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Hello - Some questions please

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  • Hello - Some questions please

    Myself and 4 others have joined today and are not quite certain if we should stay or not.

    It's very awkward trying to start out when the majority don't speak your language.

    I have noticed there is Anti-Macro code enabled. I find this baffling and strange as removing it would only bring good to the server (as in many more players)

    I have seen someone selling an ancient samurai helm for 10 mil ?
    Is the economy really that crazy?

    What is the pvp like?

    Is the skillcap 720 (+20 with account age) ?

    Are there stat caps?

    Are there stealther one shot kill archers?

    How easy is it to get started, whats the best method?

    Will it be hard to get LRC from people - we need it to start training lol

    Who, in your opinion, is the best pvpr here. Individually or in groups.

    Where are the pvp hotspots?

    I'll be sure to ask more when I think of them.

  • #2
    Also, what are all the caps please

    Dmg Inc
    etc etc etc


    • #3
      Originariamente inviato da kokane Visualizza il messaggio

      What is the pvp like?
      usually 3 different ways ..
      1st - Omen+paralyze if u don't have anything against omen+paralyze
      2nd - pre-cast expl.. paralyze with hand.. flamestrike.. deatstrike and harms..

      if this two ways doesn't work.. then last one... bIrDRidErS...

      expl... paralyze with hand.. say:"oh my helper do it, pterodactyl kill" - last target... lightning or something else.. and heal self, heal self, heal self, heal self.

      easy to play.. easy to get anything.. easy to train if u know how.. easy to find italians..

      pvp hotspots - brit gate, bucca, lostlands..

      answer for all questions about lmc stats skill blablabal - OSI style..

      p.s. best method - trains skills and go in doom =) get some artys and trade them for all shit u need.. artys that u need keep for uself.. two weeks enough to get lot's of artys if u're not outta of luck
      Ultima modifica di remudsar; 22-04-2007, 16:26.


      • #4
        Ild advice you to prevent gating/housing/recalling and other laming. Then you have better opportunity to get into big faction guilds ecc and you wont be flagged as a crappy noob like Remu here who has been trying to get into Aot so many times and always failed. Maybe thats why he is now trying to bad mouth us ^__^ and maybe the thing that some other russians got in pisses him off aswell ;D


        • #5
          Originariamente inviato da Keffu Visualizza il messaggio
          Ild advice you to prevent gating/housing/recalling and other laming. Then you have better opportunity to get into big faction guilds ecc and you wont be flagged as a crappy noob like Remu here who has been trying to get into Aot so many times and always failed. Maybe thats why he is now trying to bad mouth us ^__^ and maybe the thing that some other russians got in pisses him off aswell ;D

          i don't like people who think or talk that they're better then other ;-) if it's not so..
          after Met killed 5 of u alone.. he proved that's not true
          and i "bad mouth" anyone who talk more then do..
          some russians as who ? lol.. no more russians after i left them.. where they r ?
          so many times u say ? 1 invitation isn't many tries, don't u think ?

          relax boy.. u have long tongue and short hands... once that will play with u bad joke.
          go on gang as usually and write blabla storys here .. also as usually


          • #6
            Originariamente inviato da remudsar Visualizza il messaggio
            i don't like people who think or talk that they're better then other ;-) if it's not so..
            after Met killed 5 of u alone.. he proved that's not true
            and i "bad mouth" anyone who talk more then do..
            some russians as who ? lol.. no more russians after i left them.. where they r ?
            so many times u say ? 1 invitation isn't many tries, don't u think ?

            relax boy.. u have long tongue and short hands... once that will play with u bad joke.
            go on gang as usually and write blabla storys here .. also as usually
            Yeah yeah as always im the one telling stories ^^ Invitation? I dont think so. Met killed 5 aots 1 vs 5? Any screenies or videos from such achievement? And if I recall correctly you tried to enter atleast 3 times but every time giolo shitted on you and yeh I gang but it`s better than sitting with noobs at the gate. And last time I saw you 1 vs 1 ya died

            Ps. It`s good to ride with your friends reputation and achievements Maybe that`s why you never get into any good guilds. And there still are lots of russians at uod. And if you have time to play uo when your 23 years old maybe you have time to learn some english aswell. It`s very hard to read your russoenglish. My little sister(9 years) could do better ^^

            Keffu rests.


            • #7
              I'll try to answer some of your question! Sorry for my horrible english
              Originariamente inviato da kokane Visualizza il messaggio
              Myself and 4 others have joined today and are not quite certain if we should stay or not.

              It's very awkward trying to start out when the majority don't speak your language.

