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[EASYUO] Script per Mace and shield reading glasses

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  • [EASYUO] Script per Mace and shield reading glasses


    3 pezzi di script da incollare di seguito

    set %casa 16 è il numero della runa di casa nel runebook
    set %biblio 15 è il numero della runa della biblioteca di britain nel runebook
    set %lag 0 se vivete dentro la centralina di fastweb lasciatelo a 0, se laggate alzate questo valore. ogni punto sono 0,05 secondi in più su tutti i wait dello script. se lo tenete troppo basso vi troverete il backpack pieno di forbici
    set %buckler 80 numero di buckler che volete craftare a ogni giro
    set %umano #true #true se il pg è umano, #false se è elfo
    set %tinker #true #true se si vuole usare tinkering per craftare tongs, #false se si vogliono prendere tongs dalla cassa dei materiali

    Lo script crafta tinker tools, tongs e buckler, usa solo iron
    La cassa con il metallo dovrebbe essere abbastanza vicino alla runa dove recallate, lo script non apre porte o si fa troppi viaggi per andarla a cercare in giro per casa

    se qualcosa non va postate qui, non chiamatemi su icq, comunque non dovrebbero esserci troppi problemi

    ah, dimenticavo: se avete più di una tong nel backpack fa casino e si pianta, quindi tenetene una sola o nessuna prima di far partire lo script

    set %casa 16
    set %biblio 15
    set %lag 0
    set %buckler 80
    set %umano #true
    set %tinker #true
    display scegli il runebook
    set #targcurs 1
    while #targcurs = 1
    set %libro #ltargetid
    display scegli la cassa. devi essere vicino quando la clicchi
    set #targcurs 1
    while #targcurs = 1
    set %cassa #ltargetid
    set %cassax #charposx
    set %cassay #charposy
    set %_worldsavejournalindex #jindex
    set *CEOWorldSaving #false
    set %primo #true
    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;MAIN LOOP;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    move %cassax %cassay 0 20s
    set #lobjectid %cassa
    event macro 17 0
    wait 15
    wait %lag
      event property #backpackid
      if 125/125 in #property
      gosub CEOWorldSaveChecker world_will_save_in world_is_saving world_save_complete 5 90
      if %tinker
        gosub tool
        gosub tool2
      gosub crafta
      finditem FIK C_ , #backpackid
      set %crafted #findcnt
    until #findcnt >= %buckler
    wait 30
    wait %lag
    if #contname = generic_gump
      set %clicx #contposx + 230
      set %clicy #contposy + 110
      click %clicx %clicy r
    finditem ENK C_ , #backpackid
    if #findkind <> -1
      exevent drag #findid #findstack
      exevent dropc %cassa
      wait 15
      wait %lag
    set %posx #charposx
    set %posy #charposy
      gosub s7UseRunebook %libro %biblio r
      wait 10
      wait %lag
    until #charposx <> %posx || #charposy <> %posy
    gosub consegna
    set %posx #charposx
    set %posy #charposy
      gosub s7UseRunebook %libro %casa r
      wait 10
      wait %lag
    until #charposx <> %posx || #charposy <> %posy
    goto loop
    sub tool2
    finditem OBG C_ , #backpackid
    if #findkind = -1
      finditem OBG C_ , %cassa
      if #findkind = -1
        display hai finito le tongs
        exevent drag #findid 1
        exevent dropc #backpackid
