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Heartwood lethal darts quest script

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  • Heartwood lethal darts quest script

    Hi there!

    Can someone post me a link or send me this script via pm?

    Im getting used to italian but still can't find this script anywhere.

    And has download restrictions....

    can anyone help?

  • #2
    I found this thread:

    [EASYUO HELP] Script per le quest da bowcraft di Heartwood

    but the links are not working/they're too old.

    can someone post new links or just copy/past script here?

    thanks in advance!


    • #3
      yea that link seems not to work anymore. Lots of other scripts too; anyway, i should have that script somewhere on ma old desk-pc. ; as soon as i find it i shot a pm.
      Atm i can't remember if all the comments / infos (written inside the script itself) on how to set/customize that script are written both ita and eng...btw do not worry, i can help ya if needed...since i'm from italy. ^_^

      p.s. 87 views 0 replies ..lazy asses out there..( i know what they want is all the kits for themselves ehehe)
      Ultima modifica di inarco; 02-01-2014, 01:46.


      • #4
        The script is in three parts because it was too long to put in one post. You may use google translate for the instructions. Remember, the first kit heartwood is for me .
        1st part

        ; Script Name: TurboQuester for Bowcrafter
        ; Version: 1.4.1
        ; Author: Tony
        ; Client Tested with: 6.0.6
        ; EUO version tested with: 1.5 v132
        ; Shard OSI / FS: FS
        ; Revision Date: 26/02/08
        ; Public Release: 26/02/08
        ; Purpose: ENG Obtains and completes Heartwood 'Lethal Darts' bowcrafting quest,
        ; grabs and insures runic tools, trashes talismanes, recipes and other garbage,
        ; restocks bolts from bankbox and back again.
        ; ITA Ottiene e completa la quest da bowcrafter 'Lethal Darts' a Heartwood,
        ; raccoglie e insura i kit runici ricevuti, butta via le recipe, i talismani e
        ; e l'altra robaccia, restocka le bolts in banca e torna indietro.
        ; Per iniziare:
        ;  -una runa marcata a yew, vicino al portale per entrare a heartwood
        ;  -questa runa deve essere chiamata 'elfi'
        ;  -una runa marcata in banca
        ;  -questa runa deve essere chiamata 'bank' o 'banca'
        ;  -entrambe le rune vanno posizionate dentro un runebook
        ;    OPPURE
        ;   dentro runebook diversi
        ;  -più bolts (frecce per la balestra) avete in banca, meglio è
        ;  -press play
        ; E' possibile impostare un valore per la raccolta dei talismani
        ; Se ad esempio imposto 40 verranno conservati tutti i talismani
        ; la cui somma dei bonus nelle skill lavorative è superiore a 40
        ; Es: Blacksmith bonus 15 , Blacksmith Exceptional bonus 25
        ; Se non voglio conservare nessun talismano, è sufficiente impostare
        ; un numero molto alto. I talismani Slayer verranno comunque conservati.
        set %talismani 40 ;valore per la raccolta dei talisman
        set %first_time #true
        gosub metodoRecall
        gosub trovaRune
        gosub acquisisciPosArrayPerElfi
        gosub acquisisciPosArrayPerBanca
        gosub ignoraBackpack
        gosub controllaRisorse ;first_time
        gosub trovaQuester
        set %first_time #false
          gosub CheckForWorldSave
          gosub antiBlock
          gosub get_quest
          gosub check_quest
          gosub toggle_quest_item
          gosub complete_quest
          gosub premio
          gosub controllaRisorse
        goto main_loop
        sub metodoRecall
          chooseskill chiv
          set %chivalry #skill
          chooseskill mage
          set %magery #skill
          if %chivalry > %magery
            set %recallMethod C
            set %recallMethod M
        sub ignoraBackpack
          finditem ZJF C_ , #backpackid
          for %i 0 #findcnt
            set #findindex %i
            ignoreitem #findid
        sub get_quest
          gosub CheckForWorldSave
          gosub antiBlock
