
Ancora nessun annuncio.

Other translated pages

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  • Other translated pages

    I'm sure that every foreign players would apreciate if there were other translated pages, like the News page. I don't know if this is a problem, or something, but I only see the news page in english, the others I can't, even if i click the english flag.
    If possible, translate the other pages, it would make us to know the game better here in UOD.


    PS.: if this is a problem in my web browser, please, tell me how can i fix it.

  • #2
    It's not a problem... not all the pages were translated. I think you have to wait (not much I hope)



    • #3
      if you need anything translated from italian to english or from english to italian, just let me know, i will do it for ya

      my icq number: 121800801

      Mithrandir von Eilif

      My icq number: 121800801


      • #4
        news are already translated into english...


        • #5
          I know Gwineth, but i'm saying that the OTHER pages aren't, and it would be very nice if they were, but only if it is possible.

          And Mith84, thanks i'd like to see the virtues page translated, because I don't know what they really are, yet.


          • #6
            Originally posted by ClouD
            virtues page translated, because I don't know what they really are, yet.
            There, at the bottom of the left column - list of virtues, read yourself


            • #7
              as you asked, here it is! (sorry for the lenght)

              The paperdoll allows any player to check for the gains in any virtues. In order to do so,
              just double click on the virtues symbol in your paperdoll, just above your player figure.

              An interface will appear, showing your gains: Eight sections, one for every virtues, all
              marked with the virtue symbol.

              If you have no gain in a virtue, his symbol will appear gray. The virtues names will appear
              on the center of the menu if you move your cursor over the relative symbol:

              Humility: a shepherd crook
              Sacrifice: a tear
              Honor: a calice
              Compassion: a heart
              Valor: a sword
              Honesty: an open hand
              Spirituality: a ankh
              Justice: a balance

              When you make your first step in a virtue, the relative symbol will turn his color to
              light gray.
              When you make your second step, the symbol will become pale:

              humility: black (pale gray)
              Sacrifice: orange (light orange)
              Honor: violet (light violet)
              Compassion: yellow (pale yellow)
              Valor: red (light red)
              Honesty: Blue (light blue)
              Spirituality: white (pale gray)
              Justice: green (light green)

              When you make your third step in a virtue, the symbol acquire his right color:

              Humility: black
              Sacrifice: orange
              Honor: violet
              Compassion: yellow
              Valor: red
              Honesty: blue
              Spirituality: white
              Justice: green

              Every step in a virtue grants some special abilities, that you can access through the symbols
              on the virtue menu. For example, double clicking the symbol of Sacrifice (the tear) will activate
              the relative ability.

              You can also see the title granted to your character by moving the cursor over the symbols:

              First step: Seeker of [name of virtue]
              Second step: Follower of [name of virtue]
              Third step: Knight of [name of virtue]

              If you reach the third step in all the virtues, your character will became "The Virtuous".

              On the virtues interface, there is also a status button.
              By clicking on it a list of the virtues will appear, where every virtue name has a button
              on his left.

              Clicking on this button will make appear:

              -A sequence of ten red circles in the upper part of the window. Every gain you take in
              the virtue will turn a red circle in a blue circle. When you turn them all to blue, you will
              advance to the next step.
              - The definition of the virtue
              - A description of the actual status of the virtue compared to the next step:

              # "You have not even started on the path of this Virtue."
              # "You have barely begun your journey through the path of this Virtue. "
              # "You have progressed in this Virtue, but still have much to do."
              # "Your journey through the path of this Virtue is going well."
              # "You feel very close to achieving your next goal in this Virtue."
              # "You have achieved a goal in this Virtue."

              As far as i know, only 4 virtues are active here in uod (i will translate only the interesting part
              of the following pages ):

              Sacrifice: In order to gain in this virtue, you must sacrifice a bit of your fame in a certain
              kind of monster (Lich, enslaved gargoyle, gargoyle enforcer, demon (regular) succubus, evil mage)

              You cannot use this skill on a monsters if:
              -he has lost 15% of his hit points
              -You don't have a clear line of sight
              -You'r hidden
              -You'r dead

              When you utilized the virtue on the monsters, he will disappear, and you will
              gain a certain level in sacrifice (the most fame you lost, the more virtue you gain)

              First step: Auto-resurrection once in a week
              Second step: Auto-resurrection twice in a week
              Third step: Auto-resurrection three times in a week

              When you auto-resurrect, you will be left with 1 hp and 1 mana point.
              Notice that you can't auto-resurrect if:
              you'r inside a multi-object (house, ship, etc.)
              you'r inside a faction house
              you'r flagged as criminal or aggressor

              Compassion: In order to gain in this virtue you must help the NPC prisoners or scorting the NPC's until destination.
              first step: Resurrection with 20% of your target hp
              second step: Resurrection with 40% of your target hp
              third step: Resurrection with 80% of your target hp

              Notice that you can't get more than 5 gain in a day.