        wait 12
        wait %lag
      goto tool2
    sub tool
    finditem OBG C_ , #backpackid
    if #findkind = -1
      finditem ENK C_ , #backpackid
      if #findkind = -1 || #findstack < 20
        finditem ENK C_ , %cassa
        if #findcol <> 0 || #findstack < 3
          ignoreitem #findid
          goto trova
        exevent drag #findid 3
        exevent dropc #backpackid
        wait 15
        wait %lag
      finditem KTL C_ , #backpackid
      set #lobjectid #findid
      event macro 17 0
      wait 10
      wait %lag
      if #findcnt = 1
        set %clicx #contposx + 30
        set %clicy #contposy + 110
        click %clicx %clicy
        wait 5
        wait %lag
        set %clicx #contposx + 230
        set %clicy #contposy + 130
        click %clicx %clicy
        wait 30
        wait %lag
      set %clicx #contposx + 30
      set %clicy #contposy + 110
      click %clicx %clicy
      wait 20
      wait %lag
      set %clicx #contposx + 380
      set %clicy #contposy + 270
      click %clicx %clicy
      wait 20
      wait %lag
      set %clicx #contposx + 230
      set %clicy #contposy + 110
      click %clicx %clicy
      wait 30
      wait %lag
      finditem OBG C_ , #backpackid
      if #findkind = -1
      goto tool
      if #contname = generic_gump
        set %clicx #contposx + 230
        set %clicy #contposy + 110
        click %clicx %clicy r
    sub crafta
    finditem ENK C_ , #backpackid
    if #findkind = -1 || #findstack < 20
      finditem ENK C_ , %cassa
      if #findcol <> 0 || #findstack < 20
        ignoreitem #findid
        goto trova
      set %stack ( #maxweight - #weight ) * 10
      if %umano
      set %stack %stack + 600
      if 1000 < %stack
      set %stack 1000
      exevent drag #findid %stack
      exevent dropc #backpackid
      wait 15
      wait %lag
    if #contname <> generic_gump
      finditem OBG C_ , #backpackid
      set #lobjectid #findid
      event macro 17 0
      wait 10
      wait %lag
    if %primo
      set %clicx #contposx + 25
      set %clicy #contposy + 170
      click %clicx %clicy
      wait 10
      wait %lag
      set %primo #false
    set %clicx #contposx + 230
    set %clicy #contposy + 70
    click %clicx %clicy
    set %wait #scnt2 + 60
    wait 5
    while %wait < #scnt2 && #findcnt = %crafted
    sub consegna
    finditem ODYM G_
    move #findx #findy 0 15s
    event macro 1 0 Talbart The Warrior
      gosub CEOWorldSaveChecker world_will_save_in world_is_saving world_save_complete 5 90
      if #contname <> generic_gump || #contsize <> 345_359
        set #lobjectid ODYM
        event macro 17 0
        wait 10
        wait %lag
      set %clicx #contposx + 305
      set %clicy #contposy + 340
      click %clicx %clicy
      set %wait #scnt2 + 5
      wait 5
      while %wait < #scnt2 && #contname <> generic_gump
      set %clicx #contposx + 40
      set %clicy #contposy + 170
      click %clicx %clicy
      finditem FIK C_ , #backpackid
      set #ltargetid #findid
      set #ltargetkind 1
      event macro 22 0
      set %wait #scnt2 + 5
      while %wait < #scnt2 && #contname <> generic_gump
    until #findcnt < 2
    wait 20
    if #contname = generic_gump
      set %clicx #contposx + 230
      set %clicy #contposy + 110
      click %clicx %clicy r
    Ultima modifica di fengyr; 24-08-2009, 21:39.

