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Neon weapons guide

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  • Neon weapons guide


    Q: What are neon weapons?
    A: Weapons with a damage distribution different from the typical one of the material they are made with (for example, an iron weapon with no 100% physical damage)

    Q: How do I get them?
    A: You can find neon weapons in monsters loot, or you can craft them with a runic hammer (no matter which runic, even dull copper)

    Q: Can I craft them in iron only?
    A: No, you can use any material

    Q: How does armor ignore work using a neon weapon?
    A: Damage dealt is always 90% of the total damage, indipendent of its distribution.

    Q: What color are they?
    A: It depends on the prevailing element; if weapon has more physical damage than other elements, then it will be of the normal iron color (neutral), otherwise they are hued as following:
    cold - blue
    energy - purple
    fire - orange
    poison - green
    The higher the value, the deeper will be the hue; for example, a weapon with physical 30%, cold 40%, energy 30% will be dark blue, while a 100% cold weapon will be brighter.

    Q: Can I enhance neon weapons?
    A: Yes, enhancement follows some rules.
    Keep in mind the damage bonus given by all the materials:
    Then consider that bonuses are added in this order:
    Last, the bonuses are subtracted from the weapon physical damage, so enhancing a weapon that already has no physical damage is worthless.

    Some examples.
    1) Consider an iron weapon with this damage:
    Physical 30%
    Cold 40%
    Energy 30%
    Enhancing it with shadow (that adds 20% cold) means that the final distribution will be:
    Physical 10%
    Cold 60%
    Energy 30%
    since the cold bonus is subtracted from physical (while energy component remains the same).

    2) If you enhance it with valorite, the result will be:
    Cold 60%
    Energy 40%
    because valorite distributes 60% of the damage on different elements, but on original weapon you have only 30% physical, so this will be the percentage added. These are the steps:
    a) cold addition (20%): physical drops to 10%, cold raises to 60%, energy remains unchanged
    b) energy addition (20%): weapon has 10% physical, so only this percentage is added to energy; physical damage will disappear, cold remains at 60% and energy damage raises to 40%.

    3) You can also obtain a 100% elemental damage weapon; consider this one:
    physical 40%
    fire 60%
    It can be enhanced with bronze (40% fire), turning it into 100% fire

    4) You can also change the weapon hue, for example:
    physical 30%
    cold 30%
    energy 40%
    originally this weapon would be purple (because of 40% energy damage), but after a shadow enhancement (20% more cold), it becomes blue, with this damage distribution:
    physical 10%
    cold 50%
    energy 40%
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