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Romeo & Juliet

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  • Romeo & Juliet

    Ciao a tutti! Sto cercando di scaricare una delle musiche del film " Romeo e Giulietta " ma nn so qual'è... Verso Maggio pubblicizzava le puntate finali di " Amici ", il programma di Maria De Filippi.
    Se avete capito qual'è e ne conoscete il titolo oppure ricordate la scena del film in cui era presente allora vi ringrazio in anticipo

  • #2
    ma Romeo quello dei Symphony X?

    neW -- icq # 575727946 --neW
    Jovinko L'elfo Silvano
    Vivaldi l'elfo Oscuro


    • #3
      "What is a Youth"

      by Nino Rota, words by Eugene Walter

      What is a youth? Impetuous fire.
      What is a maid? Ice and desire.
      The world wags on,
      a rose will bloom....
      It then will fade:
      so does a youth,
      so does the fairest maid.
      Comes a time when one sweet smile
      has a season for a while....
      Then love's in love with me.
      Some they think only to marry,
      others will tease and tarry.
      Mine is the very best parry.
      Cupid he rules us all.
      Caper the cape, but sing me the song,
      Death will come soon to hush us along.
      Sweeter than honey... and bitter as gall,
      Love is a task and it never will pall.
      Sweeter than honey and bitter as gall.
      Cupid rules us all."
      "A Time For Us" (Love Theme From Romeo and Juliet)

      A time for us, some day there'll be
      When chains are torn by courage born of a love that's free
      A time when dreams so long denied can flourish
      As we unveil the love we now must hide
      A time for us, at last to see
      A life worthwhile for you and me

      And with our love, through tears and thorns
      We will endure as we pass surely through every storm
      A time for us, some day there'll be a new world
      A world of shining hope for you and me

      For you and me

      And with our love, through tears and thorns
      We will endure as we pass surely through every storm
      A time for us, some day there'll be a new world
      A world of shining hope for you and me

      A world of shining hope for you and me

      Della seconda non so il titolo ma è quel che ho trovato, spero ti serva


      • #4
        L'ho trovata finalmente!!! Quant'è bellaaaaa!!!
        Se vi interessa è " Kissing you " di Des'ree


        • #5

          Firma irregolare

          Volturno - GN Forum Admin


          • #6
            Originally posted by Galaxia
            L'ho trovata finalmente!!! Quant'è bellaaaaa!!!
            Se vi interessa è " Kissing you " di Des'ree

            Se non c'ero io


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