              Justice: In order to gain in this virtue you must kill the red players (pk)
              With this virtue, you can "protect" a player that is killing a champion, and for
              doing that, you will probably receive the same scroll of power he will get.
              First step: 60% probability of receiving the scroll
              Second step: 80%
              Third step: 100%
              Notice that you can use this virtue only on felucca.

              Valor: In order to gain in this virtue you must fight against the creatures in the champion
              The reward to those who follow this virtue is the ability to activate a champion spawn.
              In normal circumstances the champions spawns cannot be activated by players, since
              their activation has a random timer. So, this ability will advantage the players that seek
              the scroll of powers.
              You can use this ability by double clicking the symbol on the virtue menu and then clicking
              on the champion idol over the altar. By doing so, you will lose valor points, and the champion
              spawn will be activated.
              Players with enough points of Valor may advance an active champion
              spawn one level closer to the summoning of its champion. More closer the spawn will be to the champion,
              more virtue point you will lose. Notice that you can do only once, and cannot retry until the champion is beaten
              and the altar begins summoning the first wave.
              Ultima modifica di Mith84; 17-10-2004, 04:57.
              Mithrandir von Eilif

              My icq number: 121800801


              • #8
                THANK YOU! Things are much clearer now , thanks again


                • #9
                  Valor is not yet active on uod though


                  • #10
                    You know what would be great? ENGLISH RULES PAGES!

                    Half of that stuff is still in Italian, how am I supposed to know what's legal or illegal when I can't even read it?


                    • #11
                      here i am again

                      i apologize for any error you can find: sadly it's late here and i'm not totally awake
                      if there is something that you don't get just let me know, i will correct/explain it.

                      ok, here you are: the rules

                      GENERAL RULES

                      All the users in Uod must follow these rules. If they dont, the uod account, and the right
                      to use ultima online may be put to an end immediately.

                      1) For the behaviour rules, on the forum and on the game, you must refer to Harassment, Quest
                      and GamesNet rules.

                      2) publicize, selling or promote anything that is not inherent to the game itself, is forbidden.
                      Any other form of luring users is also forbidden in uod, or thorugh the site of uod.

                      3) Using the ultima online dreams service or the site of uod for any activite that is not
                      related to the game is forbidden.

                      4) Trying to interfere or decipher any transmission to or from the servers of uod is forbidden.

                      5) Using Ultima online dreams scripts bugs is forbidden. If the player find a bug, he must
                      contact a staff member immediately, and must not tell it to any user that is not a staff

                      6) Using exploiter programs (such as gear) or publicize them is forbidden.

                      7) UOD follows the same rules of the contract of the Epyx S.p.A. In example, a rule of this
                      contract states that owning more than one account, or sharing one account that is not yours
                      is forbidden. If you own a lan, or if you allow more users through your connection, you should
                      contact the staff immediately through a page from the uod site, referring the situation and
                      the usernames involved.


                      In uod, our purpose is to build a strong community, that can offer a comfortable atmosphere
                      for all users. That means working in order to help the users to oppose to any antisocial behaviour.

                      Ultima online offers some methods, like "ignore players" and "obscenity filter":

                      - The "ignore players" options blocks in a definitive way all the spoken of the selected player
                      (to select a player, doubleclick "new" and target him. In order to stop ignoring someone, you
                      must select him on the list and push the "canc" button on your keyboard)

                      - The "obscenity filter" blocks specifics words (of every player); You can add words by clicking
                      on the option "Click to edit profanity list".

                      In order to access these methods, doubleclick on your player, and then select the menu "Options"
                      froum your paperdoll.

                      If this is not enough, you can also use a specific tool for reporting the harassment behaviour
                      you incurred to to the staff. Obviusly it has been created for helping the players to oppose to
                      any antisocial behaviour. Some may think that this is a fast way to avoid the queue on the pages,
                      and obviusly this drops the efficacy of the system. It's important that you use this system only
                      if you meet a real harassment.

                      Where to click for the harassment pages (img)

                      What is not an harassment?
                      Every valid kind of gameplay on uo is not harassment. In a few words, killing other players,
                      stealing, ress-killing are not considered harassment.
                      For valid we means that there are some game features based on these behaviour on felucca,
                      such as the stealing skills, the murders count, the guards, etc.
                      UO is a roleplay game that encourage every kind of interpretation, and the player must
                      find a way to protect them from these problems alone.
                      This do not include the murder on trammel.
                      Trammel has been created specifically to let the users play without being killed from other
                      players. Violeting this game feature is NOT considered a correct behaviour.