              I have noticed there is Anti-Macro code enabled. I find this baffling and strange as removing it would only bring good to the server (as in many more players)
              OSI STYLE means also 8x8 antimacro code. However you can bypass antimacro code using easyuo script that move your player or use skilling macros on a moving ship

              Originariamente inviato da kokane Visualizza il messaggio
              I have seen someone selling an ancient samurai helm for 10 mil ?
              Is the economy really that crazy?
              The Economy in the shard i think is well balanced for pvm & pvp playing : there are only one or two artifact really exspensive (Totem around 70KK and Ornament around 45KK).
              If you consider that some monster like hiryuu drop 1.5k of loot is not so impossible to make 2/3 KK every month.

              Originariamente inviato da kokane Visualizza il messaggio
              What is the pvp like?
              The PVP is equip and artifact based.
              The most powerfull skill in PVP is ninjitsu for some good reason.

              Originariamente inviato da kokane Visualizza il messaggio
              Is the skillcap 720 (+20 with account age) ?
              The initial skill cap is 700. every 4 month it's increased by 5 until it reash 720 (after 16 month).

              Originariamente inviato da kokane Visualizza il messaggio
              Are there stat caps?
              Initial stat cap is 225, but you can increse it via Scroll of Power (o SoS ).
              The maximum stat cap is 250 (with +25 SoS).
              The cap does not include stat bonus from equip.
              The cap for any single stat is 125, 150 with equip bonus.

              Originariamente inviato da kokane Visualizza il messaggio
              Are there stealther one shot kill archers?
              No, absolutely no.

              Originariamente inviato da kokane Visualizza il messaggio
              How easy is it to get started, whats the best method?
              The best player to start is a Mage-Necro for PvM and a Tailor to do some BoD and try to make a Barbed Kit.
              Forget PVP for long long time . you need a lot of equip and pvm expirience first !

              Originariamente inviato da kokane Visualizza il messaggio
              Will it be hard to get LRC from people - we need it to start training lol
              Reach 100 LRC (95 LRC however maybe can be enough) is very very easy, harder is to build an armor with 100 lrc and good resistences.

              Originariamente inviato da kokane Visualizza il messaggio
              Who, in your opinion, is the best pvpr here. Individually or in groups.
              Faction PVP, in big groups.

              Originariamente inviato da kokane Visualizza il messaggio
              Where are the pvp hotspots?
              For non-factioned player, the best pvp spot right now is Britain Felucca, near the gate.

              Tiferet [SĐF]

              The Queen of Champs is back...
              Keter Sephirot [SĐF] - Shekhinah [SĐF] - Hod [SĐF]


              • #8
                CAPS :

                LUCK : 1200 (1350, but over 1200 is useless)

                LMC : 45%

                LRC : 100%

                Dmg Inc : NO CAP

                SDI : 15% cap in PVP

                RPD : i don't really know

                MI : No CAP (theorical maximum 17 )

                Tiferet [SĐF]

                The Queen of Champs is back...
                Keter Sephirot [SĐF] - Shekhinah [SĐF] - Hod [SĐF]


                • #9
                  stats cap: 225


                  • #10
                    welcome to uod
                    i didn't translate all of it(actually i translated just a tiny part)...hope you understand the info you need!

                    player caps

                    - Hit Chance Increase (HCI): 45%
                    - Defense Chance Increase (DCI): 45%
                    - Spell damage increase (SDI): 15% (solo in pvp ed esclusi i bonus relativi a intelligence e inscription)
                    - Lower Mana Cost (LMC): 40%
                    - Damage Increase (DI): 100% (Per approfondire clicca qui)
                    - Damage cap per danno diretto pet PvP: 35 (nessun cap per il PvM)
                    - Faster Casting (FC):
                    Faster Casting 4 se si ha magery minore di 70
                    Faster Casting 2 se si ha magery da 70.0 in su
                    Faster Casting 0 per chi è sotto l'effetto della magia protection
                    - Faster Casting Recovery: 6 per magery/necromancy e 7 per chivalry
                    - Reflect Physical Damage (rpd): 100% ma se è attivo blood oath il bonus degli oggetti viene azzerato per tutta la durata della magia
                    - Archery move delay: 0.25 sec. (praticamente bisogna stare fermi 0.25s tra una corsa e l'altra per lanciare una freccia)
                    - Swing delay: 1.25 sec. (per quanta stamina o swing speed abbiate la velocà non scenderà mai sotto gli 1.25 secondi)
                    - Luck: Non esiste ma con gli equipaggiamenti (arti ecc) attuali oltre 1360 non si va.
                    - Stat Cap complessivo senza bonus item: 250 (con sos +25)
                    - Stat Cap singoli senza bonus item: 125 per ogni stat
                    - Stat Cap Singole Stats con bonus item: 150
                    - Stat Cap Totale con Bonus vari: teoricamente dato dalle 3x150 = 450
                    - Skill Cap: 700 (0-4 mesi account)
                    705 (4-8)
                    710 (8-12)
                    715 (12-16)
                    720 (16+)

