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  • Valor

    Is Valor going to work well?.Now you only can invoke being "Knight" ins this virtue and...with no candles!!!!
    Being "Knight" you should be able to invoke even 4 red candles and this virtue is not only meant to be used if you are "knight".It should works at "seeker" and "follower",but it doesnt.
    Firma Irregolare.

  • #2
    Any answer?
    Firma Irregolare.


    • #3
      My eng is too bad, i dont understand the problem



      • #4
        Valor funziona bene?
        Ora puoi invocarla solo essendo Knight of Valor, ma senza candele!
        Essendo Knight dovresti poter invocare 4 candele rosse e questo non solo se si è Knight, ma anche se si è seeker o follower, ma non è così.

        Spero di non aver fatto grossi errori...

        Pensq cmq si riferisca al fatto che tramite valor si dovrebbe poter far avanzare il champ di qualche candela, ma sinceramente nn ne so molto...

        Da Stratics:

        Originariamente inviato da Stratics
        Advancing a Champion Spawn:

        If you are a Seeker of Valor, or higher, you will be able to advance a champion spawn shrine--the more advanced the spawn, the greater the required Valor title. The first levels will require no title, while higher levels will require Seeker, Follower, or Knight titles before you can even attempt a Valorous Challenge. Advancing a champion spawn level will cost you a portion of your Valor based on the current level of the champion spawn. The higher the current level, the more Valor it will take to affect the spawn.

        A champion spawn will only accept one such Virtuous Challenge per session. Only one person may affect a given champion spawn session, and only once during that session. Once a champion spawn’s level has been increased by a player, no one else can increase its level until the spawn has been completely defeated and has restarted.
        Ultima modifica di Batista; 23-06-2006, 16:22.
        Originariamente inviato da Amdir
        Ray ti setto spammer cosi' non si vede la firma e mezzo shard mi viene a piangere su icq

        Originariamente inviato da Aka
        (17:59:58) Salvo: aka >>>>>>>> OSI
        Originariamente inviato da Prof. Pala
        "Prima che la situazione si faccia imbarazzante, è meglio se si ripresenta al prossimo appello..."


        • #5
          You can use Valor only 1 time a champ (or for activate it or for make a step)



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