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[SCAMBIO] Statuetta delfino (AR8) e Painting (AR8) per....

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  • [SCAMBIO] Statuetta delfino (AR8) e Painting (AR8) per....

    Scambio statuetta delfino (AR8) e painting (AR8) per sculpture with mace (AR8).

    Mi trovo un doppione di ognuna delle 2 e lo scambierei 1 a 1 con arte di pari AR della sword display standing (la spada inclinata in verticale) che ha AR8.

    Se vi interessa il mio icq e' in profilo.
    Ultima modifica di 3r0oTo05; 11-09-2005, 06:11.
    Strike hot iron and call forth sparks. Strike a man and call forth fury.
    To shape man or metal to thy will thou must strike with force

  • #2
    Strike hot iron and call forth sparks. Strike a man and call forth fury.
    To shape man or metal to thy will thou must strike with force


    • #3
      se non hai altre offerte mi venderesti la statuetta dle delfino?

      icq in profilo
      DanGer(Amdir) (11:38 AM) :
      oh oh oh madame tu parle français cumm s nient foss
      100% UODreams Style


      • #4
        Scambio effettuato per il delfino. Resta il doppione del painting ar8 per chi fosse interessato.
        Strike hot iron and call forth sparks. Strike a man and call forth fury.
        To shape man or metal to thy will thou must strike with force


        • #5
          Thread chiuso.
          Strike hot iron and call forth sparks. Strike a man and call forth fury.
          To shape man or metal to thy will thou must strike with force


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