                    - Skill Cap con vari skill bonus da item: Non Esiste
                    - Cap Singole skills: Tutte 120 con apposite Sop 120
                    TRANNE poisoning, inscription, alchemy, cooking, fishing, herding , lockpicking , lumberjaking, mining, remove traps, detecten hidden, hiding, snooping, tinkering, tracking, begging, carpentery, item id, arms lore, fortensic eval
                    Fisica: 70
                    Fire: 70
                    Cold: 70
                    Poison: 70
                    Energy: 70 (umano) e 75 (elfo)

                    Se si ha magic resistance le resistenze NON si sommeranno a quelle dell'armatura!!!
                    es. Se si ha 120 di magic resistance si avrà 43 in tutte le resistenze. Se senza magic resistance la nostra resistenza fisica era 20, con magic resistance sarà 43. Se invece prima la resistenza fisica era 50 resterà così.

                    CAP SUGLI OGGETTI

                    - weapons (blacksmith o loot)

                    Hit life leech (hll): 50
                    Hit Mana leech (hml): 50
                    Hit Stamina leech (hsl): 50
                    Hit Energy Area (hea): 50
                    Hit Poison Area (hpa): 50
                    Hit Magia (fireball, harm, lightning ecc): 50
                    Hit Chance Increase (hci): 15
                    Defence Chance Increase (dci): 15
                    Swing Speed Increase (ssi): 30
                    Faster Casting (se senza SC) (fc): 1
                    Luck: 140

                    - Shields (blacksmith o loot)

                    Hit Chance Increase (hci): 15
                    Defence Chance Increase (dci): 15
                    Reflect physical damage (rpd): 15
                    Faster Casting (se senza SC) (fc): 1
                    Luck: 40

                    - Armor (blacksmith o tailoring o loot)

                    Stamina regeneration (sr): 3
                    Mana regeneration (mr): 2
                    Hit Point regeneration (hpr): 2
                    Mana Increase (mi): 8
                    Stamina Increase (si): 8
                    Hit Point Increase (hpi): 5
                    Lower Mana Cost (lmc): 8
                    Lower Reagent Cost (lrc): 20
                    Luck: 140

                    - braces & rings (loot)

                    Bonus Intelligence: 8
                    Bonus Dexterity: 8
                    Bonus Strenght: 8
                    Bonus Skill: 15

                    Spell Damage Increase (sdi): 12
                    Damage Increase (di): 25
                    Lower Mana Cost (lmc): 8
                    Lower Reagent Cost (mi): 20
                    Faster Casting (fc): 1
                    Faster Casting Recovery: 3
                    Hit Chance Increase (hci): 15
                    Defence Chance Increase (dci): 15
                    Luck: 100
                    Enchance Potions (ep): 25

                    by the way;i speack english and like to speack english,so hope to see you around to have a talk
                    Originariamente inviato da yukiyukita
                    Oggi leggevo le condizioni di contratto della ea per l'utilizzo di ultima e ho letto 2-3 punti che mi hanno fatto dubitare della legalità degli shard e soprattutto di giocarci e a dir la verità ho un po' di paura.....
                    A dirla tutta me la sto facendo sotto, nn voglio trovarmi la polizia postale a casa perchè gioco qua, se rischio mollo tutto e cancello il gioco... cavolo ora intercettano tutto, se sapevo di rischiare così manco mi iscrivevo qua!!!
                    Se faccio formattare il pc da un mio amico mi beccano ancora? porca miseria ci ho giocato un bel po' che posso fare per non farmi beccare?
                    io sto parlando serio, se qualcuno fa lo sbirro siamo fregati, come fate a stare così tranquilli???
                    NOOOOOO ma qua su gamesnet ci sono tutti i dati pure :O e se vanno nel server di gamesnet e prendono tutti i dati??? porca zozza che macello!!!


                    • #11
                      Hey thanks for the big reply


                      • #12
                        yeh I gang but it`s better than sitting with noobs at the gate.
                        in one of last meetings in ll .. u ran away..
                        we got some sops and rikktor's head.. after aots killed it..
                        in 5 we fought with 10 of u.. most of ur friends died there few times.. most of us didn't die even once... about 33% of all frags usually mine.

