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[e Emote

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  • [e Emote

    hello everybody! ive noticed sad thing that u guys on this shard dont have emote menu called [e where u can expres visualy and with sound your emotions like farting, or spiting on each another and screaming from pain or just saying yes or no and all other stuff i just thought this thing brings much more fun and happines to people and kids like me XD
    thank you

  • #2
    Originariamente inviato da FroSPAWNzeN Visualizza il messaggio
    hello everybody! ive noticed sad thing that u guys on this shard dont have emote menu called [e where u can expres visualy and with sound your emotions like farting, or spiting on each another and screaming from pain or just saying yes or no and all other stuff i just thought this thing brings much more fun and happines to people and kids like me XD
    thank you
    This 21 years old kid is right, i'v seen some servers which was made by OSI and they had emote menu, that is good stuff and mostly when you are selling something, then u can scream and everyone will se you or thing that u are just dumb

    I hope you guys will make it, and some people who didn't seen it should be really happy


    • #3
      is this osi style XD?
      Ultima modifica di gaiano; 23-03-2010, 16:57.
      Originariamente inviato da Prof
      ...Una volta le maestre tiravano le bacchettate...
      Originariamente inviato da Alunno
      ...Oggi tirano le seghe...
      La signora In Giallo!


      • #4
        Don't you guys think that we need something more important things to implement than a menu in which you can fart, scream or other useless stuff?


        • #5
          Originariamente inviato da wolf7 Visualizza il messaggio
          Don't you guys think that we need something more important things to implement than a menu in which you can fart, scream or other useless stuff?
          We need, but noone does it. -_-
          the emotions menu is easyest thing to do but even that thing isn;t addes, so i thibk in progress it wouldn;t be hard to add this too


          • #6
            Originariamente inviato da FroSPAWNzeN Visualizza il messaggio
            hello everybody! ive noticed sad thing that u guys on this shard dont have emote menu called [e where u can expres visualy and with sound your emotions like farting, or spiting on each another and screaming from pain or just saying yes or no and all other stuff i just thought this thing brings much more fun and happines to people and kids like me XD
            thank you
            I test emote menu in other shard a lot of time is fantastic hehe =)
            If scripter implement : it is very good ^_^

            Se dovessi rinascere, farei l’idraulico ” – Albert Einstein


            • #7
              No news about this?


              • #8
                [e is a custom command

                type [help to know alailable commands.

                otherwise if not on OSI, nor on UODreams.

                Thread closed becuse has not usefulness.


                Sto operando...