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Fake Scripts: ATTENTION!

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  • Fake Scripts: ATTENTION!

    Hi Guys,

    I decided to write this thread because a few friends of mine have been lamed, by guys who add them in ICQ and transfered "Awesome Scripts". What happened to my friends is that a guy created and ICQ Acc. with the name Maelstrom (Gm from SĐF) and started telling my friends to try this script. Maelstrom (The real one) is a good friend of mine, and together we are trying to warn everyone 'bout it, since it is quite dangerous. Snakeblu from SĐF got lamed and dropped Royal+Pirate+Carapace+Tome, which values around 17kk.The scripts may drop Doom arties or pieces of armor.

    I know its hard to know who is trustable and who isnt, but its worth the sacrifice, believe me, I'm one of the 2 Brasilians who play here, and other then a friend of mine, I must chose well who to trust.


    Thanks for the attention,
    Stay Classy,
    Gutschow [SĐF]

  • #2
    I can send you a script what trashes your items, shuts down your pc, emails me your bank account details, deletes all your hard drives and creates nuclear explosion
    Ps. For those shall not be named. If someone gives you a script I suggest that you first test it at some other shard. For example set up a shard of your own or use uod test c. -.-
    Ultima modifica di Keffu; 28-08-2006, 11:44.


    • #3
      Originariamente inviato da Keffu
      I can send you a script what trashes your items, shuts down your pc, emails me your bank account details, deletes all your hard drives and creates nuclear explosion
      Ps. For those shall not be named. If someone gives you a script I suggest that you first test it at some other shard. For example set up a shard of your own or use uod test c. -.-
      true!!1 or pass it to a scripter friend...


      • #4
        Before using any script, I would advise actually looking at what it does and not taking it on face value.....afterall if I came up to you in a pub and offered you a magic bean that would grow into a giant beanstalk, would you believe me?......


        • #5
          Originariamente inviato da Goodfella
          Before using any script, I would advise actually looking at what it does and not taking it on face value.....afterall if I came up to you in a pub and offered you a magic bean that would grow into a giant beanstalk, would you believe me?......
          Yeah I would buy anything from you good old mate <3


          • #6
            Selling magic beans...
            No Wife, No Horse, No Moustache...


            • #7
              if it heals good i don't need arts i'll kknd owing to the fact that i have such script.


              Sto operando...