  • #2
    sub CEOWorldSaveChecker
    ; sub to pause a script during a RunUO world save.
    set %_text1 %1
    set %_text2 %2
    set %_text3 %3
    if %_worldsaveupcoming
      if %_worldsavetimer < #scnt
        set %_worldsavetimer #scnt + %5
        ;gosub popupworldsave 85 70 blue
        goto _WSC_WAIT1
    if %_worldsavejournalindex > #jindex
    scanjournal %_worldsavejournalindex
    if %_text1  in #journal
      set %_worldsaveupcoming #true
      set %_worldsavetimer #scnt + %4
      set %_worldsavejournalindex  %_worldsavejournalindex + 1
    set %_worldsavejournalindex  %_worldsavejournalindex + 1
    goto _WSC1
    if %_worldsavetimer < #scnt
      goto _WSC_Complete
    wait 5
    set *CEOWorldSaving #true
    if %_worldsavejournalindex > #jindex
      goto _WSC_WAIT1
    scanjournal %_worldsavejournalindex
    if %_text2 in #journal
      ;gosub popupworldsave 85 70 yellow
      set %_worldsavejournalindex  %_worldsavejournalindex + 1
      goto _WSC_WAIT2
    set %_worldsavejournalindex  %_worldsavejournalindex + 1
    goto _WSC_WAIT1
    if %_worldsavetimer < #scnt
      goto _WSC_Complete
    wait 5
    if %_worldsavejournalindex > #jindex
      goto _WSC_WAIT2
    scanjournal %_worldsavejournalindex
    if %_text3 notin #journal
      set %_worldsavejournalindex  %_worldsavejournalindex + 1
      goto _WSC_WAIT2
    set %_worldsavejournalindex  #jindex
    set %_worldsaveupcoming #false
    set *CEOWorldSaving #false
    ;menu delete worldsave
    ; Script Name:  sub s7UseRunebook
    ; Author:  snicker7
    ; Version:  2.0
    ; Client Tested with:  4.0.11c
    ; EUO version tested with:  1.42/1.5
    ; Shard OSI / FS:  OSI/FS
    ; Revision Date:  24Aug05
    ; Public Release:  24Aug05
    ; Global Variables Used: N/A
    ; Purpose:  Failsafe sub to recall, gate, sacred journey flawlessly. Options to use scrolls, default locations, recharge books with scrolls in pack if book runs out of charges, and perfect gate travel. Not for the feint of heart!
    ;===================================================Speak to the hand
    ;======= This file includes the main sub and =======Speak to the hand
    ;===== several support subs that are required. =====Speak to the hand
    ;===================================================Speak to the hand
    ;===== Much love for T-Mo and BM, but I needed =====Speak to the hand
    ;====== to write something I could only blame ======Speak to the hand
    ;======= myself for if it fails. even though =======Speak to the hand
    ;=================== it doesn't. ===================Speak to the hand
    ;===================================================Speak to the hand
    ; ===================================================================== ;
    ; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;
    ; // EXCERPTS FROM S7SUBS.EUO ///////////////////////////////////////// ;
    ; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;
    ; // Any reproduction of the subroutines below is strictly pro- /////// ;
    ; // hibited without express written permission of the author ///////// ;
    ; // (snicker7). Violation of the above will result in malicious ////// ;
    ; // actions by the aforementioned author performed upon your person // ;
    ; // including but not limited to: bodily harm, slander, maternal ///// ;
    ; // insults, possible legal action, and callin' the five-oh. Thank /// ;
    ; // you. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;
    ; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;
    ; ===================================================================== ;
    ;=/ 1NCLUD3D SUBS: /================================Speak to the hand
    ; s7UseRunebook: Duh, you know why it's there.
    ; s7ScanJournalFor: SuperMultiParameterJournalScanning Power!
    ; s7MoveToPos: Legendary snicker7 brand name drag and drop sub. updated!
    ; s7MoveToCont: Wrapper for the above sub, updated for 1.5 exevents!
    ; s7WaitForAction: Mildly obsolete, begging for a rewrite object-delay sub!
    ; s7WaitForVars: Classic sysvar wait sub. One line shorter than Quintok's!
    ;===================================================Speak to the hand
    ;* @name s7UseRunebook
    ;* @author snicker7
    ;* @ver 2.0a 24Aug05
    ;* @purpose   do anything and everything travel related with a runebook
    ;* @params    %1   Rune or Runebook item ID to use
    ;*      %2   number of rune to travel to, use "default" for runes or default in runebook
    ;*      %3   travel method:
    ;*         r: recall
    ;*         g: gate
    ;*         c: sacred journey
    ;*         s: scrolls
    ;* @dependencies
    ;*      s7WaitForVars
    ;*      s7WaitForAction
    ;*      s7ScanJournalFor
    ;*      s7MoveToCont for recharging runebooks
    ;* @returns    #true   on success
    ;*      ERR_*   various errors.
    ;* @notes    none
