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[SCAMBIO] Small Bod da 20 Exceptional in Spined

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  • [SCAMBIO] Small Bod da 20 Exceptional in Spined


    Come da Titolo.


    Exceptional Spined 20 Leather Gorget - Effettuato Scambio con Billie joe
    Exceptional Spined 20 Leather Skirt - Trovato
    Exceptional Spined 20 Leather Shorts - Trovato
    Exceptional Spined 20 Female Leather Armor
    Exceptional Spined 20 Studded Armor - Trovato
    Exceptional Spined 20 Studded Bustier

    Acquisto inoltre gli Small sovracitati al prezzo di 700.000 gp Cadauno, in caso non fosse possibile uno Scambio.


    Exceptional Spined 20 Studded Sleeves
    Exceptional Spined 20 Studded Leggings
    Exceptional Spined 20 Studded Tunic
    Exceptional Spined 20 Studded Gorget

    Stesso discorso riguardo gli Small in mio possesso. Qualora non fosse possibile uno Scambio, li Vendo a 700.000 gp Cadauno.

    Icq in Sign.
    Ultima modifica di DamnedHorror; 13-12-2006, 19:24.
    On :

    Lord Horror [CdM] - The Cruel Doomguard
    Lady Enchantress [CdM] - Deadly Fencer
    Lady Meadow [FrB] - Deadly's Supremacy
    Lord Rest In Peace [FrB] - The Priest Drow

    Icq: 249114785

    . . . i'M jUsT SiTTiNg iN My cAr aNd wAiTiNg fOr My gIrL . . .

  • #2
    Exceptional Spined 20 Leather Bustier mio per Exceptional Spined 20 Leather gorget tuo
    icq 328697480
    You got me runnin' wild and free
    Runnin' wild and free
    You got me runnin' wild and free
    Runnin' wild and free


    • #3
      Forse te l'hanno già preso, in caso diverso contattami

      Exceptional Spined 20 Leather Gorget

      Exceptional Spined 20 Studded Armor

      icq 210445884


      • #4
        Up. Mi spiace Loz ma sì, l'ho già scambiato..
        On :

        Lord Horror [CdM] - The Cruel Doomguard
        Lady Enchantress [CdM] - Deadly Fencer
        Lady Meadow [FrB] - Deadly's Supremacy
        Lord Rest In Peace [FrB] - The Priest Drow

        Icq: 249114785

        . . . i'M jUsT SiTTiNg iN My cAr aNd wAiTiNg fOr My gIrL . . .


        • #5
          On :

          Lord Horror [CdM] - The Cruel Doomguard
          Lady Enchantress [CdM] - Deadly Fencer
          Lady Meadow [FrB] - Deadly's Supremacy
          Lord Rest In Peace [FrB] - The Priest Drow

          Icq: 249114785

          . . . i'M jUsT SiTTiNg iN My cAr aNd wAiTiNg fOr My gIrL . . .


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