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[VENDO] Stoffe liv 5...

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  • [VENDO] Stoffe liv 5...

    100 pezzi Fire a 250k o 3k al pezzo se li volete sciolti

    100 pezzi Ice - Blue a 250k o 2,5k al pezzo se sciolti

    200 pezzi Ice - Green a 450k o 2,5k al pezzo se sciolti

    Sit for a while, why rush?
    The beauty is all around.
    The red sky of the morning,
    the different colours of the landscape,
    the freshness of the breeze.
    So sit for a while and rest
    with the spirit of the land.

  • #2

    Sit for a while, why rush?
    The beauty is all around.
    The red sky of the morning,
    the different colours of the landscape,
    the freshness of the breeze.
    So sit for a while and rest
    with the spirit of the land.


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