    ;* @example:    gosub s7UseRunebook %bookID 14 r
    ;* @status done
    sub s7UseRunebook
      if %0 < 3 || _ , %2 , _ notin _1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9_10_11_12_13_14_15_16_default_
        return ERR_IncorrectParams
      namespace push
      namespace local _s7URB
      set !runebook %1
      set !index %2
      set !method %3
      set !fails 0
      if #contsize = 452_236
        set !_cx #contposx + 20
        set !_cy #contposy + 20
        click !_cx !_cy r f dmc
        wait 5
      for !_ 1 1
        finditem OTF_JEF_KEF G_0
        if #findkind <> -1
          set !_ 0
      for !orb 1 1
        if !fails > 2 2
          namespace pop
          return ERR_ , #journal
        set !jStart #jindex + 1
        if !index <> default
          gosub s7WaitForAction 12
          set #lobjectid !runebook
          event macro 17 0
          gosub s7WaitForVars contname = generic_gump contsize = 452_236 3
          if ! #result 2
            set !fails !fails + 1
            set !orb 0
          if #result
            set !_cy #contposy + 196
            set !_cx #contposx + 105 + ( ( ( !index / 2 ) + ( !index % 2 ) ) * 35 )
            if !index > 8
              set !_cx !_cx + 30
            click !_cx !_cy f dmc
            wait 5
            set !_cx #contposx + 135
            set !_cy #contposy + 144
            if !method = G
              set !_cy !_cy + 20
            if !method = C
              set !_cy !_cy + 36
            if !method = S
              set !_cy !_cy - 76
            if ( !index % 2 ) = 0
              set !_cx !_cx + 160
            set !charpos #charposx , _ , #charposy
            set !timeout #scnt2
            click !_cx !_cy f dmc
        if !index = default
          set #ltargetid !runebook
          set #ltargetkind 1
          if !method = c
            event macro 15 210
          if !method = r
            event macro 15 31
          if !method = g
            event macro 15 51
          if !method = s
            finditem WTL C_ , #backpackid
            if #findkind = -1 2
              namespace pop
              return ERR_NoRecallScrolls
            if #findkind <> -1 3
              set #lobjectid #findid
              gosub s7WaitForAction 12
              event macro 17 0
          for !_ 1 1
            if #targcurs <> 1
              set !_ 0
            gosub s7ScanJournalFor !jStart fizzles more_reagents tithing_points insufficient_mana
            if #result 3
              set !_ 1
              set !orb 0
              wait 20
          set !charpos #charposx , _ , #charposy
          set !timeout #scnt2
          event macro 22 0
        if !orb = 1
          for !success 1 1
            if #charposx , _ , #charposy = !charpos && !method in _r_c_s_
              set !success 0
            if !method = g
              finditem OTF_JEF_KEF G_0
              if #findkind = -1
                set !success 0
              if #findkind <> -1
                set #lobjectid #findid
                gosub s7WaitForAction 12
                event macro 17 0
                for !_ 1 1
                  if #charposx , _ , #charposy = !charpos
                    set !_ 0
                  if #contname = generic_gump && #contsize = 420_280
                    set !_cx #contposx + 20
                    set !_cy #contposy + 260
                    click !_cx !_cy f dmc
            gosub s7ScanJournalFor !jStart fizzles location_is_blocked not_yet_recovered no_charges_left more_reagents tithing_points insufficient_mana not_marked
            if #result || !timeout + 60 < #scnt2
              if no_charges in #journal
                finditem WTL C_ , #backpackid
                if #findkind = -1
                  set !fails 2
                if #findkind <> -1
                  set !scrolls #findid
                  finditem !runebook
                  set #findmod 0
                  gosub s7WaitForAction 12
                  event drag !runebook
                  for !_ 1 1
                    if #lliftedkind <> 1 2
                      wait 1
                      set !_ 0
                  str pos #contsize _
                  set #strres #strres - 1
                  str left #contsize #strres
                  set !_cx #findx + #strres / 2
                  str pos #contsize _
                  str del #contsize 1 #strres
                  set !_cy #findy + #strres / 2
                  click !_cx !_cy p f dmc
                  gosub s7MoveToCont !scrolls !runebook #backpackid 20_10
              set !fails !fails + 1
              set !success 1
              set !orb 0
          wait 20
    namespace pop
    return #true
    sub s7ScanJournalFor
      set !SJFje #jindex + 1
      for !SJFji %1 !SJFje
        scanjournal !SJFji
        for !SJFpi 2 %0
          if % . !SJFpi in #journal
            return #true
    return #false


