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About Fletchers.... in ML

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  • About Fletchers.... in ML

    For a bowyer to enhance a bow, he/she must have a fletching kit. These are avilable from any bowyer shop. The bowyer must also have the appropriate level of skill.

    can we have this soon ? and my other question is Do we have carpenter and fletcher runic kits or not? could'nt find ANY post about this - sorry if it is somewhere in forum I cant find it ...thanks in advance and sorry i dont speak italian.

    Best regards
    ICQ : 152645499

  • #2
    No, they're not implemented yet. We all are eagerly waiting...
    Edain il marmista ed Hieronimous lo scriba

    Lavori su ordinazione, offertissime!


    • #3
      Originariamente inviato da tihomirv Visualizza il messaggio
      cut ...thanks in advance and sorry i dont speak italian.

      Best regards
      Don't worry for that: you are welcome here, and sooner or later someone will always reply you - in a sort of english of course!!
      Good game!


      • #4
        thanks i think thats it for this thread.
        ICQ : 152645499


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