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[SCAMBIO]Ancient Samurai Helm con Jackal's Collar

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  • [SCAMBIO]Ancient Samurai Helm con Jackal's Collar

    Ultima modifica di LoboDeThor; 23-10-2006, 16:01.

  • #2
    I'll give you Jakal's.
    Leave ICQ or contact me.
    Cricetola >.<


    • #3
      [SCAMBIO] ([TRADE]): in this kind of thread you can advance a trade between items. You must specify exactly which items of your possesion you want to trade, and give a monetary evaluation for the items you are searching for. For example: "i give away totem (50kk) and search for 120 fencing (10kk), hat of the magi (20kk), sos+25 (20kk)".
      1. You MUST specify the items you want to trade and the items you're looking for, and you may NOT ask users to trade on ICQ/MSN/etc. Penalty: thread closure and 50k.
      2. If you reply for a trade, but then change idea, you MUST edit your reply within 2 hours. Penalty: BlackList and pecuniary sanction or jail.
      3. If somebody offers to trade items that match your request, you MUST trade with him, and you CANNOT choose other offers, even if they are better. Penalty: BlackList and pecuniary sanction or jail.
      4. You MUST post the monetary evaluation of the items you trade and the items you search for. Penalty: thread closure and 50k.

      EXtra forum edit after 2 hours:
      Black List + 5kk + 6 day jail


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