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Casting Energy Vortex from House

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  • Casting Energy Vortex from House

    I find it very upsetting that people are creating houses in Tokuno around spawn points (mainly ronins) and macroing casting energy vortex. The energy vortex goes outside and goes around and kills enemies and then the macroer (who is not even there) collects artifacts. This seems like cheating to me. Could you make it so that you can't cast energy vortex or other spells to the outside of your house while inside of your house? These people who are doing this are really ruining Tokuno for those of us who actually work for our artifacts.



  • #2
    there are many points where it's impossible to place houses. u can kill monsters in those zones without any ballbreakers :P
    Vash U'Sgrav [LorD] - Labora et Basta [KP] on UODreams
    ICQ: 150088146

    MSN: iociriprovo chiocciola

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    • #3
      i agree but, u know, we are osi style
      anything you can do on osi you can do here too
      i'm sorry


      • #4
        There are a lot of macroers at Tokuno Champ too...since macroing is not prohibited in this shard (if that doesn't cause great difficulty to other gamers) there is small or nothing we can do against these astute people. If you want do as they do, otherwise just ignore them. Besides, there are artifacts for everyone (no one can steal yours).

        Mi scuso per eventuali errori di inglese...secondo non dovrei aver commesso alcun errore:

        Ci sono macroers molto al champ di Tokuno ugualmente... dal macroing non sono proibiti in questo shard (se quello non causa la difficoltà grande ad altri gamers) là sono piccoli o niente che possiamo fare contro questa gente astuta. Se desiderate faccia come, altrimenti per ignorarlo appena. Inoltre, ci sono manufatti per tutto (nessuno possono rubare il vostro).

        Per Tjlion: se ti beccano su OSI che macri senza essere presente ti ritrovi con una testa di cavallo nel letto (almeno, sul sito promettono pene severe, poi non so).


        • #5
          This shard is like OSI except for one major difference: Macroing is allowed.

          I was under the impression that macroing could (should?) be used for stat or skill gain. I find that macroing casting energy vortex from your house in order to get artifacts steps over the line. These people are gaining wealth without even playing the game. I think that this takes away from those of us who actually play the game (fight for our artifacts).


          • #6
            However i hope uodreams will be a no-macro shard.
            now almost wins who has the best scripts for each skill


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