    • #3
      ;* @name s7MoveToPos
      ;* @author snicker7
      ;* @ver 1.2 24Aug05
      ;* @purpose Just Another Item Dragger.
      ;* @params    %1 is the item to be dragged
      ;*      %2 is the x-coord to drop to
      ;*       %3 is the y-coord to drop to
      ;*      %4 is the timeout in seconds
      ;*       %5 is the amount to be dragged (blank for all)
      ;* @returns    #true if drop was successful
      ;*      #false on error (drop to backpack, insufficient params, failed to drag)
      ;*      halt on critical error
      ;* @notes moves any item to a position on the screen. Will
      ;*   attempt to drop on character if drop fails. If character
      ;*   drop fails, halts and error message to avoid crash.
      ;* @dependencies
      ;*      s7WaitForAction
      ;* @example: call s7Subs.euo s7MoveToPos #findid 7 9 4 77
      ;* @status unknown
      sub s7MoveToPos
        if %0 < 4
          return #false
        namespace Push
        namespace Local _s7MvToPos
        set !_ID %1
        set !_x %2
        set !_y %3
        set !_tO %4
        set !_Amt #spc
        if %0 > 4
          set !_Amt %5
        set !_retry 0
        finditem !_ID
        if #findkind = -1 2
          namespace pop
          return #false
        gosub s7WaitForAction 13
        event drag #findid
        if #findstack > 1
          set !_timeOut #scnt
          for !_ 1 1
            if #contname <> stack_gump && #contname <> drag_gump
              wait 1
              if !_timeOut + !_tO < #scnt
                set !_retry !_retry + 1
                if !_retry > 2 2
                  namespace pop
                  return #false
                goto _s7MvToPos_SD
              set !_ 0
          if !_Amt > #findstack
            set !_Amt #findstack
          msg !_Amt , $
        set !_retry 0
        set !_timeOut #scnt
        for !_ 1 1
          if #lliftedkind <> 1
            wait 1
            if !_timeOut + !_tO < #scnt
              set !_retry !_retry + 1
              if !_retry > 2 2
                namespace pop
                return #false
              goto _s7MvToPos_SD
            set !_ 0
        set !_retry 0
        click !_x !_y p
        set !_timeout #scnt
        for !_ 1 1
          if #lliftedkind = 1
            wait 1
            if !_timeout + !_t0 < #scnt
              set !_retry !_retry + 1
              if !_retry = 1
                set !_x #clixres / 2
                set !_y ( #cliyres / 2 ) - 30
                click !_x !_y p
                set #result #false
                set !_timeout #scnt
              if !_retry = 2 2
                display ok You have failed to drop an item to the correct position.$$The script is now halting to prevent a crash.
            set !_ 0
        set #result #true
        namespace pop
      return #result
      ;* @name s7MoveToCont
      ;* @author snicker7
      ;* @ver 1.2 24Aug05
      ;* @purpose A wrapper for the sub s7MoveToPos for moving to containers.
      ;* @params    %1 is the item to be dragged
      ;*      %2 is the container to drag to
      ;*      %3 is the mother container in which %2 is contained
      ;*       %4 is the #findmod value for the container
      ;*       %5 is the amount to be dragged (blank for all)
      ;* @returns none
      ;* @notes this is mad basic. no error checking. That is up to you.
      ;* @dependencies   s7MoveToPos
      ;* @example: call s7Subs.euo s7MoveToCont #findid #backpackid #charid 140_220
      ;* @status tested good
      sub s7MoveToCont
        namespace Push
        namespace Local _s7MoveToCont
        set !_ID %1
        set !_DCont %2
        set !_MCont %3
        set !_FMod %4
        if 1_5 in #euover
          set !_Amt 65535
          if %0 > 4
            set !_Amt abs %5
          finditem !_ID
          if #findkind = -1 2
            namespace pop
            return #false
          gosub s7WaitForAction 13
          exevent drag #findid !_Amt
          exevent dropc !_DCont
          namespace pop
          return #true
        set !_Amt #spc
        if %0 > 4
          set !_Amt %5
        set #result #true
        set !_retry 0
        for !_ 1 1
          finditem !_DCont C_ , !_MCont
          if #findkind = -1
            set #lobjectid !_MCont
            gosub s7WaitForAction 13
            event macro 17 0
            gosub s7WaitForVars contid = !_MCont 3
            if ! #result
              set !_retry !_retry + 1
              if !_retry > 2 2
                namespace pop
                return #false
            set !_ 0
        set !_retry 0
        set #findmod !_Fmod
        for !_ 1 1
          gosub s7MoveToPos !_ID #findx #findy 4 !_Amt
          if ! #result
            set !_retry !_retry + 1
            if !_retry > 2 2
              namespace pop
              return #false
            set !_ 0
      namespace Pop
      return #true
      ;* @name s7WaitForAction
      ;* @author snicker7
      ;* @ver 1.1 31Jan05
      ;* @purpose waits 1.3 seconds before continuing, useful for waiting to perform
      ;*    another action
      ;* @params    none
      ;* @returns none
      ;* @notes probably not an original idea, but I need to use it frequently and it
      ;*    was easier to write it myself than to try to look for it as written by
      ;*    someone else
      ;* @example: call s7Subs.euo s7WaitForAction 13
      ;* @status tested good
      sub s7WaitForAction
        if %_s7ActionTimer + %1 > #scnt2 2
          wait 1
          goto _s7WaitForAction
        set %_s7ActionTimer #scnt2
      ;* @name s7WaitForVars
      ;* @author snicker7, inspired by Quintok, and of course, Smertrios
      ;* @ver 1.2 24Aug05
      ;* @purpose Multiple input sysvar waiter.
      ;* @params    %1*n is the gump sysvar being checked
      ;*      %2*n is the comparative operator (>, <, <>, =, etc)
      ;*      %3*n is the desired value of the sysvar
      ;*      %nfinal is the timeout in seconds
      ;* @returns #false if it times out
      ;*          #true if success
      ;* @notes    %1 does not require the preceding number sign
      ;*      one line shorter than Q's, no disrespect son
      ;*      originally written by Smertrios, included in Lexia
      ;*      Multiple inputs by Quintok, Obfuscation and name-
      ;*      spacing by snicker7!
      ;* @example: call s7Subs.euo s7WaitForVars contID = #backpackID contSize = 7_9 3
      ;* @status tested good
      sub s7WaitForVars
        namespace Push
        namespace Local _s7WFVs
        set !C %0 / 3
        set !T #scnt + 5
        if ( %0 % 3 ) = 1
          set !T #scnt + % . %0
        for !i 1 !C
          set !o 3 * !i - 2
          set !p !o + 1
          set !q !o + 2
          if ! ( # . % . !o % . !p % . !q )
            set !i 0
          if #scnt > !T 2
            namespace pop
            return #false
        namespace Pop
      return #true


