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New account.. problems and a question

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  • New account.. problems and a question

    Hi, im new here and am having a little problem to connect. My client is fully updated.

    Since i play on other server, i tried using uogateway to connect, since i believe there is some kind of patch to play. Thing is my uogateway not downloading anything, and i get stuck on verifying account.

    any idea?

    Solved. Thanks.
    Ultima modifica di dreamsmorg1; 18-02-2007, 03:28.

  • #2
    don't use uo-gateway, put these parameters into razor
    port: 2593

    or type this in the login.cfg file, located in the UO directory:,2593

    edit: I forgot, there is also a UODLauncher, that you can download here:
    Ultima modifica di neo2083; 19-02-2007, 19:14.

    Ho sempre rivolto a Dio una sola preghiera: "Oh, Signore, ridicolizza i miei nemici...e Dio l'ha esaudita" - Voltaire


    • #3
      Originariamente inviato da Volo
      don't use uo-gateway, put these parameters into razor
      port: 2593

      or type this in the login.cfg file, located in the UO directory:,2593

      edit: I forgot, there is also a UODLauncher, that you can download here:
      come back playing
      Originariamente inviato da Brad_Solid.
      Tacete pls co sta storia che fa ridere, ho giocato in fazione bendando in corsa i compagni in battaglia
      Originariamente inviato da Brad_Solid
      ah, quasi scordavo la cosa più pazzesca: MA AVETE VISTO? HA TIRATO UNA BENDATA IN CORSA A VASH CHE ERA SOTTO GANK!
      credo che fin ora crossheleare con le bende in corsa fosse solo fantascienza (ti prego fa che si scriva con la "i")
      C'è qualcosa che non va, ma nel dubbio:


      • #4
        Originariamente inviato da Doomtrooper
        come back playing
        You noob


        • #5
          we are a bit Off Topic, but I'm sure that no one will have problems with a cuple of posts...

          I'd like to doomy, but real life is like being in Bucca, there's always to fight..:P

          Hope you all are doing well, *gay* kisses to all the minax faction:P


          p.s. sorry again for the OT but I can't resist answering a friend:P
          p.p.s. Lallanub,stop being lame..... :*

          Ho sempre rivolto a Dio una sola preghiera: "Oh, Signore, ridicolizza i miei nemici...e Dio l'ha esaudita" - Voltaire


          Sto operando...