          set #lobjectid %npc
          event macro 17 0
          wait 5
          while #contsize <> 507_436
            event macro 17 0
            wait 1s
        sub check_quest
          gosub CheckForWorldSave
          gosub antiBlock
          wait 5
          set %rx 202 + #contposx
          set %ry 236 + #contposy
          savepix %rx %ry 1
          if #pixcol = 8710077
            set %c_x 132 + #contposx
            set %c_y 402 + #contposy
            click %c_x %c_y
            goto main_loop
        sub toggle_quest_item
          gosub CheckForWorldSave
          wait 5
          if europa in #shard
            set %x #clixres / 2
            set %y #cliyres / 2
            set %absx #clileft + %x
            set %absy #clitop + %y - 60
            click %absx %absy mc
            wait 1s
            set %x 100 + #contposx
            set %y 110 + #contposy
            click %x %y
            exevent popup #charid 6
            target 1s
            finditem LNK C_ , #backpackid
            set #ltargetid #findid
            set #ltargetkind 1
            event macro 22 0
            wait 20
            set #targcurs 0
            finditem #ltargetid C_ , #backpackid
            event property #findid
            if quest notin #property 2
              set #targcurs 0
              goto toggle_loop
        sub complete_quest
          gosub CheckForWorldSave
          gosub antiBlock
          set #lobjectid %npc
          event macro 17 0
          wait 5
          while #contsize <> 507_436
            event macro 17 0
            wait 1s
          set %x #contposx + 132
          set %y #contposy + 402
          click %x %y
          event exmsg #charid 3 30 Quest completata!
          wait 1s
          if europa in #shard
            set %x #contposx + 132
            set %y #contposy + 402
            click %x %y
            wait 1s
        sub premio
          gosub CheckForWorldSave
          gosub antiBlock
          wait 5
          finditem ZJF C_ , #backpackid
          if #findkind <> -1
            set %a_pack #findid
            set #lobjectid %a_pack
            event macro 17 0
            wait 1s
            while #contsize <> 230_204
              event macro 17 0
              wait 1s
            finditem * C_ , %a_pack
            for %i 0 #findcnt
              set #findindex %i
              event property #findid
              if Oak in #property || Yew in #property || Ash in #property || Heartwood in #property || Blight in #property || Silvani's in #property || Faerie in #property || Mischief in #property || Reaper in #property
                exevent drag #findid 1
                wait 10
                exevent dropc #backpackid
                wait 10
                ;if Oak notin #property
                ;  gosub insure #findid
            finditem EWR_DWR_FWR_GWR C_ , %a_pack
            if #findkind <> -1
              gosub valutaTalismano #findid
            if #result = -1
                exevent drag #findid 1
                wait 10
                exevent dropc #backpackid
                wait 10
             finditem JKF G_2
             set %trashcan #findid
               finditem ZJF C_ , #backpackid
               if #findkind <> -1
                 exevent drag %a_pack 1
                 wait 10
                 exevent dropc %trashcan
                 wait 10
                 goto butta_loop
        sub insure
          gosub CheckForWorldSave
          set %target %1
          exevent popup #charid 3
          target 2s
          set #ltargetid %target
          set #ltargetkind 1
          event macro 22 0
          key esc
          if #targcurs = 1
            set #targcurs 0
        sub trovaQuester
          finditem HS_IS_XU
          event property #findid
          if Bowcrafter in #property
            set %npc #findid
            ignoreitem #findid
            goto trova_npc
        sub restock
          gosub CheckForWorldSave
          ;if first_time notin %1 2
          ;  gosub esciDagliElfi
          ;  gosub clickRunebookLocation %libro_banca %numero_runa_banca m #true
          gosub prendiRoba