                        another one time almost all of u died on a roof(dead city).. other were running near and trying to help somehow to their friends.. we were looting corpses laughing at your stupidity

                        i died ? and what ) noone is immortal some guys simply the best

                        Maybe that`s why you never get into any good guilds
                        maybe i never asked ?
                        like with aot.. i asked only about invitation is it valid...

                        i can remind u what Choibolsan wrote about ur english
                        Choi is that guy who lives in Canada and know english as well as russian.. he knows it in perfect. also he lives many years in english speaking countries

                        yeah.. i have time to play
                        ur sister knows english better ?: )
                        my friends companies turnover bigger than all finland budget lol. ( and much more than budget of Nokia :-P)
                        and what now ?
                        Ultima modifica di remudsar; 20-05-2007, 00:04.


                        • #13
                          Originariamente inviato da remudsar Visualizza il messaggio
                          in one of last meetings in ll .. u ran away..
                          we got some sops and rikktor's head.. after aots killed it..
                          in 5 we fought with 10 of u.. most of ur friends died there few times.. most of us didn't die even once... about 33% of all frags usually mine.

                          another one time almost all of u died on a roof(dead city).. other were running near and trying to help somehow to their friends.. we were looting corpses laughing at your stupidity

                          i died ? and what noone is immortal some guys simply the best

                          maybe i never asked ?
                          like with aot.. i asked only about invitation is it valid...

                          i can remind u what Choibolsan wrote about ur english
                          Choi is that guy who lives in Canada and know english as well as russian.. he knows it in perfect. also he lives many years in english speaking countries

                          yeah.. i have time to play
                          ur sister knows english better ?: )
                          my friends companies turnover bigger than all finland budget lol. ( and much more than budget of Nokia :-P)
                          and what now ?
                          u will just own with number,u will never own with skill.

                          PLZ sto flaming us just cause in the past we made u unfactioning from Minax and limited u to gank at gates

                          Originariamente inviato da Brad_Solid.
                          Tacete pls co sta storia che fa ridere, ho giocato in fazione bendando in corsa i compagni in battaglia
                          Originariamente inviato da Brad_Solid
                          ah, quasi scordavo la cosa più pazzesca: MA AVETE VISTO? HA TIRATO UNA BENDATA IN CORSA A VASH CHE ERA SOTTO GANK!
                          credo che fin ora crossheleare con le bende in corsa fosse solo fantascienza (ti prego fa che si scriva con la "i")
                          C'è qualcosa che non va, ma nel dubbio:


                          • #14
                            Originariamente inviato da remudsar Visualizza il messaggio
                            in one of last meetings in ll .. u ran away..
                            we got some sops and rikktor's head.. after aots killed it..
                            in 5 we fought with 10 of u.. most of ur friends died there few times.. most of us didn't die even once... about 33% of all frags usually mine.

                            another one time almost all of u died on a roof(dead city).. other were running near and trying to help somehow to their friends.. we were looting corpses laughing at your stupidity

                            i died ? and what ) noone is immortal some guys simply the best

                            maybe i never asked ?
                            like with aot.. i asked only about invitation is it valid...

                            i can remind u what Choibolsan wrote about ur english
                            Choi is that guy who lives in Canada and know english as well as russian.. he knows it in perfect. also he lives many years in english speaking countries

                            yeah.. i have time to play
                            ur sister knows english better ?: )
                            my friends companies turnover bigger than all finland budget lol. ( and much more than budget of Nokia :-P)
                            and what now ?
                            Hablaablaa blablabla blaa ^^


                            • #15
                              Originariamente inviato da Dj_Amix Visualizza il messaggio
                              u will just own with number,u will never own with skill.

                              PLZ sto flaming us just cause in the past we made u unfactioning from Minax and limited u to gank at gates


                              hahaa don't confuse me with other russians..
                              i was never in factions.. in factions were only guys from Seifer's guild btw ( Seifer is that mage who killed 5 of 1 alone 5vs1 )
                              that was the time when our mages ran without any combat skills.. like Scitols.. all as one with necromancy and so on long long time ago..
                              that time i ran with 180 dex without jackal.. and were killing u with 3 shots with dryad.. criticals were so sweet..swing was so fast.. i could have and jackal.. and 200 dex > buuutt... some russian's are so greedy.

                              quantity ?) u said quantity ?
                              then i bet u never heard about tactics and strategy.
                              6-vs-9 isn't the difference if u do what u should do.

                              anyway.. ur words about quantity are so insignificant after all times when u died during fights in equal quantity

                              also u couldn't met me near gate. only in ll and in dungeons.


                              Sto operando...