid
      event drag %emptykegid
      wait 10
      click 70 70 p
      wait 20
      click 70 70 r
      wait 20
      ;* @name CheckForWorldSave
      ;* @ver 1.0 20May05
      ;* @author  Boydon
      ;* @purpose To detect world saves and resources cleaning of RunUO Shards
      ;* @params
      ;* @returns
      ;* @notes the sub keep track of the last scanned journal line using
      ;*					the variable %Saveindex: every time the sub is called the script will
      ;*					start to scan from that line.
      ;* @dependencies sub WaitForSaveEnd
      ;* @example gosub CheckForWorldSave
      ;* @status Tested and working fine
      sub CheckForWorldSave
      	nameSpace Push
      	nameSpace Local CheckForWorldSave , #time , #random , #scnt2
      	if %SaveIndex = N/A
      		set %SaveIndex #jindex
      	set !Save #false
      	set !Jstart %SaveIndex
      	for !i !Jstart #jindex
      		scanjournal !i
      		if #jcolor = 53
      			if THE_WORLD_WILL_SAVE_IN in #journal || WORLD_IS_SAVING in #journal
      				set !Save #true
      				Event ExMsg #charid 3 33 SAVE Detected
      				gosub WaitForSaveEnd WORLD_SAVE_COMPLETE 100 !i SAVE
      				set %SaveIndex #jindex
      				set !i #jindex
      			if CLEANING in #journal
      				set !Save #true
      				Event ExMsg #charid 3 33 CLEANING Detected
      				gosub WaitForSaveEnd CLEANED 30 !i CLEANING
      				set %SaveIndex #jindex
      				set !i #jindex
      		set %SaveIndex !i
      	nameSpace Clear
      	nameSpace Pop
      ;* @name WaitForSaveEnd
      ;* @ver 1.0 20May05
      ;* @author  Boydon
      ;* @purpose To detect when world save/ resource cleaning has ended
      ;* @params %1 req End of save message
      ;*				 %2 req Time to wait before the sub goes in time out
      ;*				 %3 req #jindex of world save start message
      ;*				 %4 req Tells what are we waiting for, can be SAVE|CLEANING
      ;* @returns
      ;* @notes This sub _MUST_ be called _ONLY_FROM_ sub CheckForWorldSave.
      ;*				This sub uses the same namespace as sub CheckForSave.
      ;* @dependencies sub CheckForWorldSave
      ;* @example
      ;* @status Tested and working fine
      sub WaitForSaveEnd
      	if %0 < 4 || %1 = N/A || %2 = N/A || %3 = N/A || %4 = N/A
      		display ok Wrong use of Sub WaitForSaveEnd: some required arguments are missing!
      			+$Script will be halted.
      	set !EndOfSave %1
      	set !SaveTimeOut #scnt + %2
      	set !Jstart %3
      	set !Message %4
      	for !j !jstart #jindex
      		scanjournal !j
      		if #jcolor = 53
      			if !EndOfSave in #journal
      				set !Save #false
      				set %SaveIndex #jindex
      				set !j #jindex
      	if !Save = #true && #scnt <= !SaveTimeOut
      		wait 1
      		goto waitforsaveend
      	if #scnt > !SaveTimeOut
      		set !Save #false
      		set %SaveIndex #jindex
      		event ExMsg #charid 3 33 !Message detection timed out...
      	event ExMsg #charid 3 33 End of !Message Detected
      Ci ho messo mano quando mi hai chiamato in icq 2 minuti fa, quindi è un pò aleatoria la cosa.
      Testa e fammi sapere.

      Come sempre: inchinatevi al grande Boydon per le sub!!!!!
      Ultima modifica di Batista; 18-02-2007, 14:20.
      Originariamente inviato da Amdir
      Ray ti setto spammer cosi' non si vede la firma e mezzo shard mi viene a piangere su icq

      Originariamente inviato da Aka
      (17:59:58) Salvo: aka >>>>>>>> OSI
      Originariamente inviato da Prof. Pala
      "Prima che la situazione si faccia imbarazzante, è meglio se si ripresenta al prossimo appello..."


      • #4
        grazie caro sembrerebbe andare... ti faccio sapere se mi dà qualke prob
        "Un tempo difensore di Stormwind e soldato fedele all'Alleanza... fino a quando il potere del male iniziò ad agire sulla sua mente... ora combatte per L'Orda e sogna di distruggere Stormwind"

        Founder Dynasty Von Real on UOD

        GM Order of Darkness on ROC


        • #5
          stò usando il vostro script ma poisoning si è bloccata a 52.7 e uso keg d poison...
          come mai nn sale?
          ed è giusto ke alcune volte mi si avvelena il pg? (credo beva la pozione)
          £DIT: il cap è d 600.7


          • #6
            Sì, quando poisoni hai 3 possibili risultai: fallisci, riesci, oppure fallisci e ti "tagli", poisonandoti.
            Per il fatto della skill bloccata o la hai messa locked senza essertene accorto oppure sei incappato in una girandola di sculo micidiale (come può essere che ho cannato io a modificare lo script togliendo qualcosa senza rendermene conto... fatemi sapere se qualcuno ha lo stesso prob.). L'unica cosa: prova a pulire le armi con gli oil cloth, anke se quando la macrai io arrivai a 100 senza farlo.
            Originariamente inviato da Amdir
            Ray ti setto spammer cosi' non si vede la firma e mezzo shard mi viene a piangere su icq

            Originariamente inviato da Aka
            (17:59:58) Salvo: aka >>>>>>>> OSI
            Originariamente inviato da Prof. Pala
            "Prima che la situazione si faccia imbarazzante, è meglio se si ripresenta al prossimo appello..."


            • #7
              è una mia impressione o questo script nn ha la funzione contro l'antimacro?
              usa sempre lo stesso pezzo di carne...


              • #8
                Originariamente inviato da bob8x Visualizza il messaggio
                è una mia impressione o questo script nn ha la funzione contro l'antimacro?
                usa sempre lo stesso pezzo di carne...
                Se mette il pezzo nelle bag, stackandolo, "pulisce" l'item ID, e al giro successivo viene visto come un item nuovo.. se non erro


                • #9
                  e' funzionale alla fine questo script ?

                  * [SCAMBIO]BOD da kit BARBED AGGIORNATO*
                  * [COMPRO] tailor bods di TUTTI I TIPI*
                  * [VENDO]kit barbed*
                  * [COMPRO]Cristalline ring*


                  Sto operando...