          gosub clickRunebookLocation %libro_elfi %numero_runa_elfi %recallMethod #true
          gosub entraDagliElfi
        sub prendiRoba
          gosub CheckForWorldSave
          wait 2s
          msg $
          msg bank $
          wait 2s
          finditem UFG C_ , #backpackid
          for %i 0 #findcnt
            set #findindex %i
            exevent drag #findid 1
            wait 10
            exevent dropc #contid
            wait 10
          set %wmod 0
          finditem #charid
          if #findtype in IS_HS
            set %wmod 50
          finditem  LNK C_ , #contid
          if #findkind = -1
            ;chooseskill Bowc
            ;if #skill < 200 2
              display ok Sei a corto di bolts, lo script si è fermato.
            ;  gosub craftaBolts
          set %q ( ( #maxweight - #weight + %wmod ) * 10 )
          exevent drag #findid %q
          wait 10
          exevent dropc #backpackid
          wait 10
        sub esciDagliElfi
        set #lpc 200
        wait 1s
          for %i 1 6
            gosub CheckForWorldSave
            set %x %Bxpos . %i
            set %y %Bypos . %i
            event pathfind %x %y
            while #charposx <> %x || #charposy <> %y
              wait 1
        set #lpc 20
        sub entraDagliElfi
        set #lpc 200
        wait 1s
          for %i 1 5
            gosub CheckForWorldSave
            set %x %Expos . %i
            set %y %Eypos . %i
            event pathfind %x %y
            wait 3s
          if europa in #shard
            event pathfind %Expos6 %Eypos6
            wait 3s
            event pathfind 7050 380
        set #lpc 20
        sub controllaRisorse
          finditem LNK C_ , #backpackid
          set %tot 0
          for %y 1 #findcnt
            set #findindex %y
            set %tot %tot + #findstack
          if %tot < 20 || #findindex = -1
            if %first_time = #false
              gosub esciDagliElfi
            event sysmessage vado in banca
            gosub clickRunebookLocation %libro_banca %numero_runa_banca %recallMethod #true
            gosub restock %var
            if %first_time 2
              gosub clickRunebookLocation %libro_elfi %numero_runa_elfi %recallMethod #true
              gosub entraDagliElfi
        sub trovaRune
          finditem ZBN C_ , #backpackid
          for %i 1 #findcnt
            event sysmessage Scansione runebook , #spc , %i , #spc , in corso...
            set #findindex %i
            set #lobjectid #findid
            event macro 17 0
            wait 5
            while #contsize <> 452_236
              wait 7
              event macro 17 0
            for %_ 1 16
              contpos 0 50
              wait 5
              call kalocr getRuneName %_ 0 50
              if %1 = N/A
                display ok Non hai messo il file kalocr.txt nella cartella di EUOX.
              if bank in %1 || banca in %1 3
                set %libro_banca #findid
                set %numero_runa_banca %_
                event sysmessage Runa per banca trovata , #spc , %_
              if elfi in %1 || home in %1 3
                set %libro_elfi #findid
                set %numero_runa_elfi %_
                event sysmessage Runa per Heartwood trovata , #spc , %_
          if %libro_elfi = N/A || %libro_banca = N/A || %numero_runa_banca = N/A || %numero_runa_elfi = N/A 2
            display ok Non hai le rune necessarie per proseguire.
        sub acquisisciPosArrayPerElfi
          set %Expos1 535
          set %Eypos1 992
          set %Expos2 6994
          set %Eypos2 347
          set %Expos3 7011
          set %Eypos3 363
          set %Expos4 7028
          set %Eypos4 380
          set %Expos5 7039
          set %Eypos5 379
          if europa in #shard
            set %Expos6 7049
            set %Eypos6 379
        sub acquisisciPosArrayPerBanca
          set %Bxpos1 7024
          set %Bypos1 375
          set %Bxpos2 7014
          set %Bypos2 365
          set %Bxpos3 7004
          set %Bypos3 357
          set %Bxpos4 6994
          set %Bypos4 349
          set %Bxpos5 6989
          set %Bypos5 343
          set %Bxpos6 6984
          set %Bypos6 338