                      What is considered Harassment?
                      The harassment is an use and an abuse of a game feature with the intent of offending or
                      annoying other players.

                      What is a game feature? A game feature is every thing that allow a player to interact
                      with the world and with other players. I.E. the ability to block a door is a game feature.
                      The ability to create a macro with limitless words is a game feature.

                      The use of these things is not considered an harassment by themselves. In order to determine
                      when someone is abusing this game mechanics, you must also consider why this is happening.
                      What he's trying to do? Was he deliberately ruining the game to others?
                      Even if the single action can annoy, that is not considered harassment until the staff
                      didn't decide that it was intentionally done in order to annoy or offend other players.

                      The staff also consider harassment any continuously, inescapable behaviour, that is specifically
                      directed to a person or to a group.
                      This also include harass a person in order to annoy him, or in order to don't let something happen.

                      Needless to say, before considering the whole thing an harassment, you must make some serious
                      tryes in order to calm the things down, such as: Leaving the zone, letting the player alone or
                      simply asking him to stop.

                      If you've done turthful attempts to solve the thing without any luck, then we'r talking of an

                      We always consider harassment the following:
                      totalitariar or bad comments about sex, race, religion; we do not tolerate this kind of
                      harassment in any way, and every violation of this kind can have as a result the immediate suspension
                      of the account, even from the first offense.

                      What happens when i use the harassment page?
                      In order to consider an harassment, a GM must be on the scene. Since screenshots and journals
                      can be modified, we don't accept them as a clue.
                      So, when someone make an harassment page, a GM will make himself invisble, then he will reach
                      the scene and observe the events.

                      What happens after an harassment page?

                      Real harassment
                      The page is considered valid when the harassment can be demonstrated from the log or
                      from the GM witness. The staff himeself can decide what to do, considering the intensity
                      of the harassment.

                      Physical harassment
                      For physical harassment we mean every action, most than words, that can annoy players.
                      To consider them valid a GM MUST be on the scene.
                      If the page reach the staff when the harass is over, we have no way to know if the happening
                      can be punishable or not.

                      No traces of harassment
                      The staff decided that the harassment the player incurred to was not valid, or there are
                      no clues available, nor logs. In this case nothing happens to who has done the page or to who
                      has been reported.

                      Invalid harassment
                      Every harassment page that has the only purpose to attract the pager attention will be considered
                      not valid. We understand that can be normal, and every player can make the mistake once or
                      twice without any punishment. If the mistake continues, there is the possibility to alert
                      or to suspend the account of the user that is abusing of the harassment page.

                      Alternate harassment
                      Obviusly, every time the staff consider an harassment, they consider also the provocation
                      and instigation. Provoking a player, saying or doing things that violate the Behaviour rules
                      often results also with the judgement of the pagemaker for harassment.
                      This include every case where the players alternate offends.

                      What are the punishments?
                      We condemn every form of harassment on UO, and this kind of destructive behaviour will not
                      be tolerated in any way. To harass someone is a clear violation of the Behaviour rules and
                      the shard rules. The punishment can be the immediate termination of the account, depending
                      on the harassment.

                      How do i make an harassment page?
                      In order to make an harassment page, open you parperdoll, and then click on the "help" button.
                      On the next interface, you will find a description of what is an harassment (in italian).
                      If you want to proceed, click on the arrow on the left of the text, and then give a brief
                      description of the happening; don't forget to write the name of the character that you are reporting
                      If you make a mistake and want to cancel the page, you can click on "No, il mio caso non rientra in questa

                      Quest Rules

                      1) The quest announcement will be posted on the forum "Adventures & Legends". Sometimes they will
                      be also on the general forum.

                      2) Anyone who will disturb in any way during the developement of an event or a quest will
                      be jailed from 1 to 25 days, according to the GM that is leading the event or quest.
                      I.E. spamming during an event or a quest, hiding the specific npc or quester, killing or looting
                      other players if not espressively requested.

                      3) Any behaviour that is punished from the behaviour rules will not be tolerated.

                      "Page&Forum rules" and "Rules about generic blocking items" are already transalted, and there
                      is no need to repeat them here (i will write the links anyway)



                      hope this helps.
                      Ultima modifica di Mith84; 06-11-2004, 14:59.
                      Mithrandir von Eilif

                      My icq number: 121800801


                      Sto operando...