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[LINUX] ubuntu hardy x64 e amsn

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  • [LINUX] ubuntu hardy x64 e amsn

    Ciao, io la butto là.

    C'è per caso qualcuno che usa ubuntu 8.04 64 bit e amsn 0.98b?

    Quel qualcuno per caso è riuscito a far funzionare sto dannato Farsight 0.0.2 per fare le chiamate vocali?

    Son 3 giorni che bestemmio ogni make che faccio, ormai i forum di ubuntu li ho consumati e non ho ancora trovato una soluzione.

    Ottengo sempre errore al momento della compilazione di farsight, non trova un file gtk-types.defs.

    The chain remains, the gang is intact
    The name is mine, I'll take blame for that
    The pressure's on, but guess who ain't gonna crack?
    Ha ha, pardon me, I had to laugh at that
    How could you falter when you're the Rock of Gibraltar?
    I had to get off the boat so I could walk on water
    This ain't no tall order, this is nothin' to me
    Difficult takes a day, impossible takes a week
    I do this in my sleep
    I sold kilos of coke, I'm guessin' I can sell CD's
    I'm not a businessman; I'm a business, man!
    Let me handle my business, damn

  • #2
    I pacchetti per rispettare le dipendenze ce li hai?


    • #3
      Originariamente inviato da Met4llic4 Visualizza il messaggio
      I pacchetti per rispettare le dipendenze ce li hai?
      Si la wiki è una delle prime cose che ho seguito.. ma nisba..
      The chain remains, the gang is intact
      The name is mine, I'll take blame for that
      The pressure's on, but guess who ain't gonna crack?
      Ha ha, pardon me, I had to laugh at that
      How could you falter when you're the Rock of Gibraltar?
      I had to get off the boat so I could walk on water
      This ain't no tall order, this is nothin' to me
      Difficult takes a day, impossible takes a week
      I do this in my sleep
      I sold kilos of coke, I'm guessin' I can sell CD's
      I'm not a businessman; I'm a business, man!
      Let me handle my business, damn


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