        ICQ 467-883-572

        VENDOR Emiya's Shop


        • #5
          2nd part
          ;Fail Override Option...
          ;#TRUE = Enable / #FALSE = Disable
          ;If you fizzle will continue to try until successful
          ;If your recall option becomes unavailable, will try new one based on skill and supplies
          ; Place this at the bottom of your script... or use it as a called sub.
          ; Script Name: subClickRunebookLocation
          ; Author: Tecmo, Bad_Maniac
          ; Version: 2.41
          ; Client Tested with: 4.0.11b
          ; EUO version tested with: 1.50 build 0057
          ; Shard OSI / FS: OSI & FS
          ; Revision Date: 2005-Oct-08
          ; Public Release: 2004-Nov-25
          ; Copyright: Tecmo, Bad_Maniac
          ;* @packageversion   2.41
          ;* @purpose   Click specified location in runebook (even when book gets moved)
          ;* @author   Tecmo, Bad_Maniac
          ;* @param   %1 BookID      req   #LobjectId of runebook you wish to use
          ;*      %2 RuneNumber      req   Rune in which to recall from (1 to 16) 1-8 Left, 9-16 Right
          ;*      %3 RecallMethod    req   Method of recalling; S = Scroll, M = Magery, C = Sacred Journey
          ;*      %4 Fail Override   req   #TRUE = Enable / #FALSE = Disable (Fizzle, location blocked, Method change if current unavailable
          ;*      %5 Default         opt   Recalls off the default rune via the selected method, %2 is ignored
          ;* @return      Returns the value True or False
          ;* @example    (inside script) gosub clickRunebookLocation [BookID] [RuneNumber] [RecallMethod] [FailOverride] [*default*]
          ;*       (outside calling) call subClickRuneBookLocation.txt [BookID] [RuneNumber] [RecallMethod] [FailOverride] [*default*]
          SUB clickRunebookLocation
            namespace PUSH
            NAMESPACE LOCAL ClickRunebook
            ;___________USER SETUP_________
            SET !_locationBlockLimit 12 ;Recall attempts on location block before recall fail
            SET !_fizzleLimit 12 ;Recall retrys using magery / scroll before recall fail
            ;___________END  SETUP_________
          	SET !_oldPos #CHARPOSX , #CHARPOSY , #CURSKIND ;Marks your current location
          	SET #RESULT ParamError
          	IF %0 < 4 || %0 > 5 ;If too many or too few parameters were passed
          		GOTO runebooklocation_end ;fail
          	IF #TRUE NOTIN %4 && #FALSE NOTIN %4 ;Fail Override On/Off Verifier
          		GOTO runebooklocation_end
          	FOR !i 0 %0
          	  SET ! . !i % . !i
          	SET #RESULT #TRUE
          	SET !_failed
          	SET !_fizzle 0
          	SET !_locationBlock 0
          	SET !_jStart #jIndex
          	SET !_fail null
          	SET !_oldTP #TP
          	FINDITEM !1 C_ , #BACKPACKID
          	IF #FINDKIND = -1
          	  SET #RESULT No_RuneBook
          	  GOTO runebooklocation_end
          	IF !0 = 5 && !5 = default ;Recall using Scroll on book default rune
          	  SET #LTARGETKIND 1
          	  IF !3 = S ;Recall using Scroll on book default rune
          		  IF #FINDKIND = -1
          			  SET !_fail Scroll
          			  GOTO _failOverride
          			EVENT macro 17 0
          		IF !3 = M ;Recall using Magery on book default rune
          		  EVENT macro 15 31
          		IF !3 = C ;Recall using Sacred Journey on book default rune
          		  EVENT macro 15 210
          		TARGET 5s
          		EVENT macro 22 0
          		GOTO _locationCheck
          	SET !_rune !2
          	EVENT macro 17 0
          	SET !runebooktimeout #SCNT2 + 30
          	IF #SCNT2 > !runebooktimeout
          	  GOTO _Recall
          	IF #CONTSIZE <> 452_236 && generic_gump NOTIN #CONTNAME
          	  GOTO _runeBookWait
          	IF !3 = S  ;Recall using Recall Scrolls
          	  IF !2 <= 8
          		  SET !_rX 135
          		  SET !_rY 55 + ( !_rune * 15 )
          		IF !2 > 8
          		  SET !_rX 295
          		  SET !_rY -65 + ( !_rune * 15 )
          		SET !_clickX #contPosX + !_rX
          		SET !_clickY #contPosY + !_rY
          		CLICK !_clickX !_clickY
          		GOTO _locationCheck
          	; Recall using Magery or Chivalry (opens the book and then turns to the page)
          	IF !3 = M || !3 = C
              wait 3s
          		; Determining the click offsets and opening to the correct page
          	  SET !_pageY #CONTPOSY + 195
          	  SET !_pageX #CONTPOSX + ( ( !2 - 1 ) / 2 ) * 35 + 140
          	  IF !2 > 8
