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Check your data!

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  • Check your data!

    I'm back on uod cause legacy25 went down and now Im asking your help, I need something usefull stuff to my paladin so I can go to doom with it. after banning me I lost all my goods (totem, 2x arcane, 2x fang, 2x ornament, 2x ornate, legacy, frost, midnights, elements, voice... + maby over 500kk worth of all other goods) :/ I got banned cause I probably forgot to fill "city of birth" spot when I registered here 2 years ago. everything else was correct and automate banned me. SO CHECK YOUR DATA! dont get banned for something as stupid as this. some of stuff and gwineth (thanks honey! ) helped me a bit but even they cant give my deleted account back, well my account was there but no characters or anything in it. Now I have 5gp money and beetle (thanks to someone random tamer )

    thank you all anyways.

    ps. admin would change topic to "help me!" please
    Ultima modifica di Lubbakorva; 16-02-2006, 14:16.
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