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[SPECIAL EVENT] Trash Day!!!

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  • [SPECIAL EVENT] Trash Day!!!

    In a few minutes (we will warn you through Staff Messages) the "Trash day" will start!

    It will begin today at 9:00 PM and end at 9:00PM monday (GMT+1)

    What is it?
    It is a competition: the winner will be the one who trashed more items. It lasts 24 hours; during this time you have to trash (in the trash chests and barrels) as many items that you don't need as you can.
    During this event, items trashed through a trash barrel will be deleted IMMEDIATELY and not after 3 min, so be warned.

    Prize list:
    • 1st: Barbed Kit: 30 uses!!!
    • 2nd: A major artifact of Tokuno (you can choose which one)
    • 3rd: Sos +10

    Moreover, if for example you win the competition but you don't need the barbed kit, you may choose one of the lower prizes, i.e. the sos +10. However, you may not choose higher prizes.

    Finally, every item you trash an item you have a chance at getting an unique reward item!

    Items that are consider invalid

    - Every object crafted, buyed, looted or created during the competition
    - Items trashed only to raise your trash count (for example you can't trash 1000 times 1gp hoping to win)

  • #2
    uff io ho ricominciato da 5 giorni e non ho più niente

    cmq bella idea l'evento a sorpresa, me la farei volentieri la sos


    • #3
      Uod Vs Lag 1 (Speriamo)

      Ho sempre rivolto a Dio una sola preghiera: "Oh, Signore, ridicolizza i miei nemici...e Dio l'ha esaudita" - Voltaire


      • #4
        in italiano cosa significa?


        • #5
          Riassumendo, hai 24 ore per trashare più roba possibile, i primi 3 vincono quei premi..

          Ho sempre rivolto a Dio una sola preghiera: "Oh, Signore, ridicolizza i miei nemici...e Dio l'ha esaudita" - Voltaire


          • #6
            Is there a special barrel or just anyone i find ?
            ICQ 292 283 049
            UO ruined my life.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Wardog
              Is there a special barrel or just anyone i find ?

              No the normal trash chest o barrel


              • #8
                Do the things picked up from the ground count?
                Is there any means to see the position in the contest?
                got the reward - cool


                • #9
                  Ma se butto 100 ossa 1 a 1 vale come 100 o come singolo pezzo
                  • Gomez The Damned
                  • True Britainnians Faction


                  • #10
                    But what if someone has mined 500k iron before the trash event begun and trashs them?? He will win prolly.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Targ
                      Do the things picked up from the ground count?
                      Is there any means to see the position in the contest?
                      got the reward - cool
                      What's the reward?
                      My bardic song will cure your soul


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Targ
                        Is there any means to see the position in the contest?
                        No, unfortunately there isn't.

                        Originally posted by Alezi
                        But what if someone has mined 500k iron before the trash event begun and trashs them?? He will win prolly.
                        Stackable items such as money, ingots, hides, reagents, potions, etc. do not count.

                        There's a chance of finding an Energy Vortex statuette with the name of a staff member for each trashed item.
                        In italiano, i vocaboli che terminano in -cia e -gia al plurale mantengono la i solo se prima della c/g c'è una vocale, altrimenti la perdono. Il plurale di freccia è frecce. E si scrive arciere, non arcere. "Qual è", "qualcun altro" e "nessun altro" si scrivono senza apostrofo. Leggere: #1, #2.
                        Si scrive Felucca. Non Fellucca. E nemmeno Felluca. Haven, non Heaven. Despise, non Despice. OSI, non OSY.


                        • #13
                          Sorry i didnt understand where to trash my things.. may i use even the chest near the bank? i edited to ask: if i use different pg the trash count is different or is considered as one for the whole account (they are added each other)? if i trash bulk order does it cont?

                          scusate ma nn ho capitodove buttare la roba.. posso usare il forziere accanto alla banca? ho editato x chiedere: se uso pg diversi cambia il conto/spazzatura o è considerato uno x tutto l'account (sono sommati)? Vale se getto bulk order deeds?

                          Ps: approssimately, how many thing do you think i have to trash to win something? ^_^
                          Ps: all'incirca, quante cose pensate uno debba buttare x vincere qualcosina? ^_^

                          Ciao - Bye
                          Ultima modifica di Ospite; 04-07-2005, 10:08.


                          • #14
                            English Only....

                            Else Spam-Stamp ^^


                            • #15
                              sorry, i misunderstood...
                              I didnt want to spam, i beg your pardon..

                              Sorry i didnt understand where to trash my things.. may i use even the chest near the bank? i edited to ask: if i use different pg the trash count is different or is considered as one for the whole account (they are added each other)? if i trash bulk order does it cont?
                              Ps: approssimately, how many thing do you think i have to trash to win something? ^_^

                              bye, thx =9


                              Sto operando...