          		  SET !_pageX !_pageX + 30
             	CLICK !_pageX !_pageY ;Click desired page
          		; Determing the click offsets and clicking the gem
          		SET !_odd 1_3_5_7_9_11_13_15 ;Odd rune numbers
          		SET !_even 2_4_6_8_10_12_14_16 ;Even rune numbers
          		IF !3 = M ;Magery
          		  SET !_rY #CONTPOSY + 145
          		IF !3 = C ;Chivalry
          		  SET !_rY #CONTPOSY + 180
          		IF !2 IN !_even
          		  SET !_rX #CONTPOSX + 300
          		IF !2 IN !_odd
          		  SET !_rX #CONTPOSX + 140
          		CLICK !_rX !_rY ;click selected rune with chosen recall option
            SET !_jEnd !_jStart + 8
          	SET !_timeout #SCNT2 + 60
          	FOR !i 1 1
          	  IF !_oldPos = #CHARPOSX , #CHARPOSY , #CURSKIND && #SCNT2 < !_timeout
                FOR !_jIndex !_jStart #JINDEX
                  WAIT 1
                  SCANJOURNAL 1
          		    IF reagents IN #JOURNAL
          			    SET !_fail Reagents
            			IF there_are_no_charges_ IN #JOURNAL && !3 = S
          				  SET !_fail NoCharges
          			  IF fizzles IN #JOURNAL
          				  SET !_fail Fizzles
          			  IF something_is_blocking_ IN #JOURNAL || that_location_is_blocked IN #JOURNAL
          				  SET !_fail LocationBlock
          			  IF this_spell_has_been IN #JOURNAL
          				  SET !_fail TithingPoints
          			  IF !_fail <> null
          				  GOTO _failOverride
          			  IF you_have_not_yet IN #JOURNAL
          				  GOTO _recall
          			  SET !i 0
          			  SET !_jStart !_jStart + 1
          	IF !3 = C && #TP = !_oldTP && !_fail <> LocationBlock
          		SET !_fail TithingPoints
          	IF !_fail IN Sroll_NoCharges_Reagents_Fizzles_TithingPoints_LocationBlock && !4 = #TRUE
              IF !_fail NOTIN !_failed
              	 SET !_failed !_failed , _ , !_fail
          		IF Fizzles = !_fail
          			 IF !_fizzle >= !_fizzleLimit
          			 	 SET #RESULT You_fizzled_ , !_fizzle , _ , times
          				 GOTO runebooklocation_end
          		   SET !_fizzle !_fizzle + 1
          		   GOTO _recall
          		SET !_fail null
          		IF LocationBlock IN !_failed
          			IF !_locationBlock >= !_locationBlockLimit
          				SET #RESULT location_blocked
          				GOTO runebooklocation_end
          			SET !_locationBlock !_locationBlock + 1
          			WAIT 2s
              	GOTO _recall
          		IF TithingPoints NOTIN !_failed
          			IF #SKILL >= 15 && #TP >= 15 && #MANA >= 10
                	SET !3 C
          			  GOTO _recall
          		IF Scroll NOTIN !_failed && !5 = DEFUALT || NoCharges NOTIN !_failed
          			SET !3 S
          			GOTO _recall
          		IF Reagents NOTIN !_failed
          			IF #SKILL >= 15 && #MANA >= 11
          			  SET !3 M
          			  GOTO _recall
          	IF !_oldPos = #CHARPOSX , #CHARPOSY , #CURSKIND
          		SET #RESULT !_failed
          	IF !4 = #FALSE && !_fail <> null
          		SET #RESULT !_fail
          	NAMESPACE POP
          	RETURN #RESULT
          ;End of subClickRuneBookLocation
          ;* @name CheckForWorldSave
          ;* @ver 1.0 20May05
          ;* @author  Boydon
          ;* @purpose To detect world saves and resources cleaning of RunUO Shards
          ;* @params
          ;* @returns
          ;* @notes the sub keep track of the last scanned journal line using
          ;*					the variable %Saveindex: every time the sub is called the script will
          ;*					start to scan from that line.
          ;* @dependencies sub WaitForSaveEnd
          ;* @example gosub CheckForWorldSave
          ;* @status Tested and working fine
          sub CheckForWorldSave
          	if %SaveIndex = N/A
          		set %SaveIndex #jindex
          	set !Save #false
          	set !Jstart %SaveIndex
          	for !i !Jstart #jindex
          		scanjournal !i
          		if #jcolor = 53
          			if THE_WORLD_WILL_SAVE_IN in #journal || WORLD_IS_SAVING in #journal
          				set !Save #true
          				Event ExMsg #charid 3 33 SAVE Detected
          				wait 40s
          				set %SaveIndex #jindex
          				set !i #jindex
          			if CLEANING in #journal
          				set !Save #true
          				Event ExMsg #charid 3 33 CLEANING Detected
          				;gosub WaitForSaveEnd CLEANED %CleaningTimeout !i CLEANING
          				wait 25s
          				set %SaveIndex #jindex
          				set !i #jindex
          		set %SaveIndex !i
          	nameSpace Clear
          	nameSpace Pop

