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may be we shall do all consistently? 38 publish without ML

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  • may be we shall do all consistently? 38 publish without ML

    I did not see anywhere line about changes.
    and in game i have noticed cap 35 on a direct dmg.
    can i have my +20 mana and ML equip ?
    if can't than wtf ?

    But affair is already done...

  • #2
    35 dmg points - is too big difference in my oppinion... Some chars were developed just to give big damage in a shord period of time... and now... they are useless...


    • #3
      Originariamente inviato da Fux
      35 dmg points - is too big difference in my oppinion... Some chars were developed just to give big damage in a shord period of time... and now... they are useless...
      They are called dexers and their damage just went too far. I dont know that have you noticed but some of uods dexers had possibility to shoot almost 7 AI in row or more Like Korgan La Furia I think and some other faction dexers. I mean it was quite hard to survive from that 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 (was funny though to see dudes trying to gang him and dropping one by one ) :\ and btw because of AI dmg many mages left uod and now they have returned during this nice update.


      • #4
        Originariamente inviato da Keffu
        They are called dexers and their damage just went too far. I dont know that have you noticed but some of uods dexers had possibility to shoot almost 7 AI in row or more Like Korgan La Furia I think and some other faction dexers. I mean it was quite hard to survive from that 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 (was funny though to see dudes trying to gang him and dropping one by one ) :\ and btw because of AI dmg many mages left uod and now they have returned during this nice update.
        That is why I'm making a LAMA - MAGE that we were talking about...


        • #5
          Originariamente inviato da Fux
          That is why I'm making a LAMA - MAGE that we were talking about...
          Ahh dude.. You cant do anything with "lame-mage" to dexer Lame-mage is lame against other mages.. Dexers just doesnt give a fuck if someone bleed-noxes them when the bleed makes 5-1 dmg you just cant compete with ai dexer with lame-mage -.-


          • #6
            than maybe a DEXXER with sword and a good cleaver will be nice too


            • #7
              if u wanna a mono ignore o mono concussion war,no chances to win...just random,if u fight with a strong fencer even if u are mage,u have a whole lotta fun,trust me.
              since fencers doesnt do much dmg (i used to do 28\30 with an ignore) and i just kill people by making slip they cures (in vas mani,bandages)....that's the real war :P
              Originariamente inviato da Brad_Solid.
              Tacete pls co sta storia che fa ridere, ho giocato in fazione bendando in corsa i compagni in battaglia
              Originariamente inviato da Brad_Solid
              ah, quasi scordavo la cosa più pazzesca: MA AVETE VISTO? HA TIRATO UNA BENDATA IN CORSA A VASH CHE ERA SOTTO GANK!
              credo che fin ora crossheleare con le bende in corsa fosse solo fantascienza (ti prego fa che si scriva con la "i")
              C'è qualcosa che non va, ma nel dubbio:


              • #8
                Originariamente inviato da Doomtrooper
                if u wanna a mono ignore o mono concussion war,no chances to win...just random,if u fight with a strong fencer even if u are mage,u have a whole lotta fun,trust me.
                since fencers doesnt do much dmg (i used to do 28\30 with an ignore) and i just kill people by making slip they cures (in vas mani,bandages)....that's the real war :P


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