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New Rules : Afk Macroing

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  • New Rules : Afk Macroing


    As you know, ours is the biggest OSI style clone shard in the world. The staff are proud of this fact, and each day we give you the best possible in-game experience. To this end, it is true to say that on OSI, AFK macroing is not allowed. Up to this point we have turned a blind eye, but the exploitation of certain game-mechanics by players has caused us to review this decision.

    Therefore, starting from the 10th of November, AFK macroing on UODreams will be LIMITED. Please note that whilst we do NOT want to prohibit AFK macroing, we do however intend to ELIMINATE the problems which threaten the course of the shard, by diverging too much from OSI.

    To this end, the following actions will be prohibited:
    • Interaction with NPC's whilst AFK (this can disturb other users, who regularly use them, and furthermore unbalance the vendors' prices)

      AFK macroing for primary resources (Ore, Wood, Hides, Fish etc...)

      AFK macroing which seriously disturbs or limits the freedom of movement of non-AFK players.

    In general:

    AFK macroing is allowed, as long as it does not affect other people's freedom to macro NON-AFK, and no actions are executed that could potentially pose a serious threat to the economic balance of the shard.

    The punishments are:
    • Deletion of resources being gained by macroing, reductions to the skill in use for macroing, disconnection of the player from the server

      Eventual JAIL and BAN for particularly prevalent actions, and for
      persistent offenders.
    Ultima modifica di Ospite; 08-11-2005, 23:09.

  • #2
    Re: New Rules : Afk Macroing

    Originally posted by Lord-Goodfella

    To this end, the following actions will be prohibited:
    • Interaction with NPC's whilst AFK (this can disturb other users, who regularly use them, and furthermore unbalance the vendors' prices)

      AFK macroing for primary resources (Ore, Wood, Hides, Fish etc...)

      AFK macroing which seriously disturbs or limits the freedom of movement of non-AFK players.

    In general:

    AFK macroing is allowed, as long as it does not affect other people's freedom to macro NON-AFK, and no actions are executed that could potentially pose a serious threat to the economic balance of the shard.

    I must ask about a little "bug" in this rule:
    Is it allowed "Interaction with NPC's whilst AFK (while it canNOT disturb other users, who regularly use them, or unbalance the vendors' prices)" even withot any deals, just for recording vendor's prices for example? I think it is obvious conclusion from "AFK macroing is allowed, as long as it does not affect other people's freedom to macro NON-AFK, and no actions are executed that could potentially pose a serious threat to the economic balance of the shard." please respond if it is prohibited too.
    Thank You.


    • #3
      What it says is that while you are AFK you can't interact with NPC's period.


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