          ICQ 467-883-572

          VENDOR Emiya's Shop


          • #6
            3rd part
            sub valutaTalismano
            set %talismano %1
            finditem %talismano
            event property #findid
            ;display ok #property
            if bonus in #property
              str count #property $
              set %righe #strres - 1
              set %left 0
              set %somma 0
              for %i 0 %righe
                str pos #property $ %i
                set %left #strres
                set %j %i + 1
                str pos #property $ %j
                set %right #strres - %left
                str mid #property %left %right
                set %riga . %i #strres
                if bonus in %riga . %i
                  set %stringa %riga . %i
                  str pos %stringa :
                  set %left #strres + 1
                  str pos %stringa %
                  set %right #strres - %left
                  str mid %stringa %left %right
                  set %valore #strres
                  set %somma %somma + %valore
                  ;event sysmessage %valore
              if %somma > %talismani || slayer in #property || Yamandon , #spc , Killer: , #spc , +9 in #property
                return #true
                return #false
              ;display ok La somma dei valori è , #spc , %somma
            return #false
            sub craftaBolts
            set %legna TLK
            set %piume VLK
            msg $
            msg bank $
            wait 10
            set %bank #contid
            finditem %legna C_ , %bank
            if #findkind = -1 2
              display ok Legna finita.
            set %suml 0
            for %_i 0 #findcnt
              set #findindex %_i
              set %suml %suml + #findstack
            finditem %piume C_ , %bank
            if #findkind = -1 2
              display ok Piume finite.
            set %sump 0
            for %_i 0 #findcnt
              set #findindex %_i
              set %sump %sump + #findstack
            if %suml < %sump
              set %sum %suml
              set %sum %sump
            if %sum > 5000
              set %sum 5000
            set %q ( #maxweight - #weight - 30 )
            set %_1 ( %sum / %q )
            set %_0 0
            if %_1 > 20
              set %_1 20
            for %_0 1 %_1
              finditem %legna C_ , %bank
              if #findkind = -1 2
                display ok Legna finita.
              set %q ( #maxweight - #weight - 30 )
              exevent drag #findid %q
              wait 8
              exevent dropc #backpackid
              wait 8
              exevent dropc #backpackid
              finditem %piume C_ , %bank
              if #findkind = -1 2
                display ok Piume finite.
              exevent drag #findid %q
              wait 8
              exevent dropc #backpackid
              wait 8
              exevent dropc #backpackid
              finditem UFG C_ , #backpackid
              if #findkind = -1
                finditem UFG C_ , %bank
                event property #findid
                if #findkind = -1
                  display ok Fletching tools finiti.
                  if runic notin #property
                    exevent drag #findid 1
                    wait 8
                    exevent dropc #backpackid
                    wait 8
                    goto continue_crafting
                    ignoreitem #findid
                    goto cerca_tool
              set #lobjectid #findid
              event macro 17 0
              wait 10
              set %x #contposx + 30
              set %y #contposy + 90
              click %x %y
              wait 10
              set %x #contposx + 234
              set %y #contposy + 90
              click %x %y
              wait 50
              set %x #contposx + 30
              set %y #contposy + 110
              click %x %y
              wait 10
              set %x #contposx + 230
              set %y #contposy + 90
              click %x %y
              wait 50
              finditem LNK C_ , #backpackid
              if #findkind <> -1
                exevent drag #findid #findstack
                wait 8
                exevent dropc %bank
                wait 8
                exevent dropc #backpackid
                display ok Bolts finiti.
              wait 10
              exevent dropc #backpackid
            sub antiBlock
              set %rx 321 + #contposx
              set %ry 403 + #contposy
              savepix %rx %ry 2
              if #pixcol = 4866626 || #contsize = 348_262
                set %rx 350 + #contposx
                set %ry 400 + #contposy
                click %rx %ry
                wait 10
                event macro 8 1
                wait 10
                set %rx 216 + #contposx
                set %ry 133 + #contposy
                click %rx %ry
                wait 10
                set %rx 380 + #contposx
                set %ry 150 + #contposy
                click %rx %ry
                wait 10
                set %rx 130 + #contposx
                set %ry 400 + #contposy
                click %rx %ry
                wait 10
                set %rx 300 + #contposx
                set %ry 230 + #contposy
                click %rx %ry
                wait 10

            ICQ 467-883-572

            VENDOR Emiya's Shop


            • #7
              Thanks guys!

              I'm happy to see responses in the end


              sooo, I followed instructions within the script, marked two runes (bank and elfi) and put them in runebook and it doesn't work, EasyUO keeps spamming "non hai le rune necessarie per proseguire" which is that I don't Have runes but I have them, you guys saw similar problem before? any thoughts?
              Ultima modifica di nightaris; 02-01-2014, 20:27.


              Sto operando...