      • #4
        ciao scusa IO NN RIEsco a farlo partire


        • #5
          se mi dici qual è il problema posso provare a risolverlo, così non mi aiuti


          • #6
            quando si deve recalare a casa o al museo si mette a correre


            • #7
              hai incollato tutte le 3 parti di script una sotto l'altra?
              hai targettato bene il libro?
              hai messo i numeri delle rune giusti?§


              • #8
                bho credo di si ma anche quando reccalo io a mano lui nn riesce ad andare nelle cassa


                • #9
                  prova a riprendere le 3 parti di script, reincollale bene una sotto l'altra in ordine.. mi sembra impossibile che faccia una cosa del genere


                  • #10
                    bho lo riffato incollate una sotto altro mi fa la stessa cs


                    • #11
                      ma il runebook deve avere 16 rune x forza cmq ti scoccia aggiungermi icq cs mi passi t lo sript bene magari sto sbagliando io ma nn me ne accorgo


                      • #12
                        tutto risolto, probabilmente aveva fatto qualche errore nel copia incolla oppure aveva %lag troppo basso


                        • #13
                          grazie mille!!! per ora va tutto bene... quanto consigli di mettere a lag a uno che pinga 55 108 98?
                          Originariamente inviato da Amdir
                          Ma figurati! Se mi dai l'indirizzo vengo a casa tua a cliccarti le spells!

                 RIAPERTE GILDATURE dei KP

                          nuovo ICQ 641326700


                          • #14
                            Sto provando lo script, sembra funzionare a meraviglia. ^^

                            Ho settato le rune come 1 e 2 (quindi non bisogna avere per forza il runebook pieno), lag a 20 (equivalente ad un secondo, per stare tranquilli), ho piazzato anvil e forge a sinistra della cassa col metallo -avendo cura di lasciare un tile libero tra cassa e forgia/anvil-, ho lasciato il settaggio "umano" e ho lanciato lo script. Va perfettamente, finora.

                            Grazie mille!!
                            "Garmr latra feroce dinanzi Gnipahelli, le corde si spezzeranno ed il cane si libererà.
                            Ella conosce molte arti, là lontano scorge il Crepuscolo degli Dèi, frammenti della fine.
                            I fratelli si scontreranno e si uccideranno, i cugini spezzeranno i legami di parentela, il mondo è crudo, il tradimento è grande.
                            Tempo d’asce, tempo di spade, gli scudi s'infrangeranno, tempo di venti, tempo di lupi, prima che il mondo finisca nessun uomo risparmierà l'altro.
                            I figli di Mímir si agitano, il fato si compie al suono del potente Gjallarhorni.
                            Heimdallr soffia con forza nel suo corno, Óðinn parla alla testa di Mímir."


                            • #15
                              domandina... lo script prende in automatico i mace and schield? e un altra cosa che nn c'entra nulla con lo script... come vedo quanto mi manca per prendere i suddetti occhialini??
                              Originariamente inviato da Amdir
                              Ma figurati! Se mi dai l'indirizzo vengo a casa tua a cliccarti le spells!

                     RIAPERTE GILDATURE dei KP

                              nuovo ICQ 641326700


                              Sto operando...